



We have a sexy and sad Ep for you today! It’s all bad news! Wil is FREEDOM FREEDOM WHERE ARE YOU... because he voted for Trump.  Court is prepping for the big drop... but the drop is just her mental health! Today we are talking #FREEBRITNEY baby because FREE BRITNEY!!! This Ep is a rundown of the conservatorship. When it started, why it’s still happening and who is involved. We’re not gonna SPIRAL like everyone thinks we are OK?! From 5150 holds and self cut bangs to being a dementia queen (?!?!) it’s all sorts of F***ed up!! A lack of emojis tip, an old white man named Wallet, leaked voicemails and letters. Plus! Her specific angle and FLAIR for Instagram, chunky highlights and KFed of PoPo Zow fame! It’s 2020 for those of you losing track! LISTEN TO THIS EP! RATE! REVIEW! FOLLOW! REPOST! SUBSCRIBE! VISIT and QUARANTINE TIP the salt from your tears will curb your snack cravings!