R Radio For The Rest Of Us.

8. RStudioConf:2018 振り返りPart1 ユタニ、ウリュウのお気に入りセッション



アメリカで行われたRStudio主催のカンファレンスの振り返りとして、uriboとyutannihilationが情報交換を行いました。 ばしょ @Discord (つくば - とーきょー) 関連リンク rstudio::conf 2018 All things R & RStudio Tidyverse Twitter#RStudioConf RStudio公式の資料まとめリポジトリ rstudio::conf 2018 summary #rstudioconf - I shot a few pix when we were in San Diego so I put them on a shared Goog Pix album. Take what you want, leave some if you have pix to share. Tag friends. https://t.co/1ABqnnvn8f cc @dataandme @topepos @jaredlander @robinson_es @hugobowne @rstudio @hadleywickham— JD Long (@CMastication) February 11, 2018 Highlight of #rstudioconf. Being an official mic thrower. #blessed pic.twitter.com/ZetI3to5Bq— Tanya Cashorali (@tanyacash21) February 4, 2018 This was a nice installation. pic.twitter.com/T9SSttTHCh— Romain François (@romain_francois) February 1, 2018