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Finding Your Place in Google’s Perfect World with Geoff Atkinson



How to reach out to Geoff Atkinson: Google has a perfect world, and if you want to see long-term success with your business, it’s time your website started living in it. The most successful businesses follow Google’s ideal model, and they’ve seen some huge returns from their online efforts. In this episode, Geoff Atkinson of Huckabuy delves into that perfect world and the methods you can implement to find your place in it. Keep reading to find out more. Google’s Perfect World In Google’s perfect world, all websites would look as if they were built for Google, not humans. This is because the Google bot acts as a “bouncer” that grants your website access to the customers beyond. They’re your most important visitor, and what they look for is different from a human’s perfect website experience. These are the top 3 characteristics they look for. Fast Page Speed and Loading Time For years now, Google has hammered on the importance of having a good page speed an