1mflourish's Podcast



The 1mFlourish Podcast presents content for those who are bold enough to create multi-generational wealth through multifamily real estate investing, gain insight on effective parenting skills, take control of their health, and reach their full potential.


  • Flávio Henrique de Rezende Costa - Don't Let Alzheimer's or Parkinson's Steal Your Loved One's Dignity

    21/05/2022 Duration: 49min

    Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases are two of the world's most common neurological disorders. Alzheimer's affects approximately 6.2 million people, while Parkinson's affects nearly 10 million, according to the World Health Organization.These diseases can have far-reaching consequences for both patients and their families. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease can cause depression and anxiety in addition to memory loss, confusion, and mobility issues.These diseases have a tremendous impact on healthcare systems and families, leading to increased burdens on care providers and significantly altering the lives of those affected.There is no cure for either disease, but there are treatments that can help with symptoms. Medical marijuana is a promising area of study for both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.While more research is needed, preliminary evidence suggests that cannabinoids may aid in the improvement of sleep, the reduction of inflammation, and the protectio

  • Navin Goyal - How Baby Boomers Are Changing the Social Impact Landscape

    16/05/2022 Duration: 55min

    The Baby Boomer generation is known for being ambitious, hard-working, and eager to take risks. As such, they are well-positioned to invest in early-stage venture capital and alternative investment firms.These firms are often looking for individuals with the financial resources and willingness to take risks that can help them grow impactful companies across the globe. Baby boomers can leverage their experience and networks to make these firms more purpose-driven, inclusive, and accessible.For example, they can provide mentorship and support to entrepreneurs from underrepresented communities or connect them with resources and contacts that can help them succeed. By investing in these firms, baby boomers can not only earn a financial return but also help to create positive social change.----------Bio:Dr. Navin Goyal M.D. is the CEO of LOUD Capital and a practicing anesthesiologist. He is passionate about making venture capital more purposeful, inclusive, and accessible, with a focus on businesses that have a po

  • Chuck Gaidica - Sitting Is the New Smoking. Stand Up for Your Health!

    21/04/2022 Duration: 52min

    For years, we've been told that smoking is bad for our health. We know it increases our risk of lung cancer, heart disease, and other serious illnesses.But what about sitting? According to experts, sitting is the new smoking. And like smoking, it can have a negative impact on our health. Studies have linked extended periods of sitting with an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.Sitting for long periods of time can also lead to back and neck pain. In fact, some researchers believe that the negative health effects of sitting are so significant that they may even outweigh the dangers of smoking.So what can we do to reduce the risks associated with sitting?For starters, WE CAN STAND UP!For many seniors, the latter third of life can be a time of great uncertainty. With retirement often marking the end of a career, and declining health making it difficult to remain active, it can be easy to feel like life has lost its purpose. Many people retire from their careers and find themselves with mo

  • Yuen Yung - Retirement Investing: How to Create Multi-generation Wealth with Multifamily Real Estate

    11/04/2022 Duration: 56min

    In today's world, it's more important than ever to think about retirement investing. With traditional pensions becoming increasingly rare, and social security benefits failing to keep pace with the cost of living, retirees are facing greater financial challenges than ever before.One way to address these challenges is to invest in multifamily real estate. By owning rental properties, retirees can generate a reliable source of income that can help to cover their living expenses. Additionally, by carefully selecting properties in areas with strong population growth, retirees can also create multi-generation wealth by leveraging the appreciation of their assets. When done correctly, retirement investing in multifamily real estate can be a powerful tool for creating long-term financial security.--------------------Bio:Yuen Yung, CEO of Casoro Group, Founder and CEO of the franchisor How Do You Roll?Find Yuen on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yuenyung/Casoro Group Website: https://casorogroup.com/

  • Peter J. Whitehouse and Daniel R. George, American Dementia: Brain Health in an Unhealthy Society

    04/04/2022 Duration: 58min

    Dementia is a growing epidemic that affects individuals and families around the world.Despite the billions of dollars funneled into biomedical research, we still don't have a cure for Alzheimer's. In fact, it's becoming increasingly clear that Alzheimer's is not one disease, but rather a syndrome caused by many different age-related processes.We need to take action now if we want to protect our brains and prevent dementia from becoming an even bigger problem. This means making lifestyle changes like exercising more, eating better, and reducing stress. It also means supporting research that looks at the complex causes of dementia and finding new ways to treat it.--------------------Bio:Peter J. WhitehouseMD, Ph.D., is a professor of neurology at Case Western Reserve University and a professor of medicine at the University of Toronto. He is co-founder of Intergenerational Schools, a network of unique public, multi-age community schools in Cleveland, Ohio. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/i

