Running: A Fever



My journey from a sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle to a physically fit lifestyle through running.


  • RAF357: Arkansas' High Point

    15/05/2024 Duration: 26min

    Today it is a beautiful day at Mount Magazine State Park, where I am spending my vacation. I'll have some extra pictures this time. They'll be on the website at in the blog post of this episode. It's been a good trip so far. It's a really nice cabin. It's better than the ones I've stayed in in terms of amenities, not necessarily in terms of quaintness. But there is a bigger fridge (even in this one-bedroom cabin), dishwasher, clothes washer and dryer. And, of course, a beautiful view across the valley. Read the full post at  

  • RAF356: Shattering the Yo-Yo - Ease Into It

    24/04/2024 Duration: 05min

    Welcome to the 75th episode of our Shattering the Yoyo series, which looks back at episode 103 from December 12th, 2018. The original title of this episode is, Am I Too Healthy? Spoiler alert: the answer was no. But as I listened to it, I was so impressed by all the positivity along with details of the strategy I was using and some of my daily routine. Granted, I was jacked up on a bodybuilder's energy drink, but it is still inspiring. And it's easier to follow a plan when it's all laid out step-by-step, as I alluded to in the clip. Read the full post at Photo by Magda Ehlers:  

  • RAF355: Laughter is Healthy

    17/04/2024 Duration: 19min

    I'm at the Running: A FEVER world headquarters and about to head down to the Lake Fayetteville trail. It's cloudy, and I'm getting some drops, but do you know what? I've been wimpy about the weather for too long. I'm just going to go and fight through it. They say, 'Are you a man or a mouse?' It doesn't take a ton of courage to walk in the rain. I'm worried about my shoes that don't have a lot of mileage on them getting a little muddy or dirty, but you know what? If I use them enough, they will get that way anyway. Not that big a deal. Read the full Post at Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:  

  • RAF354: Extremes

    10/04/2024 Duration: 14min

    I'm warming up my lower extremities and stretching my back. My back is the part that gives me the most trouble when I'm walking. I don't expect to get much trouble from it today, but I'm already sore. And the cat has gone upside-down. Welcome to Running: A FEVER. It's a podcast about fitness, diet, and medicine. My goal is to live a long, healthy, happy, active life right up to the very end. And if that's your goal, you're in the right place. We can share information to help us do that. And I want to love my life enough to make it last as long as possible. Those two go hand-in-hand, I think. Most people would rather not have an unloved longer life. Read the full post at Photo by Eddie Wingertsahn  

  • RAF353: The Lombardi Rules

    03/04/2024 Duration: 12min

    I'm warming up, and Frankenstein (my cat) is very interested because she hasn't seen me do this indoors for a while. Warmups are important, and with as many injuries I've had, I take this seriously. Even on an indoor bike or stationary bike, I know I can get injured because I had an Achilles tendon injury. I've had three somewhat serious Achilles injuries. One was a complete rupture that didn't even happen during exercise. These are bad not just because of the pain and inconvenience but because they keep me away from exercise for long periods of time. Read the full post at Photo by Alexander Schimmeck

  • RAF352: A New Trail Coming

    27/03/2024 Duration: 18min

    It's a beautiful day at Lake Fayetteville. I got up at 0430 this morning, trying to get back into the routine that I've known and that has worked for me before. So, I don't know how far I'll get today, but regardless, it's a good step toward forming a new habit. Being able to get a workout in and get to work at an acceptable time. One of the reasons I do mornings is that it's a little easier at the gym to get things done. Plenty of people are there at 5 am, don't get me wrong. But there are less than usual. My gym has a packed parking lot. It was significantly less on Sunday. So maybe I'll try Sunday-Tuesday-Thursday in the gym instead of Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday. Read the full post at Image by Jason Goh  

  • RAF351: The Road Goes on Forever

    20/03/2024 Duration: 04min

    Welcome to the 73rd in our series about ending the phenomenon of yo-yo dieting and weight loss and weight gain. We're looking back at the banner year 2018 in hopes of gleaning some wisdom from our past success. The original title of this episode is "Running A FEVER 101". I decided to make an episode describing what the Running A FEVER podcast is all about. Read the full post at Photo by Michael Davis

  • RAF350: The Sound of my Voice

    13/03/2024 Duration: 04min

    Welcome to the 72nd in our series, Shattering the Yoyo. Episode 100 was a lot of fun to do. It's a real milestone for a podcaster. Years ago, I heard that the average podcast lasted about seven episodes. It is probably even less than that now. So, there's a sense of accomplishment that goes with sticking with it long enough to see this milestone. Of course, by now, I have over 350 episodes, and I have no intention of stopping. We've also been going for over six years now, and things have changed a lot. We lived through COVID and despite the effort put into this series I have been victim to the yo-yo effect, such that now I am near my all-time highest weight, and am trying to get started on the right path back to a healthy weight. Read the full post at Wide image by Thirdman:  

