Brand Yourself

218: Creating Space to Reflect & Celebrate Your Year



Now that we’re officially approaching the end of the year, and the chaos of the holiday season is just weeks away, now is truly the perfect time to reflect on the past 10 months. So, I want to offer you a little exercise to do to slow down and take a look at everything you’ve accomplished – lessons learned, business wins, noteworthy moments, and more. While also acknowledging the things that were hard and didn’t go as planned. It’s so easy to kind of tuck away those things and move on to the next, especially as you gear up for a New Year. But truly, assessing the past, is essential for taking aligned steps in the future. So, in this short and sweet episode, I gift you 8 questions to help you fully acknowledge what has happened for you in 2022 as an entrepreneur and provide you with a detailed ritual to follow so this writing exercise is sacred. I also share that the 2022 season of Brand Yourself will end in a few weeks and the next season will start in Spring 2023. If you want your Brand Yourself fix between