Wise Women Conversations



Wise Women Conversations is a podcast for women in their mid-stage of life. We explore the issues that impact women as they transition through peri and post menopause. Join us and become part of the conversation as we explore the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of being a women in her mid-stage of life. Episodes include a mix of interviews with Wise Women as well as some solo episodes from Women's Transformation Coach, Angela Counsel.


  • Wise Women Gathering in Circles

    30/05/2019 Duration: 51min

    In this episode of Wise Women Conversations I chat with Mitle Southey all about Women's Circles. Mitle started her career off in the corporate world as a corporate Lawyer, she then went on to be a health coach, run an organic cafe and now her life is all about women's circles. Mitle shares the power of women coming together in circle, to share, to listen and to be present for each other. We discuss the difference between having a catch up with your girlfriends and sitting in circle and how both have a place in our lives. Mitle shares the importance of circle guidelines to allow women to feel safe when they are in circle. I loved this conversation and I hope that you do too. Until next week

  • Menopause for women without children

    20/05/2019 Duration: 52min

    In this week's Wise Women Conversations I speak with Chantal Vanderhaeghen about a very important topic - women who reach menopause without having children. For some women the choice not to have children is a conscious one but for Chantal it wasn't. She had always wanted to have children but going into an early menopause meant that she ran out of time and this impacted her feelings about herself as a woman. Chantal shares her journey and is very open about how she felt at the time and the impact that not having children had on her. This is a very vulnerable and open conversation and I am truly grateful to Chantal for her openness and honesty. To learn more about Chantal pop over to the website where you will find all of her links.

  • 7 Steps to Navigating Menopause with Ease

    01/05/2019 Duration: 47min

    In this episode of Wise Women Conversations your host Angela Counsel takes you through the 7 steps to help you navigate the menopause transition with ease. These steps form the basis of Angela's work with her clients and her programs, it is also what she has implemented into her life. Angela describes the steps like a set of balancing stones, they all stack on top of each other and if one it not balanced properly the whole stack can fall. The 7 steps are - Foundations (values & vision), Physical, Emotional, Social, Creative, Spiritual and Connected Self. Each of these steps breaks down into smaller steps. One of the key points that Angela discusses is the need to have a personalised solution, this is because every woman is different and every woman's experience of menopause is different. There is no single cookie cutter approach that works for everyone. To learn more about the work that Angela does visit her website www.angelacounsel.com. Check out previous episodes that Angela has recorded about m

  • Having the Courage to Bloom

    11/04/2019 Duration: 33min

    In this week's episode of Wise Women Conversations I chat with Brenda Tsiaousis all about courage. Brenda has written a book called Courage to Bloom and she shares her story as a faith based business mentor. For many years Brenda hid her faith from the public eye because she was afraid that it would impact her business. There came a time when Brenda realised that she needed to own everything about her especially something as important as her faith. It took a heap of courage for Brenda to shift her business to bring her faith to the front. This conversation is one of courage, of owning your beliefs and standing up for what it really important to you. Whether you are like Brenda and run a business or whether you simply want to live your truth you will find many pearls of wisdom in this conversation.

  • Menopause in the Workplace with Thea O'Connor

    03/04/2019 Duration: 46min

    In this week's episode of Wise Women Conversations I talk to Thea O'Connor about a very important topic - Menopause in the Workplace. For many years the topic of menopause was not discussed in public and certainly was not spoken about in the workplace. With more and more menopausal women in the workplace we need to start talking about what is happening to them and find ways to assist them to fulfil their job roles. Women report that their greatest concern at work is their brain fog and inability to retain information, this leaves them fearing that they will lose their jobs and impacts their confidence. Whilst the UK is doing a lot to support women in menopause, Australia is a long way behind. This is the work that Thea is focusing on, she is approaching different HR managers and having the conversation. While she is not getting a lot of positive response, she has had one workplace consider undertaking changes to support their female staff. So we wait and see. In the meantime it is up to all of us to start hav

  • Sacred Conversation with Chantal Vanderhaeghen

    27/03/2019 Duration: 55min

    In this Wise Women Conversation I chat with Chantal Vanderhaeghen from Unfold your Freedom. This conversation was taken from a facebook live that I did with Chantal the previous week and we talk all about menopause, what happens with your hormones, the physical symptoms that some women experience plus we also talk about finding your true self. I really loved this conversation which is why I wanted to share it on this podcast. We don't talk much about Chantal's story, we touch on it a little bit, so I will be getting Chantal back very soon to learn more about her and how she has navigated this stage of her life.

