Feminist Wellness



The Feminist Wellness podcast offers practical, empowering holistic medicine, psychology and life coaching advice for smart women who believe they can live powerful, fulfilling lives with optimized health. If traditional medicine or therapy havent given you the answers you need for your physical and mental health, if youre stuck in an emotional pattern and feel like you cant get free, if youre still feeling frustrated, scared or anxious, despite all the self-help books youve read... this is the podcast for you. In each episode Victoria Albina, Nurse Practitioner, Herbalist and life coach, will teach you cutting edge Functional Medicine based methods for optimal health and wellness, how to listen to and trust your body, mind, and intuition so that you can reduce your anxiety, feel better in your body, and create more balance in your life. Download a free interactive ebook and mini course to help you change your thoughts to heal your body rewrite your story today at VictoriaAlbina.com/ebook


  • Ep #81: The Science Behind Feeling Stuck

    03/09/2020 Duration: 39min

    Join me this week as I outline the 3 reasons why you might feel stuck right now. I’ll be showing you how looking at this through the lens of our polyvagal nervous system can help us truly understand why this happens, and as always, I’ll be sharing my remedies to close out the show, so that you can start working with your sweet protector responses, instead of against them. Get full show notes and more information here: https://victoriaalbina.com/81

  • Ep #80: Healing Isn’t Linear

    27/08/2020 Duration: 27min

    Join me this week as I show you the true goal of healing work, and how you can support your healing journey by always coming back to you and opening up space for curiosity. You have an unending capacity to ground, love, and care for yourself, and I hope this episode serves to guide you along the way. Get full show notes and more information here: https://victoriaalbina.com/80

  • Ep #79: Conflict Avoidance

    20/08/2020 Duration: 28min

    Join me this week as I show you what it means to be conflict-avoidant, and as always, share the remedies to this thought habit. You get to be mindful of times where you’re shrinking away, less worried about the fallout that could happen, and reparent yourself to recognize that you are safe with the steps that I’m laying out for you here today. Get full show notes and more information here: https://victoriaalbina.com/79

  • Ep #78: Minimum Baseline Thinking

    13/08/2020 Duration: 24min

    Listen in today to discover how you can start making the minimum baseline a consistent practice. Your inner perfectionist is likely going to kick up a fuss, objecting to the tiny commitments you start making for yourself, but I guarantee that implementing this technique will completely transform your relationship with yourself, and from there, you’ll be able to follow through on new commitments and goals from a place of true self-love. Get full show notes and more information here: https://victoriaalbina.com/78

  • Ep #77: Self-Care: Have Your Dinner Before Dessert

    06/08/2020 Duration: 22min

    Listen in today as I give you a new framework for thinking about self-care. It doesn’t have to look like a spa day, as is commonly represented to us, but just an act of prioritizing stillness however you can in your life. I’ll be outlining the ways in which codependency, perfectionism, and people-pleasing thought habits often disconnect us from our true wants and needs, and how to start filling your cup up first so you can then be of service from a place of overflow. Get full show notes and more information here: https://victoriaalbina.com/77

  • Ep #76: Acceptance and Closure

    30/07/2020 Duration: 43min

    Welcome to the final installment of my mini-series on apologizing. Over the last few weeks, we’ve taken a really deep dive into the anatomy of apologies and mastering the language of apologies, and today, I’ll be sharing what to do if someone won’t accept your apology, how to accept an apology yourself, and how to give yourself closure when you don’t get the apology you want. Get full show notes and more information here: https://victoriaalbina.com/76

  • Ep #75: Mastering the Language of Apologies

    23/07/2020 Duration: 37min

    Listen in this week as we explore the language around the resistance to apologizing, the importance of recognizing the difference between intent and impact, and the reframing of some common terms we use so that we can find our power and strength. This process is all about practicing apologizing in a way that serves you, and not about perfecting it or doing it "better," so you can step into living an intentional life with radical self-love every day. Get full show notes and more information here: https://victoriaalbina.com/75

  • Ep #74: The Dangers of False Pre-Apologies

    16/07/2020 Duration: 35min

    Join me on the podcast today as I show you what false pre-apologizing is and why we do it. It can show up in so many different ways, and it’s crucial to investigate the impact this behavior has on us. There is never a need to falsely pre-apologize, and I’m showing you why and how doing this is so disempowering. Get full show notes and more information here: https://victoriaalbina.com/74

  • Ep #73: 6 Steps to a Healthy and Meaningful Apology

    09/07/2020 Duration: 46min

    Join me this week to discover how to apologize from a place of radical self-love and unconditional love for others. We get to ask ourselves some intense questions in this process, and this is a core part of understanding the need to apologize. You get to pause here and take note of all your feels so that you can come to it with a deeper understanding of your own truth and maintain the relationships in your life that are healthy and fulfilling to you. Get full show notes and more information here: https://victoriaalbina.com/73

