Wise Women Conversations



Wise Women Conversations is a podcast for women in their mid-stage of life. We explore the issues that impact women as they transition through peri and post menopause. Join us and become part of the conversation as we explore the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of being a women in her mid-stage of life. Episodes include a mix of interviews with Wise Women as well as some solo episodes from Women's Transformation Coach, Angela Counsel.


  • The power of the pause

    05/03/2020 Duration: 19min

    This week's episode of Wise Women Conversations is another solo episode from Angela where she discusses the power of taking a pause. With everyone living very busy lives we often forget to stop and slow down. Business is often worn with pride like a badge of honour and we can think if we are not busy all of the time that we are not being successful at life. A few years ago stress was the badge of honour until we realised that long term stress was impacting our health and well-being. We don't need to add more to our already busy schedules, in fact most of us could benefit from doing less. Angela invites you to make a list of everything that you do and then consider why you are doing the things you are doing. Do they bring you joy or are you doing them because you think you should or have to? Start getting rid of the should and have to items and enjoy some free time doing nothing. Share in the comments how you are becoming less busy.

  • Life Transitions

    25/02/2020 Duration: 36min

    In this weeks episode of Wise Women Conversations I chat with Spiritual Teacher Anjani Amriit about life transitions. Anjani is an Ayurvedic Practitioner as well as a Spiritual Teacher and she shares the Ayurvedic philosophy around growing older. There are 3 life stages in Ayurveda - child, adult, elder and Anjani refers to this as our stages of life. While we often celebrate the first 2 stages, many of us live in fear of the final stage but this can be the best time of our life. This is the time of the Wise Woman, a time when we no longer need to be defined by other people's expectations of us. The qualities of the elder stage of life that we can embrace are creativity, communication, intuition and imagination. When you have embraced all of these qualities you are a Wise Woman. Anjani advises us to stop "yanging" our life and what she means by this is to stop living within our masculine energy of hard work and striving for success and allow our yin (feminine) energy of flow and acceptance to be a part of ou

  • Using Seeds to Balance your Hormones

    21/02/2020 Duration: 30min

    In this episode of Wise Women Conversations I answer a common question that I often get asked - how can I balance my hormones with food? Seed cycling is something that I have used for many years in clinic with clients who were having issues with their fertility and it also works great for women who are in peri-menopause or who have even stopped bleeding. Using the power of food you are often able to re-balance hormones without the need for excessive supplements or pharmaceutical drugs. Plants have naturally occurring components called "Phytonutrients" and these plant nutrients can help the body to work optimally or can enhance existing body processes. Using seeds we are able to utilise the phytoeostrogens and phytoprogesterones that occur naturally in plants. In fact the use of seeds and other plants have been used through the ages to enhance and heal the human body. Using seeds such as linseeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds in a cyclical manner you are able to continue the regular cyc

  • Decluttering your mind and your life

    12/02/2020 Duration: 40min

    In this episode of Wise Women Conversations I am chatting to Claire McFee about decluttering and how she used decluttering tools to recognise what was happening in her health. Claire had been diagnosed with depression and was told that the only thing should could do was to go on anti-depressants. This wasn't what Claire wanted to do so she started to track her symptoms and over time realised that there was a pattern and it matched to her menstrual cycle. Claire then went on a journey to get healthy and to re-connect to her intuition. Claire is now a Women's Spiritual Mentor and she beautifully guides women to listen to their intuition. In this conversation we go down many different paths, from hormones to rebuilding her relationship with her husband. This was a beautiful conversation with a beautiful woman, have a listen and let me know what you learnt from Claire. If you would like to learn more about the work that Claire does you can find her on all social media as well as via her website www.clairemc

  • Why I do what I do

    10/02/2020 Duration: 35min

    In this episode of Wise Women Conversations I share a bit of my background and why I do what I do. I am passionate about women understanding their body's and how hormonal changes can impact the way that they feel. I believe that the more we speak about all of the stage of menopause the less women will fear this stage of life. This is the time when women get the opportunity to re-discover themselves and to step into their wise years. It doesn't have to be a time of suffering and limitations. If you would like to be a part of the next round of my embrace program where I guide women through this mid-stage of life then pop over to bit.ly/embrace-online to learn more. Be quick because the next round kicks off very soon.

  • Sex and Sensuality in your 40s and beyond

    01/02/2020 Duration: 45min

    In this episode of Wise Women Conversations I have a chat with Taryn Harvey who is a Tantra Intimacy Coach. We cover so much in this conversation and I think it is a very important conversation that needs to be had more often. Firstly Taryn shares how she went from being a pharmaceutical rep who sold Viagra to being a Tantra Coach who teaches men and women how to re-connect to their sensuality. Other topics of the conversation were: •the difference between sex and intimacy •the role of self-love in healthy relationships •the definition of what Tantra is and what it isn't •how tantra is about bringing our body into alignment through our masculine side (what we do) and into our feminine side by bringing us into balance and embodiment •tantra combines different aspects of the elements - air, earth, fire, water and space - as well as the 7 chakras •how to reclaim your sexuality and sensuality •the common problem that women have with a loss of connection to their pleasure body particularly after they hav

  • Your body is speaking to you

    24/01/2020 Duration: 37min

    If you have unprocessed emotions which you suppress and hide at some point your body will react with symptoms. The longer you ignore your emotions or suppress your symptoms the worse your health will get until you develop a serious disease. Your body speaks to you with symptoms, are you ready to listen? In this week's episode of Wise Women Conversations your host Angela Counsel shares the concept of the BodyMind or Mind Body Connection. These concepts are no longer in the realms of woo woo, there is a growing body of scientific research showing that there is a link between emotions and symptoms in the body. Angela takes you for a journey through the Traditional Chinese Medicine 5 Elements and the meridian systems to help you to determine which emotions might be causing your current symptoms. She also shares with you the tool that she uses herself and with her clients to not only find the unprocessed emotions but to process them so that they no longer cause problems.

