Iron Culture



Iron Culture was started by Eric Helms and Omar Isuf as a means of exploring the world of physical culture and attempting to distill a unified philosophy of lifting and to help listeners find greater meaning from the iron. The lifting community has become fractured over the last ~70 years and this Podcast will attempt to explore the fundamental threads that unite these different tribes. The Podcast focuses on dispensing practical, useful information to the listener, bouncing from history, to philosophy, to contemporary lifting culture issues, to science. This can range from teaching the audience about lifting, programming, nutrition, supplements/PEDs and the history of lifting culture. The format includes casual conversations between the two hosts on a variety of topics, discussions with a panel of experts and interviews with authoritative figures in the lifting community.


  • Ep. 220 - The Lifting Stones of Ireland (feat David Keohan)

    01/05/2023 Duration: 01h11min

    You’ve probably heard of the famous, ancient lifting stones in Iceland and Scotland, some of which are even replicated and used in strongman competitions. But did you know that over 20 stones (and still counting) have been uncovered just in the last few years in Ireland, many of them heavier than the stones in Iceland and Scotland, by primarily one man? That man, Kettlebell Sport World Champion and amateur historian David Keohan (affectionately called “Indiana Stones”) joins us in this episode to discuss the incredible stories of how these stones were unearthed. You’ll hear about these ancient stones and their rich cultural significance and connections to mythology. While we often think of history as something in the past, when you tune in you’ll learn how some history is still being uncovered in real time! 00:00 Paying respects to a ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ review 3:20 Introducing David Keohan and lifting stones in Ireland Rogue Fitness documentaries Stoneland: Fullsterkur: https

  • Ep. 219 - Being a Good Coach - It’s not About You

    24/04/2023 Duration: 01h36min

    Coaches in the evidence-based community are often up to date with the latest in periodization and sports nutrition, but many are not even aware that there is a tremendous amount of research on coaching itself. What makes a good coach? Hint: it’s not simply being up to date with science, as that would mean that every coach prior to the modern era is a bad coach. So, what is it to be a good coach? As the title implies, it’s not about you, it’s about being athlete-centered. But what does that mean? Join in to find out!

  • Ep. 218 - Science is Flawed, but Can be Fixed (feat Dr. James Steele, Dr. “Pak” and Milo Wolf)

    17/04/2023 Duration: 01h40min

    We recently visited Dr. James Steele, Dr. “Pak”, and Milo Wolf at Solent University to film some of their research methods and interview them about the innovative, high-quality approaches they take. These guys aren’t just any group of muscle nerds though, they are actively working to improve how sports science is conducted, using and promoting the tools of open science. What is open science you ask? Make sure to tune in to learn, as you might be surprised that despite science being the best tool we have to answer life’s questions, it has many systemic issues from peer review, to the publishing process, to the reward systems in academia, to the gaps in training that sports scientists often have.

  • Ep. 217 - The Rich History of Irish Lifting

    10/04/2023 Duration: 01h29min

    Dr. Conor Heffernan is back to discuss our recent trip to Ireland where he introduced us to Ireland’s reigning strongest woman Ayshea Ullah, David Keohan a kettlebell sport world champion dubbed “Indiana Stones”, and the many members of Europe’s oldest continually open gym Hercules Club, in Dublin. On our trip we learned about the only recently uncovered history of Irish stone lifting that goes back centuries, and got to watch as the current physical culturists of modern Ireland physically connected with the past pioneers of strength, and we also sat down with the old and new members of Herc’s in Dublin to learn just how special their community is. Join us in this episode as we reflect on these incredible experiences. 00:00 The fellowship of the stone is back (with a limerick) SBD Road to Sheffield 2023 Series YouTube: Instagram: 13:33 The history of the stones that we lifted in Ireland 30:04

  • Ep. 216 - The Most Important Powerlifting Meet In History? (The Sheffield Retrospective)

    03/04/2023 Duration: 01h55min

    Last week was the first time in our history that we left you without an episode, but don’t worry this painful experience was for good reason. Omar and Eric were in fact, both together in person, with Dr. Conor Heffernan at the SBD Sheffield. Eric was on stage coaching Jessica Buettner, and Conor and Omar were in the audience filming with the help of the newest member of the fellowship, Jonathan Akagha, the strongest cameraman in Europe. The Sheffield was perhaps the most significant meet in raw tested powerlifting, and for the two days leading up to it, the day of, and the day following, we filmed and interviewed the athletes and hosts to capture the experience. In this episode Omar, Eric and Conor sit down to discuss the Sheffield in retrospect: what was it like behind the scenes as a participant, what was it like in the audience, what did it mean for powerlifting, how will it change the future of the sport, and how will it evolve? Tune in as we answer these questions and more!   00:00 Intro to our first in-

