Shine Time Radio

Season 5, Episode 2: Creating Altars and Sacred Spaces



This week I share some thoughts around and tips for creating our own altars and sacred spaces. This links in really nicely with our Coaching and Tarot  considerations for this Aquarius Season. I share about why so many of us a drawn to creating something like this for ourselves, what kinds of items and things we may like to add to our own (and why) and my own journey towards creating my altar space. Please note that this Audio is taken from my YouTube podcast so I may be referring to visual things that I am showing over there.  I mention a concept called my 'well council' which is what I call folks/guides/spirits/beings who surround me in an unseen way and who I connect to and who support me in this life. This term was shared by Lindsay Mack from Wild Soul Healing. Love the imagery and feel of this term so much.   You can find out more about me and the here Shine Time Coaching space over at and on instagram