Brand Yourself

221: Your 2023 Planning Formula



Here we are – nearing the end of another year! And as a business owner, you may be shifting your focus from the here and now to planning for 2023. This episode is designed to help you do just that – specifically in planning out the first quarter of the New Year. Inside, I share my signature quarterly planning formula so that you can create aligned, intentions, goals, and tasks to move yourself forward. I also open up about: How I feel right now as I’m about to become a mama of two My biggest lessons, challenges, and wins of 2022 What I’m most proud of accomplishing this past year And more I hope this formula and my transparency about my own business helps you feel seen, supported, and less alone on the journey. Because – truth is, we are always figuring it out as we go. Happy Holidays! B.   P.S. Be sure to check out episode 218 if you haven’t completed the Sacred Reflection Ritual I share with you. It’s a must-do before you shift into 2023 planning mode. P.P.S. If you want your Brand Yourself fix between no