Iron Culture

Ep. 216 - The Most Important Powerlifting Meet In History? (The Sheffield Retrospective)



Last week was the first time in our history that we left you without an episode, but don’t worry this painful experience was for good reason. Omar and Eric were in fact, both together in person, with Dr. Conor Heffernan at the SBD Sheffield. Eric was on stage coaching Jessica Buettner, and Conor and Omar were in the audience filming with the help of the newest member of the fellowship, Jonathan Akagha, the strongest cameraman in Europe. The Sheffield was perhaps the most significant meet in raw tested powerlifting, and for the two days leading up to it, the day of, and the day following, we filmed and interviewed the athletes and hosts to capture the experience. In this episode Omar, Eric and Conor sit down to discuss the Sheffield in retrospect: what was it like behind the scenes as a participant, what was it like in the audience, what did it mean for powerlifting, how will it change the future of the sport, and how will it evolve? Tune in as we answer these questions and more!   00:00 Intro to our first in-