Unearth By Sandra

5 - Animal Bones in Sugar?



Not all sugar is created equal. In today’s episode, I cover 5 questions: What is bone char and why is it used in sugar processing? Does the sugar have bone fragments in it? How do you know if a product has been refined through bone char? Is bone char completely avoidable? Where to find vegan sugar options? You’ll learn how and why bone char is used in sugar processing. I’ll also share a few tips on avoiding these products and provide you with a list of alternative sugar options that use more eco-friendly methods. Here’s a list of a few sugar options that DO NOT contain bone char: The Wholesome brand Trader Joe’s sugar Organic Sugar Simply Balanced - Target Simple Truth - Kroger and Ralphs Bob’s Red Mill Michigan Sugar Company Big Tree farms If you enjoyed today’s audio click subscribe and tune in next Sunday for some more plant-based food knowledge. Thank you so much for listening! Let me know your thoughts, what you learned, or what plant-based t