
013 Intraoperative and intrapartum strategies to decrease blood loss – anaesthesia, coagulation and pharmacology



Hi everyone, This weeks post is part 2 of the 5th in my mini series on patient blood management in obstetrics and gynaecology. We discuss some of the strategies we can use to avoid or treat excessive bleeding which can occur during gynaecological surgery or obstetric haemorrhage - this week focussing on anaesthetic / pharmacological and coagulation management strategies. I am told by some trusted mentors that most podcast (or vodcast) listeners or viewers are time poor & have relatively shortish attention spans such that around 15min is the "sweet spot" for most of us. So based on that this talk is only meant to be a summary - I do hope to inspire you to go away and think about some of these techniques if they catch your interest. Do some more learning and research on your own. Some people have built whole careers around some of these different techniques / strategies! I will hopefully come back at some stage and do a "deep dive" to delve into aspects of some of these in greater detail! (e.g. cell salvage -