Shine A Light

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 25:48:17
  • More information



We are shining a light on real people dealing with real challenges, like mental health struggles, eating disorders, infertility, health scares. We are getting real about topics like marriage, finance, and parenting. And we are highlighting some amazing organizations, and sharing the work they are doing and the people they serve!


  • Robin Shines A Light On Self Care and Wellness

    26/09/2019 Duration: 55min

    Robin has a passion for self care and wellness, and she is thrilled to share her passion with all of you! Robin grew up in Detroit and learned about healthy eating and exercise from her aunt. But she still struggled with body image and negative self talk. After college, Robin really began to embrace wellness in a whole new way. She has tried many different activities, from singing to meditation, and she has a lot of really great tips for everyone listening. You can follow Robin on Instagram at Balance_Care

  • Preston Shines A Light on Addiction and Recovery

    18/09/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    Preston has been sober for 18 years. He battled with a drug and alcohol addiction for most of his teenage years. On this episode, Preston talks to me about his addiction, how he finally realized that he had a problem, and how he got help. Plus, learn how Preston has started to help other people who have addiction and mental health issues. Preston also talks about why he chooses to share his story. This is a jam packed episode full of great information and honest conversation.  Check out Preston's podcast right here on Anchor- The High Cost of Anonymity. 

  • Kjerstin Shines A Light on the Loss of A Child

    11/09/2019 Duration: 58min

    The death and loss of a child is frequently called the ultimate tragedy. Kjerstin and her husband lost their son Charlie when he was just 23 months old. On this episode, Kjerstin opens up to me about her grief, about how the loss of Charlie impacted their older son, and could potentially impact their daughter, whom Kjerstin was pregnant with at the time Charlie passed away. She also shares how people in her life supported her, and, how she and her family have begun helping other bereaved families. The full episode is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Anchor. Check out the work Kjerstin is doing here:

  • Aubrie Shines A Light on Being a Young Stroke Survivor

    04/09/2019 Duration: 51min

    Aubrie is a wife, a mother, a teacher, and a photographer.  She's also the survivor of stroke. It's not very common for someone in their late twenties to suffer a stroke. In fact, only 10% of the US population will suffer a stroke under the age of 45. Aubrie is in the 10%. She shares her experience of having a stroke and all that came with it afterwards- including the loneliness that can occur as you struggle to find a community of people who get it.  Aubrie is happily sharing an update that since recording this episode, her headaches have seen great improvement! 

  • Kari Shines A Light on Teenager's Use of Social Media, Bullying, and so much more!

    28/08/2019 Duration: 55min

    Kari  is the Assistant Principal at a high school. She's also a mom of two teenage boys and a fitness instructor. Kari talks to me about social media, bullying, e-cigarettes, and many more issues that are prevalent in high school today. She also shares how all of this impacts the way she parents, AND how she balances all of it! Full episode is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts.

  • Lindsey Shines A Light on Being an Advocate for Breast Cancer Awareness

    21/08/2019 Duration: 37min

    Lindsey Robinson got involved in a breast cancer walk over 5 years ago. Over time, her involvement evolved from being a walk participant to helping plan the walk. The cause became even more important to her when her grandma was diagnosed with breast cancer. Lindsey talks to me about how she got involved, why it's important to take action on a cause you care about. We also talked wellness, hospice, and lots of other topics!  If you're local to Michigan, Lindsey wants you to join her at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in Mt. Clemens on October 26th. If you're not local, there is likely a walk near you! Check for dates.

  • Reena Shines A Light on Autism

    14/08/2019 Duration: 01h01min

    Reena is the owner and director of the Spark Center for Autism, which provides services for children ages 18 months- 10 years old who have been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. On this episode, Reena helps define autism, talks through common misconceptions, and provides insight on how to support individuals with autism, as well as the caregivers/family members.  She also talks through advocacy, and how vital is to ensure we are providing adequate services to those who have been diagnosed with autism. Reena recommends checking out the Autism Alliance of Michigan, the book Let Me Hear Your Voice, and Ron Sandison, an author and public speaker. To learn more about the Spark Center for Autism, check out their website:

  • Riley Shines A Light on Blindness and Accessibility for Gamers

    07/08/2019 Duration: 45min

    Riley was born with light perception blindness. When she was in high school, her brothers tricked her into playing a video game (Mortal Combat) and even though she couldn't see, she was determined to beat them. Years later, Riley's interest in gaming peaked when she got an IPhone.  Soon after, she became an advocate for people with disabilities to be able to play games just as those without disabilities are able to. Riley is on a mission to educate game developers and the general public about this topic. I learned so much from talking to Riley and I know that you will, too! Riley is on Twitter at @Accessibility4Gamers and has a podcast called The A4G Podcast.

