
023 – Stored blood versus fresh salvaged blood - Obsgynaecritcare



Hi Everyone, Congratulations & kudos Jeremy Hickey who correctly identified that this blood gas was a sample from a unit of stored allogeneic blood, sorry we don't have any actual prize except for getting a mention on the podcast and the glory of seeing your name in print on the website! (If we have any more quizzes we may have to look into this.) Ryan Juniper also deserves a mention for his post on the facebook page which was also very close. What is the storage lesion of blood? What is 2,3 DPG? What happens to red cell deformability? Join Graeme and I for a 15minute discussion around the changes that occur in allogeneic blood when it is stored and why this may affect both it's function and the undesirable effects this may have on our patients. We also briefly discuss and try to make a case for why salvaging and re-infusing a patients own fresh blood may be a much better option if you can achieve this during surgery - however we will leave a detailed discussion on cell salvage for another episode. Last w