
005 Patient Blood Management (PBM) in Obstetrics and Gynaecology



Gidday, Bonjour, Hi! This is the first episode in my mini series on patient blood management in O&G. Menorrhagia, haemorrhage, PV bleeding, iron deficiency, anaemia - any of this seem familiar? It should do! These issues affect a huge number of obstetric and gyaecologic patients, and as such this is an issue we should all be interested in learning more about - so I hope you find these interesting! I have been teaching around this topic to my colleagues and our registrars for a number of years now but thought maybe I should share some of this with you & a wider audience. The plan is to break this large topic up into smaller (aka palatable) sized mini topics of 10-15min. Let me know what you think! I am definitely not the authority in this area but I hope to inspire you to become interested and I thoroughly recommend you go to (in my humble opinion) the two following websites to get the real low down. These are definitely the go to authoritative resources for PBM in Australasia and a big thank you to the t