WebPreach Ministries VIDEO



The latest feed from WebPreach Ministries on SermonAudio.com.


  • The King Is Coming

    23/12/2018 Duration: 55min

    I wanted to give a basic message that provides scriptural proof of Jesus Christ and His deity. I pray that those who have grown weary in their walk with the Lord and those who have disregarded His gift would be blessed by this message. This is also a reminder to the many who have fallen asleep in this hour that the King is coming-

  • A Transformed Life In Jesus Christ

    19/08/2018 Duration: 47min

    Is your Christian walk enough-

  • Death By Default

    15/07/2018 Duration: 26min

    American Christianity is an abomination in the eye-s of the Lord. Today-s so called Church of God is blind, lame, dumb, and deaf to the ways and the heart of God. We have forsaken His commands and His ways for His people.

  • Death And The Devil

    08/07/2018 Duration: 27min

    From the creation of mankind the Lord has made a plan for you and for me to be with Him for eternity. He has created us for his glory. We are created in His image. We are to serve Him, and worship Him, and seek Him for wisdom, knowledge, and instruction.

  • The Grapes of Gods Wrath

    15/04/2018 Duration: 11min

    Continued compromise in the Body of Christ will not be tolerated by the Lord. Now is the time to repent and get right with Him.

  • The Rain

    07/04/2018 Duration: 45min

    Most Christians in America today have altered the commands of God to a new form of religion and have denied, restrained, and resisted the power of the Holy Ghost in the churches and in their lives. This response to God-s Word is the absolute reason for the wicked condition and state of America and the world today. Many self professing believers in God and Jesus Christ are riding the imaginary fence of idleness. There is a great turning away of the truth.

  • When The Devil Gets In

    14/01/2018 Duration: 32min

    Through out the ages of time we hear that this person or that person who was once enlightened to the truths of God and a born again follower of Jesus Christ has slipped back into sin and has chosen to turn their back on God and His ways. The trials of life and the deserts of darkness that we-re prone to walk through can be the most catastrophic test that measures the balance of our faith and our personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and our Father in heaven. The temptations of this world are so desirous and strong that the mightiest of men have proven themselves to be overcome by them and their disastrous results have condemned then to an eternal separation from God. Compromise to sin is the norm for the modern day Christian. You-ll have to dig deep and search far and wide for a true believer and follower of Jesus Christ. The message of repentance and the call to be holy as the Lord our God is holy is offensive and absurd to the modern day Christian. Picking up our cross and actually following the

  • When The Knocking Stops

    23/12/2017 Duration: 25min

    With all of the noise and distractions that we-re faced with today, it-s fatally dangerous to our eternal souls to miss the most important sound that gives us life and hope and salvation. It is Jesus Christ who knocks on the door of our hearts and souls to invite us into a relationship with Him. Now is the time to examine yourself to see if you are in the faith and relationship with Jesus Christ. Every visitor comes and knocks but only so many knocks are given before the Visitor turns away and knocks no more. Jesus is knocking today but. Are you distracted and occupied by the things of this life- Will the entertainment that only last for a few moments drown out the knocking that can offer eternal life-

  • Are You Ready For What's Coming?

    17/12/2017 Duration: 34min

    The end is near and the message is the same- Repent from your wicked ways and your self chosen life of compromise- Turn back to the Lord with a broken and contrite heart, confess your sins and be ye holy for I AM Holy Says the Lord-

  • Narrow Minded

    03/12/2017 Duration: 35min

    Narrow mindedness is what is needed to be preached and practiced in todays pulpits. Too much compromise for the ways of the world has put the Church in great danger-

  • Black Light

    29/10/2017 Duration: 25min

    There-s a black light that has darkened the hearts of many Christians today. It is the shadow of death and of a faithless generation that has been so diluted and distracted by devices and entertainment and the lust of what this world has to offer. ----Christianity today has been weighed down by the religion of man and mans opinions. We have the so called houses of God that have all of the rules and regulations and requirements for entering into the kingdom of heaven and these requirements are enforced by men who do not keep the least of the standards of God. They are the head of the congregants and their black light shines through to offer death, death unto the once enlightened soul looking for truth and light.

  • The World's Rebellion

    07/10/2017 Duration: 33min

    The world is in chaos and the days of sorrows have begun. I have no need to inform you of the condition of today-s modern church because it is absolutely irrelevant at this point. The time has come to send out the last call to the lost and to the backsliding Christians. You no longer have the time to continue in your sin. Now is the time for true repentance. It is absolutely urgent for you to clean up your heart, clean up your life style and get right with the Lord Jesus Christ now-

  • Leaving Jesus

    03/09/2017 Duration: 25min

    Many have turned from the truth to follow a religion of rules and selfgradification. Many professing believers of Jesus Christ have once again forsaken Jesus and have disregarded His teachings. We have fallen away and have been distracted. Jesus Christ is coming soon and the Chuch is not ready. Repent and forsake the world and its modern day methods of self destruction.

  • Kicking the Devil Out of the Church

    08/07/2017 Duration: 39min

    The Devil has been preaching from many of the pulpits in American and has been seated in the pews for too long now- It-s time to kick the Devil out of the church.Christians are too relaxed with the sin in their lives and have placed their trust in the devices of man, and the systematic form of mans religion, and they have placed their trust in man and country.

  • Depart From Me

    26/06/2017 Duration: 16min

    Jesus Christ id soon to return and many of those who claim to be His followers are not ready spiritually for His iminent return.

  • Who Is Jesus To You? Revised

    29/05/2017 Duration: 50min

    Jesus was asking the disciples who they thought He was. Most of them had been with Him from the beginning. They had seen the lame walk, the blind see, the dead raised to live again. They had seen the multitudes fed, and they had heard the wisdom and faith of Jesus first hand. So He asked them who do you say that I Am-----I ask you today. Who is Jesus to you- The majority here I assume believe in Jesus Christ, and you claim to be followers of Him. Who is Jesus to you-

  • Suicide Solution

    29/04/2017 Duration: 18min

    Society is in dispare, and the darkness has invaded our homes. Millions are being taken captive by deception, and are encouraged with hopelesness. Suicide is never a solution. Christians- It's time to shine the light-

  • Who Do You Say Jesus Is?

    28/04/2017 Duration: 52min
  • Freedom of Choice

    08/04/2017 Duration: 19min

    Our duty, our assignment, our calling as followers of Jesus Christ is to take up our cross and to follow His ways, His teachings, and His instructions to deliver the truth to set those who are in bondage to sin free.

  • Sober

    26/03/2017 Duration: 20min

    I-m watching our society erode into darkness. The moral decline of mankind has become exceedingly corrupt. The world has come full circle mirroring the days of Noah. Our world is filled with the acceptance of transgenderism, homosexuality, pedophilia, beastiality, pornography, adultery, promiscuous sex, nakedness, witchcraft, idolism, coveting, murder, abortion, drunkenness, drug addiction, and abuse, denial of the truth and a disregarding of commonsense. Sobriety is forsaken by the masses and the true God the creator of the heavens and earth is not feared today in our society.

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