  • Joe Anfuso - How the Baby Boomers Are Transforming the Multi Family Real Estate Market

    27/02/2022 Duration: 52min

    Before the pandemic, the idea of aging in place was becoming more popular. Some baby boomers are now wary of nursing homes, where at least one-third of U.S. Covid-19 deaths have occurred, so they are interested in aging in place. The trend is making home shortages and prices even worse for younger buyers who want to get a piece of the real estate wealth.The Silent Generation (born before 1946) had long owned the majority of real estate wealth, but they sold later in life and moved in with extended family, or to an assisted-living community. Baby Boomers living in their homes are bucking the trend. A study from the Federal Reserve data shows that boomers surpassed the Silent Generation in real estate wealth in 2001 and have yet to relinquish it.Despite their fears, baby boomers built wealth by investing in the stock market and purchasing real estate. They benefited from the 1980s bull market, which saw share prices soar and trading volume soar as more buyers entered the market.Joining me in conversation is Joe

  • Anne Lester - Baby Boomers: How to save Smart Money and Retire on Time

    27/02/2022 Duration: 59min

    Retirement planning is intimidating, and it's hard to know where to start. Do you feel like you're behind? Are you worried that it's too late to save for retirement?The fact is, there's no one right answer when it comes to how much you need to save for retirement. Depending on your age, income, health, and other factors, you may need more or less than the average person.If you're not saving adequately for retirement, then you're setting yourself up for a difficult future. You may have to work longer than you'd like or make significant cuts to your lifestyle in retirement.If you are a baby boomer, did you save enough for retirement? The answer is dependent on what you mean by "adequate."Americans have traditionally relied on Social Security, private pensions, and personal savings to secure their retirement income. This system has served the seniors well Since World War II.But the future is uncertain. The baby boomer generation has created a long-term imbalance in So

  • Leith States - The US Department of Health, Age in America and Social Determinants of Health

    27/02/2022 Duration: 58min

    As a society, we are living longer due to better living and health care. While reaching old age is something to be thankful for, there are several challenges facing the seniors that we should all be aware of. We don't realize how much we can help our aging population until we start to age or see a loved one struggle.Here are a few of the concerns that seniors face as we live longer: Memory loss, Dementia or Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson’s disease; Inability to drive or travel independently; Hearing loss, Vision problems, including blindness; Falls resulting to injuries; Chronic pain, arthritis; Depression and loneliness; Social isolation; Financial insecurity; Scams and abuse. Many are the social determinants of health.It is common for seniors to develop chronic disease as they age. But not all seniors have equal access to care. During the pandemic, there is a growing gap and disparity in care, which has exacerbated under stress. And it's more common in medically underserved seniors than in th

  • Louis J. Woolf - Do You Have an Aging Relative That Needs Help?

    20/02/2022 Duration: 01h01min

    When it comes to aging in America, there are many issues that seniors face. These include brain health/ dementia, to a broad spectrum of issues to affordable housing with services. You should also know what type of retirement community best suits your needs based on location and budget, from aging at home or Independent Living to Memory Care.Seniors face numerous obstacles as they age, including the possibility of becoming disabled or losing a spouse. They must also consider how society will care for them in the future.Seniors and their families will need to consider the following at some point: How are assisted living and long-term care different? What does long-term care entail? What services are provided by long-term care? How do you plan for the possibility of long-term care? What characteristics define a quality long-term care community?Join me in conversation is Lou Woolf, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Hebrew SeniorLife.--------------------Bio:Louis J. Woolf is the president and CEO of Hebrew

  • Alfonso Fasano - Parkinson's Disease, Is It a Paradigm of Aging?

