Online Genius Podcast

EP 217: The Inbound Journey: Email As A Conversion Tool



Email marketing has always been thought of as a tool for converting leads to buyers… and that is definitely one area where it shines. Any time you’re planning a promotion or launch, you should think strategically about how you can use email as part of your sales efforts.  A word of warning though… if you’ve neglected your email list when you aren’t selling, chances are that you won’t have much success when it comes time to sell. The sales process is where you cash in some of the equity that you’ve built with your list through the connection efforts we talked about in the last episode. WHAT YOU'LL LEARN IN TODAY'S EPISODE Why you can’t just send some emails and expect to sell The emails that you should include in EVERY promotional sequence The psychology behind a sales sequence Why you should be sending more emails than you think How many emails you should send during a promotion A quick and easy tactic so that you don’t have to feel bad about sending too many RESOURCES FROM TODAY'S EPISODE BOMU LEGAL TEMPL