Shine A Light

Sam Shines A Light on Postpartum Depression/Anxiety



According to, 1 in 9 mothers suffer from postpartum depression. And yet, we don't talk about it enough.  In Sam's case, she struggled with severe anxiety and depression after having her daughter. In this interview, Sam opens up about dealing with postpartum depression and an increase in anxiety. She shares her lowest moments, as well as what has helped her make it through. It took Sam some time to realize that she needed to care for herself, which I think is a very common thing.  Sam wants to tell you: Make yourself a priority! If you are struggling with postpartum depression. please reach out to your doctor. You can also text a free helpline 24/7: Text CONNECT to 741741 in the United States. If you're in the Metro Detroit area, Sam recommends Honey for Moms! PS: You can now leave me voicemails! If you have any comments. questions or suggestions you can leave me a voice message here: