Online Genius Podcast

Ep. 274: Building a Traffic Machine: 5 Essential Tools to Attract Traffic to Your Online Business



​​In this episode, we’re talking about your traffic machine, one of the four critical elements in creating an online business. We start at the beginning of a customer journey, which covers how you catch people’s attention and get them into joining your world. There are five key elements here: your weekly content, social media posts, paid ads, guest outreach, and affiliates. You need to cultivate a strategy on how to do all of these to generate traffic to your business, which will help you succeed in the long term. What’s In This Episode What a traffic machine is all about The 5 elements of a traffic machine Weekly Content - raising awareness and building trust with the audience Social Media Posts - engaging with the audience and promoting your content Paid Ads - attracting people to your lead magnets Guest Outreach - finding a way to reach out to people who’ve collected your audience and getting into their world to provide value Affiliates - having other people promote your products and send traffic to your