Online Genius Podcast

Ep 131: My Non-Launch Launch Method



This is one of my favorite topics. It’s something I’ve talked about a lot, and it sets me apart from most of the other entrepreneurs in the space. What I’m talking about is my “non-launch launch” method. It really drove my business forward last year, and I want to share it so you can see if it will work for your business too. One of my launches in January 2019 didn’t go as well as I’d hoped, so I brought up my problem at a mastermind and gained some input from my peers. They suggested I just send out a simple email instead of relaunching, and I did that over the following months to great success. I’ll share with you one of the ways some people inadvertently put a giant impediment in front of them and how you can avoid it. A non-launch launch is not right for everyone. Just one reason I mention in this episode is that you’ve got to have a warm audience already. If you don’t, who would you be sending your emails to? It’s important to be continually cultivating your audience. People act like I’m against launchin