Shine Time Radio

Season 5, Episode 3: Our Lives as Living Altars



Hi all! This week we get into the theme and opportunities for us within the Page of Pentacles. I pull this card a lot when there is work around connecting to our purpose and what our purpose even means and is. It often shows up when we are trying to connect more intentionally without ourselves and our daily habits and behaviours. I reference the wonderful Jessica Dore and her book, Tarot for Change (which is brilliant...go get it) as that is where I first heard the mention of our lives as living altars (in relation to our work with the Page of Pentacles).  The deck I reference to is from Tarot Embroidery Magic over on Etsy.  This audio was recorded for the podcast on YouTube so I will sometimes be referencing things that I am showing the audience. Shine Time news! The membership are, Self Coaching for the Tarot is now up and ready for folks to join. You can find out all about it by heading over to