
Episode 83: SILENCE! #289



THE GAME WILL NEVER BE OVER BECAUSE WE'RE KEEPING THE DREAM ALIVE  Oh my goodness gracious! Ugh! What's that unholy stench? Oh, I see. It's bloody Gary Lactus writing the blurb. Why's HE writing the blurb? He's crap at writing the blurb, (and he smells). Huh? It's The Beast Must Die's birthday?! And Gary's special gift to his best pal is writing the blurb for him? Man, that's a shit present! Is that literally all he's doing for him? What a chundering arsehole! I'm glad I don't have a "friend" like Gary Lactus. Welcome dearest of listeners to the closest thing The Beast Must Die will get to a birthday Party. Here's a special podcast for a very special boy. <ITEM>There'a a luxuriously long preamble where your main characters talk merrily about Big Train, Look Around You and The Geesin Family Output, The Lovecraft Investigations, The Beef And Dairy Network and  Petscop. Oh, and The Beast reviews Gary Lactus's Journey To The Surface Of The Earth #2, still interminably available from <I