  • Julian Shines A Light on Foster Care

    31/07/2019 Duration: 48min

    Julian Goodson and his wife have fostered 18 kids in 7 years. Julian has built his life around helping teengers who need mentors. He talked to me about what foster care is, what happens when kids "age out", the goals of foster care, and how his family has evolved over the years. He also talks about what it takes to be a foster parent, and how they can be supported by their family and friends. I learned SO much from talking to Julian and I know that you will, too. Check out Julian's book, Thoughts of a Foster Dad to learn even more. You can find the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts.

  • Jason Shines A Light On Homophobia

    24/07/2019 Duration: 52min

    Jason grew up in a small town in Georgia. When his classmates found out that Jason was gay, he was bullied. On this episode, he shares what he went through, and how he overcame that. He also talks about his faith, and opens up about another recent incident with homophobia. He also tells listeners how straight allies can support the LGBTQ community. And, because we're both lovers of music, we may have gone on a tangent about some of our favorite artists/concerts. Sorry about that, but I kept it in because Jason finds music to be very healing and a big part of his story!  You can follow Jason on Twitter at @jas0nbrown and Instagram at @jasonnbrown . 

  • Minnelle Shines A Light On Being A Content Creator

    17/07/2019 Duration: 42min

    Content Creator. Social Media Influencer. These are two of the most up and coming professions. And yes, they are a "real job" and they take hard work, time, and dedication. I don't know that we could have predicted that posting photos and captions on Instagram could be something you could make money off of, but in 2019, it's incredibly common. Oh, and it's also NOT easy. It may look glamorous but there is a lot that goes into the photo, the caption, responding to comments and gaining followers. Minnelle Kouka and I met in high school, and once she graduated from college here in Michigan, she was off to California! I started to notice her Instagram posts and their popularity a couple of years ago. When she was in town recently to visit family, Minnelle sat down with me to chat about her life as a content creator, how she balances it with a full time job, and what goals she has for the future. We're looking at you, CHANEL. There are a couple of audio issues here and there in this episode because we recorded nea

  • Gracie Shines A Light on Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

    10/07/2019 Duration: 56min

    Gracie was fresh out of college when she moved from Michigan, where she had lived her entire life, to Nashville Tennessee. She shares how she got the courage to make a big move, the steps she took logistically, and how she has gone after her goals since moving. If you're looking to be inspired on how to push past fear and live the life you want to live, this is the episode for you!  Gracie has a slew of recommendations for you, so listen carefully! Also, she has a goal to release her own EP, including a very special song she wrote called "Matter of When". 

  • Sara Shines A Light on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

    03/07/2019 Duration: 01h46s

    How often have you heard someone flippantly say “I’m so OCD about that!”. I know I hear it at least once a week. But here’s the thing. Obsessive compulsive disorder is a real, debilitating mental illness that is so much more than wiping down door handles. My sister in law Sara is one of the 2.3% of the population who had obsessive compulsive disorder. She sat down with me to talk about defining OCD, sharing her own experiences and breaking stigma. Sara recommends finding a therapist that works for you! Don't be afraid to shop around. She also recommends listening to Lizzo. 

  • Maureen Shines A Light on Infertility

    26/06/2019 Duration: 52min

    One in eight couples struggle with infertility, according to the CDC.  And yet, it is still one of those topics that we don't often talk about. Instead, we ask women and couples when they are going to have children, not knowing that they may be dealing with infertility. On this episode, Maureen shares her story with infertility.  Maureen and her husband Dave always imagined they would be a family of five and had not heard that infertility could be a challenge they faced. She takes us on her journey of using different treatment options, and how that can drain you emotionally, financially, and physically.  Maureen and Dave now have two beautiful children, Ryan and Cara, but the journey was not easy and Maureen is here to share her story for other women and couples who may be facing the same challenge.

