Online Genius Podcast

Ep 141: Time For A Marketing Detox



I’m getting up on a soapbox in this episode, but it’s a good soapbox so I think you’re going to like it. I’m going to give you permission to simplify and do less. Today’s episode is all about how you can give yourself a marketing detox to make things better and to make you feel better in your business. As an online entrepreneur, you are in a world where you are being bombarded by people telling you to do different things. I’ll let you in on an email I recently sent to my list that was related to this, and though I didn’t feel like it was too great, my audience told me differently. The problem is that so many people are looking at what the seven-figure entrepreneurs are doing and think that they should do the same. These tactics are a mistake, and there’s no secret that will make everything fine in your business once you discover it. Beware of gurus bearing secrets. There are also online entrepreneurs who feel like they need to be active on every social media channel that exists. That’s not a recipe for succes