1mflourish's Podcast

Flávio Henrique de Rezende Costa - Don't Let Alzheimer's or Parkinson's Steal Your Loved One's Dignity



Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases are two of the world's most common neurological disorders. Alzheimer's affects approximately 6.2 million people, while Parkinson's affects nearly 10 million, according to the World Health Organization.These diseases can have far-reaching consequences for both patients and their families. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease can cause depression and anxiety in addition to memory loss, confusion, and mobility issues.These diseases have a tremendous impact on healthcare systems and families, leading to increased burdens on care providers and significantly altering the lives of those affected.There is no cure for either disease, but there are treatments that can help with symptoms. Medical marijuana is a promising area of study for both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.While more research is needed, preliminary evidence suggests that cannabinoids may aid in the improvement of sleep, the reduction of inflammation, and the protectio