
014 Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Pregnancy



(*Fictitious case) A 32 yr old pregnant woman with insulin dependent diabetes presents to a regional hospital in WA at 27 weeks gestation, with probable premature rupture of her membranes, threatened preterm labour and a low grade fever. She is given a dose of celestone (betamethasone) intramuscularly, some nifedipine for tocoloysis and has an urgent areomedical transfer organised. During the flight she has a salbutamol infusion to provide further tocolysis and minimise the risk of delivery of a 27 week foetus in the back of the plane which the retrieval team are very keen to avoid! On arrival at your tertiary hospital she is febrile (T 38.4) but the most striking thing noted is the fact she is breathing very heavily but yet has clear lungs and normal SpO2 of 99%. The team assessing her do some blood tests including an arterial blood gas and obtain the following results: pH 7.26, pCO2 16, pO2 128, HCO3 7.5, Na 141, K 4.8, Cl 101, Gluc 19.0, Urea 8.1, Crn 0.09 Urine analysis: Glucose 4+, Ketones 1+ What