Online Genius Podcast

Ep 132: Embrace Problems



In one of my swift-kick-in-the-ass episodes, I’m addressing something that I see a lot in the online space. There are a lot of online entrepreneurs that get upset or annoyed when they face a problem. Today, I’m asking you to shift your mindset. Instead of being annoyed by problems, you need to embrace them. This can shift everything in your business. If there weren’t problems in the way of your business, there’s no way that you could even have a business. Somebody else would have already built your business if there were no challenges along the way. I’ll discuss the number one characteristic that successful business owners have – it’s not about having the best idea or being the most charismatic. Your customers are only customers because they’re facing a problem. For me, I need to embrace that my customers have problems, and it wouldn’t make sense if I embraced that but thought that I shouldn’t have any in my own business. We end up attracting people who are like us to our business, so embracing the concept th