
012 Fibrinogen concentrate in major haemorrhage – interview with Dr Hamish Mace



You phone goes off - you roll over it is 2am - when you pick up it is a theatre nurse calling to ask if you can urgently come to the hospital immediately - the team are too busy to talk to you. The nurse tells you a woman has just arrived via ambulance from another small peripheral hospital. She had an emergency caesarean about 6 hours ago and hasn't stopped bleeding since. She has had 4 units of red cells and 4-5 litres of saline but nothing else. When you arrive 15min later surgery is underway but the surgical team tell you "everything we touch is bleeding" and you notice that she is even bleeding from the skin around her iv...... The anaesthetic registrar turns to you and says - "lets give her the fibrinogen concentrate -  we need to get on top of this coagulopathy right now!......" (*Fictitious case example) Hi Everyone, This week we are joined by a colleague and a great friend of mine Dr Hamish Mace, one of the co-authors of an article in the 2017 edition of Australasian Anaesthesia (aka the Blue Book