  • Julia and Bryce Shine A Light on Life As A Teenage Girl in 2019

    19/06/2019 Duration: 58min

    I was so excited to sit down with Julia and Bryce to talk about what life is like as a teenger in 2019. Although I had not met these ladies before, they were brave enough to share their struggles, their frustrations, and their fears with me.  We talk about social media, the pressure that society puts on teenagers (and that they put on themselves),  body image, and a whole slew of other topics.   I mention this in the beginning, but I wanted to say that I did not push the girls too hard since it was my very first time meeting them. I was quite impressed with these two and I think that you will be as well.  I'd love to have more conversations with teenagers, so if you're interested in being on the podcast please fill out this form:

  • Jill and Kate Shine A Light on Fear

    12/06/2019 Duration: 50min

    Singer/Songwriter duo Jill and Kate met while taking a music class in college, and then went on to sing backup vocals for Kelly Clarkson for six years. Eventually, the two decided to focus on their own career. Jill and Kate have written and released their own music, in addition to blogging and starting their own podcast Girls Just Pod To Have Fun. In this episode, Jill and Kate talk openly about fear, anxiety, and the importance of connecting with other people and sharing stories. This is such a good episode, Jill and Kate have amazing insight. You can find Jill and Kate on Instagram and you can follow their podcast at @GirlsJustPodToHaveFun . Trust me, you will LOVE their podcast! It's all about how life doesn't always go the way you plan it. I also created a playlist that I call "Essential Jill and Kate" if you want to check out some of their music:…/mcaro05/…/1gvEOj4U0OJXUrSTVIigW8…

  • Bre Shines A Light on Choosing To Be A Stay At Home Mom

    05/06/2019 Duration: 56min

    I sat down with my friend Bre to talk about her decision to stay home after her son was born. We talk through misconceptions people have about stay at home moms, how to find your mom tribe, and how Bre has continued to find things to do that fuel her passion.  Bre has some really great advice for women/couples who are making this decision, and she shares great insight on how to handle judgement and doubt and to do what is best for YOU. Bre recommends: Honey: A Space For Moms for those who are local to Metro Detroit.   Born To Eat Book Feeding Littles E-Course Working Moms on Netflix You can find Bre on Instagram at @feedingmylittlefoodie , where she shares the healthy recipes that she makes for her 1 year old. 

  • Jon Shines A Light on Bullying and The Importance of Mentors

    29/05/2019 Duration: 38min

    Jon Carolin is not only my brother, but he's the first male guest to be on Shine A Light! I was so happy to sit down with him.  Jon shares his own personal experiences with bullying, and how he followed the path to become a social worker.  He shares how important it is for young people to have a mentor. Jon worked for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Indianapolis for several years before moving back home to Detroit, where he began working for The Children's Center. On the side, Jon is also part of the 313 Ghostbusters, whose purpose is to give back to the community by attending charity events/walks.  If you'd like to become a mentor through Big Brothers Big Sisters, you can visit: Learn more about The Children's Center here: Check out the 313 Ghostbusters on Facebook or Instagram @313Ghostbusters Jon also recommends the documentaries Reject  and Bully http://www.thebullypro

  • Sam Shines A Light on Postpartum Depression/Anxiety

    22/05/2019 Duration: 01h01min

    According to, 1 in 9 mothers suffer from postpartum depression. And yet, we don't talk about it enough.  In Sam's case, she struggled with severe anxiety and depression after having her daughter. In this interview, Sam opens up about dealing with postpartum depression and an increase in anxiety. She shares her lowest moments, as well as what has helped her make it through. It took Sam some time to realize that she needed to care for herself, which I think is a very common thing.  Sam wants to tell you: Make yourself a priority! If you are struggling with postpartum depression. please reach out to your doctor. You can also text a free helpline 24/7: Text CONNECT to 741741 in the United States. If you're in the Metro Detroit area, Sam recommends Honey for Moms! PS: You can now leave me voicemails! If you have any comments. questions or suggestions you can leave me a voice message here:

  • Kristen Shines A Light on Kidney Disease and Kidney Transplants

    15/05/2019 Duration: 57min

    My friend Kristen was diagnosed with kidney disease as a baby. In this episode, she shares her experience, with a focus on her kidney transplant. Kristen's donor? Her husband! Truly this is a topic I didn't know much about, and I think it's important that we share health struggles. Thank you Kristen for sharing!

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