  • Creating your Next Chapter with Angela Raspass

    21/03/2019 Duration: 46min

    In this week's Wise Women Conversation I have a chat with Angela Raspass who is a Business Mentor who helps women create their Next Chapter Business. Many women in their mid-stage if life decide to start businesses that fulfil them and give them purpose. Our conversation takes many different paths as we discuss the longing for face to face connection that many women have as well as women's search for something different in their life. Angela shares that it is important to follow your heart but the thing that often stops women is a lack of confidence. She advises that sometimes we need to act with confidence first and the feeling of confidence will follow. There is so much gold in this conversation and I am sure that you will enjoy it. If you would like to learn more about Angela pop over to the podcast webpage where you will find all of her links.

  • How manage menopause symptoms naturally

    14/03/2019 Duration: 26min

    In this episode of Wise Women Conversations your host Angela Counsel shares with you some great natural solutions to help you manage your menopause associated symptoms. She shares her favourite herbs, nutrients and food solutions for common symptoms such as hot flushes, insomnia, anxiety and depression. As with anything health related please don't use the information in this podcast to diagnose or treat a condition, consult a qualified health professional should you have any questions about what is right for you.

  • Dance Yourself Awake with Natalie Southgate

    07/03/2019 Duration: 31min

    In this week's Wise Women Conversations I chat with Natalie Southgate who is the creator of Chakradance a fantastic dance technique that can help you connect to your body and heal yourself. Natalie shares how she created Chakradance 20 years ago and how it helped her to heal and to completely change her life. Natalie has so much wisdom to share as she guides us through each chakra. You can hear the beautiful energy in her voice as she steps through each different chakra and explains the different music, tone and tempo that is used. I hope that you truly enjoy this conversation with Natalie.

  • Facing your Fears with Tegan Marshall

    27/02/2019 Duration: 38min

    In this week's Wise Women Conversations I catch up with Tegan Marshall who is the author of the book Facing Fears. Tegan and I talk about some of my fears and how I can overcome them, while this was a bit of a personal coaching session for me I think the information that Tegan shares is valuable for everyone. I hope that you enjoy this Wise Women Conversation.

  • Connecting to self and others with Lisa Entwisle

    18/02/2019 Duration: 42min

    In this week's Wise Women Conversations I catch up with Lisa Entwisle to talk all about connection. Connection to self, connection to others, connection to nature. The conversation takes down several different rabbit holes as we discuss the masks that women wear and the fear that some have when it comes to taking off their mask and connecting to their true self. We also talk about being clear about your values and making decisions based on your values. I hope that you enjoy this Wise Women Conversation

  • Finding Yourself with Keri Norley

    13/02/2019 Duration: 55min

    In this week's Wise Women Conversation Keri Norley joins us to talk about finding yourself and accepting yourself. Keri shares her journey over the past few years from being sick and overwhelmed to thriving in a different country where she knows very few people. Keri had the opportunity to start again and at the same time show up as a different person, this time she stepped out from behind her masked and owned who she truly was. Keri shares how she learned to become comfortable with being alone with herself for long periods of time, something that many women struggle with. She also discusses how her family belief patterns impacted her life and how she stepped out from behind the wall that she had built. This is a very deep and moving conversation with a powerful woman. If you wish to continue to this conversation join us in the private facebook group Maga Woman Project where you can connect with Keri.