  • RAF349: New Experiences

    06/03/2024 Duration: 05min

    Welcome to Running: A FEVER. My name is Michael Davis, and this is a podcast about fitness, diet, and medicine. My goal is to live a long, healthy, happy, active life right up to the very end. I love my life enough to make it last as long as possible. If you feel the same way, you're in the right place. Back in the old days, I took one night and had a unique experience. I went to the demolition derby, which comes to my town every spring and fall. I had never experienced anything like it and haven't since. I haven't returned to another one for some reason, though it was a lot of fun. Read the full post at  

  • RAF348: Time Is Priceless

    21/02/2024 Duration: 20min

    It's a beautiful day at Lake Fayetteville. The car says 58 degrees. In the garage, it was 54, so it's actually warmer out here. The phone says 61, so it's probably 61 at the airport. That's where most weather stations are. They have to know the weather so they can tell the pilots and calculate atmospheric pressure and wind speed. It's sunny out here, and it's not sunny in my garage, so that might have something to do with the temperature difference. Read the full post at Photo by Jakson Martins:  

  • RAF347: The World Today - Macro Stress

    14/02/2024 Duration: 18min

    We've talked about stress in the past, and I was thinking today about all the things in the world that can give us stress. Big picture things. We've talked about the personal things. But big-picture macro things in the world? "2024" rhymes with "war," and certainly, that is happening worldwide. The United States is in a shooting war. So are several other countries. And all the things that come along with war. Read the full post at Photo by Porapak Apichodilok:  

  • RAF346: Orange is Awesome!

    07/02/2024 Duration: 12min

    I'm recording on my phone today, actually holding the phone up to my face, because I like recording podcasts. And I brought the recorder that I normally use, but I forgot the memory card. This doesn't sound too bad being recorded on my phone, and hopefully, I don't get tired of holding it up to my face. Read the full post at Photo by RDNE Stock project:  

  • RAF345: However Hard it Is

    31/01/2024 Duration: 14min

    Alright. Welcome to Running: A FEVER. My name is Michael Davis. This is a podcast about fitness, diet, and medicine. My goal is to live a long, healthy, happy, active life right up to the very end. And I love my life enough to make it last as long as possible. If that's what you want, you're in the right place. Read the full post at Photo by RUN 4 FFWPU  

  • RAF344: Repetition Reaps Results

    24/01/2024 Duration: 04min

    Welcome to the 70th installment in our series, Shattering the Yoyo. In this episode, we review episode 98, which was published on November 23, 2018, with the original title Biometrics Results. I recorded it driving to and from the location at my employer, where I had my biometric screening, and got the preliminary results, which are pretty much the final results; they had to test the mouth swab to prove I'm not a tobacco user. But I knew I would pass that. Read the full post at Photo by Bruce Mars  

  • RAF343: The Little Things

    17/01/2024 Duration: 06min

    I think I would like to go to some of these locations away from the area where I live. I don't know if I want to play the dead animal pelt matching game, but it would be nice to do some hiking. It's like anything. Variety is the spice of life. I can get burned out on certain foods, healthy or not; as beautiful as it is, going to Lake Fayetteville exclusively can have a similar result. And there are plenty of places to go within 100 miles of where I live. Lots of beautiful state parks, you've heard me experience in many episodes that have come out in the past. Read the full post at Photo by The Lucky Neko on Unsplash  

  • RAF342: Holiday Stress

    10/01/2024 Duration: 26min

    I'm going to warm up here a little bit. It's pretty cold outside. I don't know if "warm up" is the appropriate term to use. But I can try to get some blood circulating. It's something that requires patience. Any warm-up requires patience. I am a singer in a band, and if I don't warm up my voice, I'll either damage my voice or I won't be able to sing very well. But singing is a very physical thing. Your instrument is actually part of your body. Read the full post at Photo by Annie Spratt  

  • RAF341: Be a Health Expert

    03/01/2024 Duration: 04min

    We're taking a trip back to November 16 of 2018, as we review some excerpts from episode 96, Become an Expert in Your Own Health. Read the full post at Image by StockSnap:  

  • RAF340: God Speaks in Exercise

    27/12/2023 Duration: 04min

    Welcome to the sixty-seventh installation of Shattering the Yoyo. Today, we look back at episode ninety-five, from November 14, 2018, titled "Eggs and Australia." Read the full post at Photo by Pixabay:  

  • RAF339: Death

    20/12/2023 Duration: 21min

    And we're walkin'! I did a warmup. I've been doing a pretty extensive warm-up before walking because, as you know, I've had Achilles tendon problems over the years. One year and a half ago, when I pretty near severed it, I pulled it completely apart. So that's why I do the exercises. I remember some of them from when I was in physical therapy. I guess it's helping. So far, I haven't had any issues since this most recent restart. Read the full post at Photo by Adobe Stock

  • RAF338: Metaphor for Life

    13/12/2023 Duration: 26min

    It's a beautiful day at Lake Fayetteville, surprise, surprise. It's maybe seventy degrees, maybe a little warmer than that. It's been a great day, maybe low 60s to low 70s, something like that. Read the full post at Photo by Ketut Subiyanto:  

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