Online Genius Podcast

What The $1,500 Paperclip Leaves Out



In today’s #Friday Live edition of the Certified BADA$$ Online Marketing Podcast, we’re talking about an image that pops up in online marketing circles pretty regularly... the $1,500 paperclip sold by that famous store with the little blue boxes. People always post it to say something like: "If they can charge $1,500 for a paperclip, you can charge a lot more for your online course!" Although I love the sentiment... they always seem to miss a very important part of the story. Today’s episode is about why that paperclip is $1,500 and what it really takes to build a business that’s similar. We’ll be diving deep into HOW to actually do it at my upcoming live event BADA$$ Online Marketing Live. You can get all the details and grab your ticket at