Unearth By Sandra

9 - Plant-based Probiotics



Today's episode is on Plant-based Probiotics. Did you know that probiotics are living microorganisms in your food that can benefit your digestive system? If you did, awesome! Many people think of yogurt when they hear probiotic but today you'll learn about a variety of probiotic-rich vegan foods that'll help you improve your health! Resource: https://www.healthline.com/health/vegan-probiotics#-foods Thank you so much for listening! Let me know your thoughts, what you learned, or what plant-based topics you want to hear! Send me a tweet @bysandraL, a direct message on IG @unearthbysandra or shoot me an email at unearthbysandra@gmail.com. You can find all the deets in the description section of this episode. Twitter: BySandraL Instagram: UnearthbySandra