Reef Frenzy Radio

"Live with Larry: Episode one with Mark Callahan



NOTE: Since this was our first podcast we learned after the fact it was not rendered in stereo, but going forward this issue is resolved. In our first Reef Frensy Radio podcast we sat down with Mark Callahan from Mr. Saltwater Tank TV to discuss how LRS Foods and his Youtube channel both began. We discussed the goal of the "Live with Larry Show" and what we hope to accomplish regarding future content and interaction with our listeners by engaging via social media. We also fielded a couple questions which streamed in from Mark's Facebook channel! Thank you for checking out our podcast and please bear with us as we improve editing and the overall flow of the show in the coming weeks. To view the "Stick It" video mentioned in the podcast visit: To subscribe to Mr. Saltwater Tank TV visit: Mr. Saltwater Tank TV