
027 – LAST – local anaesthetic systemic toxicity - Obsgynaecritcare



(*Hypothetical case) You are the anaesthetist on for obstetrics and a young woman is rushed from labour ward into your theatre for an emergency caesarean for fetal distress. Your registrar is talking with the patient and so you help with the team time out discussion. The obstetrician leading this asks "can you please give 2g of Cefazolin?". No worries - you grab the 20ml syringe and give the antibiotics over the next 30seconds whilst you help slide the patient onto the table and you instruct your registrar to start topping up her epidural. Your registrar says "no worries" but then looks confused and turns to ask you "where is my syringe?" With a sudden sickening feeling building in your stomach you look down at the now empty 20ml syringe in your hand. You slowly roll it over to reveal a previously hidden sticker....................... "bupivacaine 0.5%" Do you ever use local anaesthetics? This sort of local anaesthetic misadventure is one of those life threatening scenarios which make most anaesthetists br