    13/02/2022 Duration: 01h01min

    Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that is rapidly overtaking Alzheimer's disease as the most common.It's a progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects movement and can lead to tremors, slowness of movement, stiffness in the limbs and trunk, balance problems, and difficulty walking. There is no cure for this disease but there are many ways to manage it.PD has many problems for our society, from caregiver stress to hospitalization costs, but our understanding of genetic and environmental causes is slowly upgrading them to the level of diseases - 'a much-needed step towards precision medicine.'Precision medicine offers the hope of tailored treatments for each individual, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. We hope that by increasing our understanding of PD we can create better treatments and hopefully one day a cure.Join me in conversation with Dr. Alfonso Fasano, Professor of Medicine, Neurology University of Toronto.--------------------Bio:Dr. A

  • Senior Housing, Is It a Lifestyle or Medical Necessity? with Calvin Schnure

    06/02/2022 Duration: 47min

    With the aging of baby boomers, senior housing has become a hot topic. Many people are concerned about how they will pay for their parents' care while also saving money and planning for retirement. There is no easy answer to this question, but we can discuss what's happening with senior housing, Pandemic effects on occupancy, healthcare-related costs and staffing, and some of the major issues facing seniors today.Senior housing is a rapidly growing industry. The number of seniors in the United States is expected to double by 2030, reaching an estimated 70 million people over age 65.But with this growth comes challenges for senior living providers and their residents, including rising healthcare costs, staffing shortages, and more.--------------------Bio:Calvin Schnure is Senior Vice President, Research & Economic Analysis, at Nareit. In this role, Calvin analyzes developments in the macroeconomy and their impact on REITs and commercial property markets, and on financial returns to REITs. He also

  • Blair Quasnitschka - Secrets to Successful Senior Living

    27/01/2022 Duration: 40min

    With the elderly, a fast-growing demographic in the U.S., senior housing issues are taking center stage.The rising cost of living, limited options, chronic health problems, and inaccessibility caused by decreased mobility are just some of the housing problems facing the aging population. A successful senior living community is a team effort. In order to provide compassionate care and a fulfilling quality of life for each resident, a TEAM EFFORT is required.The senior living industry faces many challenges, including difficulty COVID-related occupancy, clinical risk management, repairing the damaged mental health of residents, workforce and staff issues, and residents' financial status. These are just some of the challenges the senior living industry is currently facing. Without a doubt, these are difficult times for those in this sector.--------------------Bio:For the last 15 years, Blair Quasnitschka has served in senior living and senior care communities. He is experienced with single and multi-site ope

  • Medicare Advantage, Home Care & Senior Living Resources with Doug Robertson and Kerin Zuger

    20/01/2022 Duration: 52min

    The inclusion of Home Care services in Medicare Advantage plans has doubled from '21 to '22. This means that more seniors are receiving care at home, which is a positive trend for senior living communities and In-Home Care providers.Join me in a LIVE conversation with Doug Robertson, Kerin Zuger, Right at Home.A decentralized care model provides patients with the right care, at the right time, and in the right place. It's a patient-centered approach to health and wellness that gives people access to high-quality services from trusted providers.It also helps providers better coordinate care across settings, making it more efficient, effective, and affordable while improving patient outcomes. This is the future of healthcare – decentralized, integrated, and patient-centered.Medicare Advantage Partnerships are a great way to diversify your revenue stream and increase profitability.--------------------Bio:Doug Robertson, Government affairs professional providing regulatory compliance, licensing, an

  • Aaron Blight - Caregiving, The Unsung Heroes

    12/01/2022 Duration: 44min

    Caregiving can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it’s also one of the most challenging. It takes a lot of time and energy to care for another person, especially if they have special needs or are elderly.The last thing you want is to feel like your life has been put on hold because you are constantly worrying about them. You need support from people who understand what you’re going through.--------------------Bio:Aaron Blight has spent years of his life providing care for a parent, spouse or aging relative. He is now in a position where he gets to help other people in the same situation by teaching them how to be better caregivers. His clients are family and professional caregivers who need guidance on how they can make their lives easier when caring for others. Aaron's work is no longer a job because he found success in what he does and that success led him towards significance.Find Aaron at these links:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaronblight/Twitter: https://twitter.com/aaronblightCar

  • Brandy Smuzeski - Senior Health Care | Avoid the Last Minute Emergency

    21/11/2021 Duration: 34min

    Do you want to live a long and healthy life?Preventable Services, Annual Wellness Visits, and Advanced Care Planning can make a world of difference in the quality and length of our lives.Prevention is often cheaper than cure.Preventive health care is an important part of living well. By getting regular check-ups and screenings, you can help prevent illness or detect it early when treatment works best.Annual wellness visits are the foundation of preventive health care. They’re also a great opportunity for your doctor to get to know you and your family, discuss any concerns, and develop personalized prevention strategies that meet your needs.You can also use these services to help your family plan for your future care needs. The more we know about what we want at the end of our lives, the better prepared we’ll be when it comes time to talk with loved ones about how they should handle things if something happens to us.It’s never too early (or late) to start planning for your future care needs!-------------------