  • Ep #72: Anatomy of an Apology

    02/07/2020 Duration: 28min

    Listen in today as I lay out the four steps of apologizing, and how to keep your center when an apology is due. I’ll also be touching on how the thought work protocol ties in here and why being present and getting out of your own way is the key to keeping your sense of self intact and making your relationships stronger in the long-term. Get full show notes and more information here: https://victoriaalbina.com/72

  • Ep #71: The Fixer Thought Fantasy

    25/06/2020 Duration: 40min

    Join me this week as I outline what the fixer thought fantasy is and some of the motivating factors and thought errors that lead us down this path. This fixer or savior complex is keeping you out of awareness and acceptance, which we know in this family is the key to living a truly intentional life, and so I’ll be sharing some ways for you to start remedying this thought habit to focus on self-love and collective healing. Get full show notes and more information here: https://victoriaalbina.com/71

  • Ep #70: When You Stop People Pleasing and People Aren’t Pleased

    18/06/2020 Duration: 20min

    Tune in today as I show you how you can engage your brain to decide that it’s not a problem if people aren’t happy with you, and how you get to retrain your brain to understand that it doesn’t mean anything about you that someone else might have a negative thought. You get to remember that other people are allowed to have their reactions, and you can choose new thoughts to radically love and accept yourself every day. Get full show notes and more information here: https://victoriaalbina.com/70

  • Ep #69: The Power of Thought Work in Becoming an Anti-Racist Ally and Accomplice

    11/06/2020 Duration: 38min

    Listen in today as I invite you to make becoming anti-racist a practice, and encourage you to come to this work with self-compassion and gentleness for yourself. Shame and guilt are never useful, and showing up however you can will help you bring consciousness to your internal biases, push you out of your comfort zone, and take action. Get full show notes and more information here: https://victoriaalbina.com/69

  • Ep #68: How to Interrupt the People-Pleasing Cycle

    04/06/2020 Duration: 27min

    The work that you have to start doing to interrupt the vicious people-pleasing cycles that we get stuck in, and why embracing discomfort is such a vital part of this process. I also address how the tools I share on the podcast will hopefully be helpful in the fight to address racism and dismantle white supremacy in our current climate. Get full show notes and more information here: https://victoriaalbina.com/68

  • Ep #67: Why We People Please

    28/05/2020 Duration: 32min

    Join me this week as I show you why people-pleasing leaves you overwhelmed, exhausted, and ultimately, displeased. I’m inviting you to cultivate awareness this week about how you’re living these habits out in your life, where they came from, and how they’re impacting you in your day-to-day. And make sure to tune in next week where I’ll be sharing the remedies to help you shift through this thought habit! Get full show notes and more information here: https://victoriaalbina.com/67

  • Ep #66: Compare and Despair

    21/05/2020 Duration: 31min

    Join me on the podcast this week as I share how evolution, the patriarchy, capitalism, and the way you’ve been socialized all play a part in the compare and despair thought habit, and some remedies to help you shift through them. The key here is to prioritize your opinion of your own beautiful self over anyone else’s, and I’m sharing some ways for you to do that today. Get full show notes and more information here: https://victoriaalbina.com/66

  • Ep #65: Self-Confidence

    14/05/2020 Duration: 45min

    Listen in this week as I show you how it’s totally possible for you to be kind, loving, and accepting of yourself, and why this is the key to building lasting and sustainable self-confidence. Imagining the regret, disappointment, or other people’s judgments of their endeavors stops most from going after their dreams, but this doesn’t have to be you. Get full show notes and more information here: https://victoriaalbina.com/65

  • Ep #64: Letting Go of Resentment

    07/05/2020 Duration: 40min

    Join me on the podcast this week to discover how resentment makes it impossible for you to operate from a place of power, and why it’s so problematic. While resentment can feel like the easy response in the short-term, I’m showing you why letting go of it is so life-changing, and the remedy to release it. Get full show notes and more information here: https://victoriaalbina.com/64

  • Ep #63: How to Make the Right Decision

    30/04/2020 Duration: 48min

    Join me on the podcast today to discover how codependency and perfectionist thought habits keep you stuck in confusion and worry, how to start the process of trusting yourself and having your own back, and why you need to get comfortable with the discomfort of making decisions. I’m also outlining a set of prompts and questions you can use to help you make decisions in your best interest, with less confusion, stress, and more clarity. Get full show notes and more information here: https://victoriaalbina.com/63

  • Ep #62: Glimmers

    23/04/2020 Duration: 22min

    Join me today as I show you what glimmers are, and how they can act as an antidote or remedy to your triggers. It’s going to get nerdy, as usual, and I’ll be diving into polyvagal theory to show you how triggers play out in our bodies and minds, and how glimmers can be such a gift in response to them. Get full show notes and more information here: https://victoriaalbina.com/62

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