Online Genius Podcast

Ep 156: My Biggest Shifts All Have One Thing In Common



I’ve made several shifts in my business since I first started, and the biggest ones are what I’m going to be discussing in this episode. There’s something that they all have in common, too. It’s hard for a lot of people to accept that they should be making these shifts. You’ve got to let go of what other people think, so I’m going to walk through some examples of why not doing so is actually hurting your business. I’m a “recovering people pleaser” because for most of my life, I was always an outsider. When you’ve never been part of the “in” crowd, I think there’s often a sense of wanting people to like you. That mentality was always holding me back. If someone is going to be mad that I don’t have a problem using certain types of words, so be it. When I started making this shift in the way I write my emails, people responded because they appreciate that I’m showing who I am. I’ll let you know how I’ve continued with this mindset in my coronavirus messaging. After discussing other problems, I get into the most