Online Genius Podcast

Ep 138: A VA Could Change Your Life



Today, I’m going to be telling you why you need to hire a virtual assistant. Getting one is something that most of us wait too long to do, including myself. Hiring a VA can change your life because it will allow you to do more of the things you need to be doing in your business. Hiring was an area where I had a huge mental block. Usually when I get an idea I execute it right away, but hiring had always been something that I couldn’t seem to do. I would just find reasons not to. There are some things that happened which trapped me in this mindset, so I’ll tell you what those hang-ups were. You have to think about a VA as less of an expense and more of a way to free up your time. A lot of entrepreneurs don’t think about the emotional benefits of a VA, but when I hired a VA as an executive assistant last November, it actually stopped me from being brought down sometimes. If there’s work that’s going to bring you down, you shouldn’t be doing it. You can have a VA do things that will move your business forward whi