Online Genius Podcast

EP 178: Do You Know Your Core Competencies?



We’re starting a mini-series on knowing and understanding our strengths and weaknesses as we build our businesses. Today I’m asking whether you know your core competencies. We’ll cover what this means and how it fits into your life and business. Let’s begin by talking about marketing efforts. Most businesses make decisions by using a SWOT analysis. This looks at their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to figure out whether they should enter a new market or launch a new product or service. Unfortunately, few people in the online business space are looking to their strengths and weaknesses to figure out what opportunities they should pursue. This is why so many entrepreneurs struggle and don’t enjoy their business. Intuitively, I built my business around my strengths. This is part of the reason that I live in the flow state. I hope this episode will give you permission to build the right business for your strengths. Entrepreneurs tend to be obsessed with personal development, but we often don’t