Brand Yourself

217: Leading with Fearless Authenticity with Africa Brooke



Africa Brooke is a globally recognized consultant, mentor, speaker, and writer who specializes in helping people in and out of the public eye move through self-censorship, and other forms of self-sabotage. Her work takes a close look at the complexity, mess, and glory that is the human experience, and she makes a strong case for why we need to accept discomfort as an essential part of the growth process. Oh my goodness, I could not be more excited to have this incredible woman on the show. I came across Africa and her work back in 2020 - and was instantly drawn to her message and position on authentic self-expression. Her posts on Instagram have resonated with me deeply ever since, and having her on the show is a dream of mine. If you don’t already follow her work, do it immediately - her IG handle is @africabrooke. She is such a powerful, kind, brilliant leader, and I can’t wait for you to sink into our conversation today. In this episode, we chat about: - how her sobriety journey awakened her to a passion f