Online Genius Podcast

Ep 167: You Don't Need A Huge List... You Need Connection!



Today we’re talking about creating quality connections with your audience. Your email list is not just a bunch of numbers, it’s full of people. Too many businesses forget that there are people on the other end of the emails, only seeing them as transactions. It’s time to stop thinking about numbers and refocus on building relationships. In the last episode, we talked about being a leader. Leading is the first step, and the next step is creating connections. What differentiates my business from others is that I focus on people over numbers. The standard metric is that one person on your list should equal $1 a month. Last year, I made $75 per person per month. This comes down to the connections I foster with my audience. By fostering these strong, deep connections with your audience you are creating brand ambassadors - people that will spread the word about what you do without you having to do anything. Focusing on your audience, who they are, and what they want attracts more of the right leads from outside of