Online Genius Podcast

The Inbound Journey: Creating A Content Strategy



Today we’re getting back to the marketing stuff and talking about content marketing. In Episode 218, we set the foundation for what content marketing is, and today we’ll look at how to create a content strategy that works for your online business. WHAT YOU’LL LEARN IN TODAY’S EPISODE: Guiding principles for your overall content strategy Why you should favor long-form content over short form COPE (create once, publish everywhere) Spend as much time promoting content as you spend creating it Focus on creating evergreen content Long-form content strategy Creating campaigns around each piece of long-form content Pick a core format that lets you establish thought leadership (video, podcast, blog) Understanding how people find your content Recognizing how people consume content The value of starting with video Creating a plan for social media Pick one primary platform to promote your content and engage with your audience Create multiple pieces of content based on your long-form content Don’t post and ghost