Online Genius Podcast

Ep 160: Are You Asking The Right Questions?



This is the kind of episode that really gets me going. We’re not talking about a strategy or a tactic in today’s episode; we’re talking about a shift in your mindset. It’s one that you need to make as an entrepreneur if you want to be successful. I’ll give you suggestions on some questions that might need reframing. The first situation I’m challenging you on is when you find yourself in an “either/or” situation; a situation where it seems like there are only two options. Most times there are more than just two, but we subconsciously come up with an excuse to avoid what we should be doing. When you find yourself resistant to continuing on with something or taking the first step, you need to ask yourself “why?” If you are stopping yourself from taking action, that’s a sign that there is something deeper going on. I’ve experienced this myself a few times with my own mental BS. A lot of entrepreneurs have their business consume them with customer support, messing around with page builders, and other menial tasks.