Wise Women Conversations

Menopause in the Workplace with Thea O'Connor



In this week's episode of Wise Women Conversations I talk to Thea O'Connor about a very important topic - Menopause in the Workplace. For many years the topic of menopause was not discussed in public and certainly was not spoken about in the workplace. With more and more menopausal women in the workplace we need to start talking about what is happening to them and find ways to assist them to fulfil their job roles. Women report that their greatest concern at work is their brain fog and inability to retain information, this leaves them fearing that they will lose their jobs and impacts their confidence. Whilst the UK is doing a lot to support women in menopause, Australia is a long way behind. This is the work that Thea is focusing on, she is approaching different HR managers and having the conversation. While she is not getting a lot of positive response, she has had one workplace consider undertaking changes to support their female staff. So we wait and see. In the meantime it is up to all of us to start hav