  • Making a Difference with Kathy Wong

    06/02/2019 Duration: 33min

    This week's Wise Women Conversation is with Kathy Wong, who is making a difference in the lives of thousands of children in India. Having retired from her business to live in the country Kathy decided that sitting around gardening wasn't enough for her, she wanted to make an impact in the world. This led to Kathy moving back to Sydney with a mission to make a real difference in the lives of children in India. Kathy shares her story and the difference that she has made to over 7000 children to date. Kathy also shares what she believes is her secret to following her crazy dream. Kathy is a true wise woman and I was honoured to have this conversation with her. You can learn more about Kathy on the Maga Woman Project website and you can connect with her in the Maga Woman Project facebook group.

  • What is happening to my hormones in menopause

    30/01/2019 Duration: 08min

    In this week's episode of Wise Women Conversations Angela talks all about hormones in menopause. Many women are aware of the drop in oestrogen but there are other hormonal changes that occur that can also affect the way you feel and your emotions. If you would like to continue this conversation why not pop over to our private facebook group called Maga Woman Project and ask to join us.

  • What is menopause with Angela Counsel

    14/01/2019 Duration: 07min

    In this week's episode of Wise Women Conversation I share with you an audio version of a video that I created a few months ago called What is Menopause? This is a first part in a series of videos that I created to guide women through this stage of life. Have a listen and if you would like to join a community of women who are moving through this same stage of life why not join the Maga Woman Project facebook group.

  • Emotional eating with Irena Geller

    14/01/2019 Duration: 18min

    On this week's episode of Wise Women Conversations I sit down to have a conversation with Irena Geller whi is an Emotional Eating Coach. Irena shares what emotional is and how it can impact your health. She also shares the link between adrenal burnout and emotional eating as well as the role that your cultural might play in your relationship with food. Irena tells me that it is important that we focus on feeding our body not feeding our emotions plus she shares some tips on how you can process your emotions in a healthy manner. To learn more about Irena and read the article that she wrote for the Maga Woman Magazine visit https://magawomanproject.com/wise-women-conversations-podcast/.

  • Who is the Maga Woman with Angela Counsel

    14/01/2019 Duration: 11min

    In this episode of Wise Women Conversations I share with you what the word Maga means, why I use it and what it isn't. I also share how I came to find Maga, this word was gifted to me several different ways. Have a listen and let me know who is your Maga Woman? Have you found her yet or are you still searching?

  • Becoming a Warrior Woman with Fiona Van Lochem

    14/01/2019 Duration: 29min

    Many women as the reach their mid-stage of life can feel lost and not sure who they are. In this week's Wise Women's Conversations I speak with Fiona Van Lochem about tapping into your inner wise warrior woman. Fiona shares some tips on how to let your inner child out to play and to have more fun in your life. To learn more about Fiona and to read an article that she wrote for the Maga Woman Magazine pop over to www.magawomanproject.com

  • Living Life Effortlessly with Carren Smith

    10/01/2019 Duration: 47min

    In this Wise Women Conversation Angela and Carren Smith discuss how to live life effortlessly. Carren Smith as a Bali Bomb survivor has known tragedy in her life, this led to years of depression as Carren tried to come to terms with being a survivor when her two best friends died. What happened that day in Bali changed Carren forever, she learnt what universal connection really meant. Carren has gone on to be Australia's number 1 international Speaker as well as being a Spiritual Leader and Teacher. In this conversation we cover topics such as letting go and acceptance, ego vs essence and discovering who you are when you reach your mid-stage of life. This is an inspiring conversation with a very wise woman. To learn more about what Carren is doing visit www.spirithive.org.

  • Maintaining a healthy pelvic floor in menopause with Caitlin Grace

    10/01/2019 Duration: 44min

    In this episode of Wise Women Conversations Angela and Caitlin Grace pelvic floor health and the impact that menopause can have on your pelvic floor. The conversation goes in many different directions as also discuss our connection to feminine energy and our womb space. To learn more about Caitlin visit www.caitlingraceauthor.com and to read some articles written by Caitlin for the Maga Woman Magazine visit www.magawomanproject.com

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