  • Ep. 215 - Is Bodybuilding a Sport?(feat Adrian Kind)

    20/03/2023 Duration: 01h56min

    Look no further than the comment section of this post/video and you’ll find knee-jerk answers to the question posed in this title driven by emotional reactions, that are justified after the fact by a poorly thought-out argument that is logically inconsistent. In the philosophy of sport, however, you go the opposite direction. You put forth a logically consistent case, based on established information, within the constraints of the argument. In this episode we chat with philosophy Ph.D. candidate at the Berlin School of Mind and Brain Adrian Kind, who recently collaborated on the article: “Is Bodybuilding a Sport?” with Eric. It is currently in peer review, but available as a pre-print for all to read. This philosophy of sport article by Kind and Helms is a rebuttal to another philosophy of sport article by Aranyosi (2018), where Aranyosi claims competitive Bodybuilding is not a sport, but rather an artistic presentation with sport-like elements. While Adrian and Eric didn’t prove Bodybuilding is a sport in th

  • Ep. 214 - You Don’t Know Powerlifting Coaching (feat Matt Gary)

    13/03/2023 Duration: 01h42min

    Matt Gary is back on Iron Culture after being on way back in episode 16! This time he discusses nuances most people don’t know about game day powerlifting coaching, including even most powerlifters! With the explosion of participants in the sport, there are some weight classes where as many as five individuals could be a world champion depending on how their cards are played. Truly, it’s no longer a question of just who is the strongest, but who is the best powerlifter, which requires coaches to truly know “the game”. In this episode, one of the most decorated platform coaches in the sport’s history, Matt Gary, breaks down what those cards are, all four aces and the joker. Tune in, as this man literally wrote the book on game day coaching (which we’d recommend you read!)   Game Day Coaching Manual: A Powerlifting Coach’s Guide to Maximising Game Day Performance By Matt Gary  00:00 An introduction to a very Canadian Eric and Matt Gary Iron Culture Ep. 16-

  • Ep. 213 - Addressing The IFBB Pro Bodybuilding Controversy (ft Desmond Butler)

    06/03/2023 Duration: 01h21min

    Cult, we’ve been working on this one for weeks. We’ve got Desmond Butler on this episode, the lead journalist who wrote the recent Washington Post series on the corruption, exploitation, and health and safety controversies in the NPC/IFBB pro league. We previously discussed this article series both in a duo episode as well as with Dr. Guillermo Escalante, and now, we’re privileged to sit down and hear it from the source (or rather the man with the sources). In this episode, you’ll learn how Desmond’s father directed the cult classic (pun intended) Pumping Iron, and then how years later he’d go on to revisit bodybuilding from a very different perspective. You’ll also learn just how much research went into the Post articles, and how many people they spoke to. This was a monster episode for sure folks and an eye-opening exposé.

  • Ep. 212 - High Level Powerlifting & Eric's Last Dance

    27/02/2023 Duration: 01h44min

    The boys are reunited, don’t worry cult, and yes, reunited atop the pyramid. After catching up on what’s been going on for Omar that took him away from us last week, the boys get down to powerlifting talk. This is a big year for powerlifting, with COVID behind us and the Sheffield ahead, and epic battles to come in both the 93 and 76kg divisions at multiple international competitions. Eric discusses how different it can be to coach athletes at the highest level in powerlifting, where scouting, chips, lot numbers, attempt changes, and other subtle aspects of coaching that normally don’t come into play, make a big difference as only kilos separate world champions from runner ups. Then, Omar asks Eric about his own competitive aspirations as he’s just started his 2023 contest prep, where he plans to go all the way to INBF/WNBF worlds in November, while also competing in his first masters powerlifting meet, as he turns 40 this year.

  • Ep. 211 - Training Specificity Revisited & New Diet Break Data

    20/02/2023 Duration: 01h20min

    Dear listener, we just can’t let go. Even though we told you in 2023 we wouldn’t be able to stick to the weekly schedule, we are trying our best to do so anyway. This week, to maintain our codependent relationship with you, we have a solo episode from Mr. Dr. Eric Helms. Unfortunately, Omar had to travel for Raskol and couldn’t join him, but the Cult lives on in a weekly format for a little longer. No, you won’t hear Omar say “Eric” to kick things off, no you won’t have a half-hour of banter, nor will you hear Omar call this a “monster episode” or find some way to reference Yngwie Malmsteen, but you will get a whole lot of science. In this episode, Eric goes in on the topic of specificity for powerlifting and also covers a new diet break study that was just published. 00:00 An intro to a very different Iron Culture episode… Eric’s affiliate link to the NASM Physique and Bodybuilding Coach Specialization 12:12 Topic One:

  • Ep. 210 - What Powerlifting Needs To Do Better

    13/02/2023 Duration: 01h53min

    We are joined by Ryan Lapadat on this episode, host of the King of the Lifts podcast, and arguably the best and most prolific powerlifting commentator, despite his relatively recent emergence onto the scene. How did Ryan find himself in the position he’s in today, and how has he contributed to the increased interest and popularity in powerlifting that’s occurred in the last decade? Ryan will be commentating at the Sheffield next month, and there is a bright future for the legitimization of powerlifting if things continue in the direction they’re headed. Join us in this episode as we learn the some aspects of how powerlifting got to be perceived as it is today, the value of narrative in making fans care, and what the future holds for the sport. 00:00 Reviewing reviews with Ryan – Cultural beliefs surrounding women in lifting Iron Culture Ep. 177- Jessica Buettner: 2x IPF World Champion Powerlifter Iron Culture Ep. 103- The History Of Women's Bodybuilding             

  • Ep. 209 - Stretching For Hypertrophy & A Superior Creatine!?

    06/02/2023 Duration: 01h14min

    Stretch-mediated hypertrophy is all the rave at the moment, and much of the enthusiasm is based on a single study out of a specific lab, but, there are actually many other studies that this lab has recently published that give further insights into the topic. Ultimately, what the cult wants to know, is whether stretching-induced gains are complementary or redundant to resistance training-induced gains. In this episode, we discuss not only these possibilities, but also a recent study on SuperCreatine (TM) indicating it might not be so super, but also, that gives us insight as to whether creatine loading is even necessary.

  • Ep. 208 - Sheffield Final Roster, USPA controversy, New Bodybuilding Research

    30/01/2023 Duration: 01h34min

    It’s episode 208 and yes, you’re right, that means it’s been four years of episodes coming out weekly, every single . And guess what? In typical iron culture fashion, we completely forgot it was our 4 year anniversary while we recorded this episode. But, dear listener, that’s because we were totally focused on YOU, bringing you the latest news in the iron game, from the final Sheffield roster now that the wildcard picks are complete, to the recent USPA controversy, to a new study published on physique contest preparation. Next week, we’ll have our belated 4 year anniversary, but this week you get to enjoy another MONSTER episode. 00:00 Intro: what is it? Reviewing reviews 07:50 Revisiting/clarifying menstrual cycle-based approach to training Iron Culture Ep. 207 - Is Menstrual Cycle Periodization Evidence-Based? (ft. Lauren Colenso-Semple) 16:32 Back to the reviews 24:00 A detailed IPF Sheffield Powerlifting Championships 2023 summary and update 52:04 The bad news i

  • Ep. 207 - Is menstrual cycle periodization evidence-based? (feat Lauren Colenso-Semple)

    23/01/2023 Duration: 01h42min

    We were joined by McMaster University PhD. candidate Lauren Colenso-Semple who is studying the influence of exercise, nutrition, and hormones on skeletal muscle, specifically as they relate to the menstrual cycle. She has an extensive background not only in academia, having worked with a veritable “who’s who” of exercise science researchers in her journey to her PhD studies, but she also is an experienced personal trainer. In this episode she helps us understand whether “menstrual-cycle phase based training” is truly based on firm evidence, or if in some cases, the popular guidance sometimes extends beyond what we currently know (and what makes sense from a physiological perspective). Make sure to tune in to learn what we do and don’t know on this fascinating topic.

  • Ep. 206 - Is the day you start lifting the day you become forever small?

    16/01/2023 Duration: 01h31min

    If comparison is the thief of joy, then what hope do competitive bodybuilders have for happiness? In a sport where you stand before a panel of strangers who numerically rate your nearly nude body in comparison to others, you’d think it’d be impossible. But is it? What happens to bodybuilders’ body image over time? Is it true that whether they place 3rd at the all-valley “championships” or 1st at worlds, they still feel small? If it’s not true, why not, to what degree, and in what circumstances? In this episode, we explore whether or not it’s true that the day you start lifting is the day you become forever small, and how this mindset can manifest, change, and differ between groups and individuals. 00:00 An update on the Iron Culture documentary and the frequency of episodes 04:50 Self-perception in the social media fitness space Omar’s YouTube video will be linked here when it is published! 11:00 Mental and physiological distress in physique athletes Helms 2019 Towards a Sustainable Nutrition Paradigm in Phys