  • Paul Nussbaum - Healing the Spiritual Brain of Seniors

    16/11/2021 Duration: 47min

    Do you feel like your brain is constantly in overdrive?You’re not alone. We live in a world of constant stimulation, and it takes its toll on our brains. This can have some adverse effects on seniors if they don't have proper mental wellness.With the constant pressure to keep up, it's no wonder that many seniors are in danger of experiencing poor brain health.But there are ways to bring emotional and spiritual balance back into your life. And the first step is understanding how neuroscience has uncovered the spiritual capacity and underpinnings of the human brain.Once we understand that our brains have an innate ability to be balanced, we can begin to take steps towards bringing more peace into our lives by taking care of ourselves with mindfulness practices that help us tap into this part of ourselves again.These practices include meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, journaling, exercise – anything that helps us connect with what matters most to us as individuals so we can find inner peace.Joinin

  • Stephanie Zeverino - Debunk the Myth of Senior Living

    07/11/2021 Duration: 47min

    Most of us have our own ideas about what senior living communities are like. Some believe that senior living community is interchangeable with the term nursing home but they are in fact two very different options for seniors. While many leading senior living communities do provide higher-level healthcare services and assistance found in traditional nursing homes, they offer seniors so much more than simply age-related support.The truth is that many people choose to live in an independent lifestyle setting because they want more out of life. Independent senior living offers more freedom and independence while still providing access to on-site health care providers as needed.Senior Living communities today focus greatly on helping seniors maintain their quality of life by offering amenities such as fitness centers, pools, spas, dining options and so much more! These benefits allow seniors to enjoy active lifestyles without having to worry about household chores or maintenance issues at home – giving them the ab

  • Allison Boulware - Bridging the Generational Gap in Senior Living

    31/10/2021 Duration: 01h21s

    The generation gap is real. And it poses challenges for leaders in the workplace, especially when working with different age groups of employees who have very different perspectives on how to approach their careers and responsibilities at work.This is particularly true for senior living communities.Bridging the generational gap in senior living is necessary for society to thrive. Often, generations feel segregated by age and miss out on precious opportunities that come with being connected across different eras of life experiences.We need connections between our elders as well as young adults because they are both integral parts who contribute greatly towards shaping America into what it will be tomorrow.We believe in the power of relationships, and we know that when people from different generations come together, they can create something truly special.Join me in conversation today is Allison Boulware.--------------------Bio:SVP and Chief Wellness Officer at Bridge Senior Living; Allison Boulware is a Clini

  • Danielle Roberts - Navigating the Maze of Medicare Advantage

    24/10/2021 Duration: 47min

    Do you have a loved one that is currently on Medicare? Or do you work in the senior care industry helping seniors set up their MA plans?If so, then you know how confusing it can be to navigate the maze of Medicare Advantage. There are just too many options and not enough information out there to help seniors make an informed decision;  Seniors are more likely to feel like they are victims instead of empowered. There are so many different plans, carriers, and deductibles. Picking the wrong one will cause you financial ruin! With so much to consider it can be hard to know where to start.Senior often find themselves in this situation. They are given a long booklet about insurance, but they are not told which one to buy. The booklet is 150+ pages long, so it is hard for them to understand it. Then they have to compare all the different plans which include prescription drug coverage, vision or dental care, gym memberships, or even travel discounts. The key is finding one that provides what you need at an affordabl

  • Mohammad Nami - Sleep and Brain Health for Seniors

    10/10/2021 Duration: 58min

    Do you know that poor sleep habits are the main cause of the increase in mental health problems?As our lives continue to get busier, sleep becomes less and less of a priority. The consequences are more than just tiredness - poor quality or quantity can lead not only to issues with cognitive function but also an increase in confusion as well as personality changes.These changes make it difficult for seniors who suffer from these disorders to make good decisions regarding their daily routine.Also, Poor sleep and mental health go hand-in-hand. Research shows that people who don’t get enough good quality sleep tend to experience more anxiety and depression than those who do. Sleep deprivation is also linked with an increased risk for suicide attempts! So it goes without saying that getting a good night's rest is crucial for your overall well-being.Joining me today is Dr. Mohammad Nami, he will share tips on how you can improve your sleeping patterns.--------------------Bio:Dr. Mohammad Nami is a highly accom

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