  • Ep. 205 - Bodybuilding Corruption and Predicting Hypertrophy

    09/01/2023 Duration: 01h22min

    After our recent episode with Dr. Guillermo Escalante discussing the potential contributing causes and possibly what could be done about the recent deaths of a number of high profile enhanced bodybuilders, we wanted to follow up. As you recall, this conversation came about because of a Washington Post article series that not only discussed these tragedies, but also exploitation and corruption at the heart of the biggest bodybuilding organization: the NPC/IFBB pro league. Omar made an eye opening YouTube video summarizing these articles, and we discussed them in further depth today, not for controversy’s sake, but rather because we both truly want a better future for the sport and art of bodybuilding. In addition, in the latter half of this episode we discussed the challenges of predicting hypertrophy from proxy measures, and where we are at scientifically in this regard, and what it means for practice.   00:00 Revisiting the bodybuilding controversy Iron Culture Ep. 203 Can Enhanced Bodybuilding Be Safer? (Ft

  • Ep. 204 - New Years Gains: Less Sleep Loss & Choosing Better Influencers

    02/01/2023 Duration: 01h45min

    It’s 2023, and the boys just can’t be denied. Four years strong and they’ve weathered cyber attacks from a bearded AI, fended off an Irish serial killer, and somehow, managed not to get themselves cancelled. In the new year we have big plans, but before we focus on our plans, we want to focus on yours dear listener. First, we know you’re still recovering from staying up late for New Year’s Eve, and let’s be honest, for many of you it wasn’t your only late night. How much does getting less sleep than normal impact your training and what can you do about it? After we tackle this practical question, we have an in depth discussion on how to identify the snakes in the garden - the less obvious, shiftier influencers you currently think are helping you, but are just waiting for an opportunity to take advantage of your trust. 00:00 Introduction to a brave new world (and a happy new year!) 14:12 The effect of sleep loss on lifting performance Craven 2022 Effects of Acute Sleep Loss on Physical Performance: A Systemati

  • Ep. 203 - Can Enhanced Bodybuilding Be Safer? (Feat Dr Guillermo Escalante)

    26/12/2022 Duration: 01h46min

    In a series of recent Washington Post investigative articles about bodybuilding in the NPC/IFBB pro league, Desmond Butler (the son of the producer of Pumping Iron) covered a series of controversial topics. Among them, were the seemingly increasing numbers of competitor deaths. In this episode, we sat down with Dr. Guillermo Escalante, the Assistant Dean and a Professor of Kinesiology in the College of Natural Sciences at CSU San Bernardino, who is a competitive bodybuilder himself, as well as an athletic trainer (a sports medicine first responder). He was interviewed for these Washington Post articles because from 2012 to 2019 he spent many of his Saturdays in Southern California at shows, making himself available in case any athletes had medical emergencies. Dr. Escalante has also specifically published research examining the potential causes of death of enhanced pro bodybuilders. Needless to say, there are few people with more direct knowledge, experience, and perspective on the potential dangers of certai

  • Ep. 202 - The New Supplement Everyone Will Be Talking About: Paraxanthine

    19/12/2022 Duration: 01h54min

    Mr. Benjamin Franklin Esgro has the unique honor of being our first guest in our episodes numbered in the 200’s, as well as being on for his fifth, or maybe sixth time? We aren’t sure, but we like to have the man on! I’m this episode, he’s once again crusading against potential charlatans in the supplement industry. If you remember last time, Ben joined us to discuss the lacking evidence of a mechanism of action behind turkesterone and today, he’s back to give us a dose of reality on paraxanthine. What is paraxanthine you might ask? Well if you haven’t already heard of it, it’s supposedly the next big thing in the stimulant, nootropic and pre workout world. But, while this supplement is interesting and may have specific utility, should we really expect something truly groundbreaking considering it’s a metabolite of caffeine? Join us as we ask Ben Esgro to find out. 00:00 Intro 5:41 (Re)introducing Ben to kickstart another monster episode  19:24 An overview of paraxanthine Lelo 1986 Comparative pharmacokinetic

  • Ep. 201 - Higher Frequency Training, Breaking Plateaus & More (Q&A)

    12/12/2022 Duration: 01h15min

    It’s the start of a new era, as Omar and Eric sit down for episode 201. In this conversation, the two pick up where they left off from episode 200, tackling the Cult’s questions that were too good, and too deep to cover last week. Specifically, we discuss how to compare the potential effects of dissimilar variables on hypertrophy, such as sleep, protein, and creatine using research. Further, we field questions on how you measure progress and deal with plateaus, and whether higher frequency training can provide unique advantages. 00:00 Introduction to a new era of Iron Culture (and reading comments) 15:11 Start of Q&A. Effect sizes in sport science research (protein, creatine, and sleep) and their application to practice Tagawa 2020 Dose-response relationship between protein intake and muscle mass increase: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Morton 2018 A systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression of the effect of protei

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