  • Racial Acceptance and Love

    19/01/2020 Duration: 48min

    In this week's episode of Wise Women Conversations I chat with Faith Agugu who is the creator of a fantastic event for mid-life women called Silver Sirens. Faith invited me along to her last event and it was fantastic to see such a great line up of women who are in mid-life sharing their stories and wisdom. Faith has a special interest in the mental health in African and Australian aboriginal communities and in this conversation we also touch on a very important topic and Faith shares how she got involved with an organisation called GMAR (Grandmothers Against Removals). The removal of children from aboriginal families and communities is something that needs to be changed. Even if it is deemed that it is unsafe for a child to stay with their family, the first option should be to find someone else in the community to look after this child and this is not happening. As a racial wellness coach this topic is very close to Faith's heart. Have a listen to this conversation and learn more about Faith and Aunty H

  • Getting a good nights sleep

    08/01/2020 Duration: 40min

    This week's episode of Wise Women Conversations is another solo episode and I am speaking about the importance of sleep. I often get asked what single thing I would recommend to improve someone's health and well-being and my answer would always be to get a good nights sleep. Sleep is highly underrated in our society yet it is one of the most important things we need to be doing if we want to be healthy. Poor sleep leads to hormonal imbalances, weight gain and can increase your risk of certain cancers. Many women in peri-menopause and menopause have lots of problems sleeping well, this can be due to the drop in hormones but there is something that you can do about it. In this episode I share why we need to sleep, what good quality sleep is like and how you can get a good nights sleep.

  • Talk to the Animals

    31/12/2019 Duration: 49min

    This week's episode of Wise Women Conversations is a fun one with Bianca De Reus, Animal Communicator. Bianca shares how a snake encounter was the catalyst that changed her life from a analytical corporate financial employee to a self-employed animal communicator and energy healer. Whilst Bianca loves communicating with animals this conversation centres around opening your heart to connect to other beings, animals and humans included. Bianca shares how you can tune open a communication channel with any animal by tuning into their energy field. We also discuss how your mood can impact your pet's behaviour and energy levels. This conversation takes many twists and turns as we discuss our connection to nature and how we receive energy through our left hand. I loved this conversation with Bianca and had so much fun with it. If you would like to learn more about the work that Bianca does you can visit her website www.biancadereus.com or join her facebook group called Connected Soul Beings.

  • Connecting Body and Mind with Yoga Therapy

    16/12/2019 Duration: 40min

    In this week's episode of Wise Women Conversations I have a chat with Liama Aesha who is a Yoga Therapy Teacher and Shiatsu Practitioner. We talk about the role that yoga can play in healing the mind, body and spirit. Liama has a particular interest in working with people who experience anxiety and depression. She shares that yoga helps women get out of their head into their body where the healing process can start.

  • Release and Let Go

    11/12/2019 Duration: 26min

    As I record this podcast it is Dec 12th 2019 and we will be experiencing the final full moon for the year and for the decade. As the full moon is a time when I reflect on what has happened sine the last full moon I decided it was time to reflect on the year that was 2019 and the past decade. I invite you to join me in this reflection. In this episode I share with you some journalling prompts which will help you to reflect on the highs, the challenges and the lessons that 2019 had for you. At the end of your reflection I share a closing out paragraph that you can write to close the year and decade with love and gratitude. It will take you time to complete this reflection exercise so if you are listening to this podcast in the car or on your walk (like I do) then I invite you to come back to it when you have some time to write down what 2019 gave you. I will be back on a future episode to share a visualisation meditation to help you to create the next decade of your dreams. If you wish to be a a part of the

  • Getting out in nature and outdoor adventures

    03/12/2019 Duration: 44min

    In this week's episode of Wise Women Conversations I am talking about 2 of my favourite subjects with Yvonne Shepherd - being in nature and walking. Yvonne shares her adventures from joining a gym, to buying the gym and then becoming the Marketing Director for the gym franchise for Australia and New Zealand. Not only was this a bit of an unusual career path for Yvonne it set her on the path to building a business based around outdoor adventures for women. During this conversation we chat about how your changing body doesn't need to limit your activity and how stepping outside of your comfort zone can have a profound impact on your life. After taking many women on adventures Yvonne has seen the changes that can occur when women travel together. If you have ever thought about going on an outdoor adventure, then have a listen to this conversation with Yvonne. I guarantee you will be excited and ready to plan your next trip. You can learn more about the work that Yvonne does at www.womensfitnessadventures

  • The personalised approach to health and wellbeing

    29/11/2019 Duration: 53min

    This week's episode of the Wise Women Conversations Podcast is another solo one from me. I share with you what real personalised health solutions mean to me and how I discovered the particular system that I use. We go right back to the beginning of you and consider your genes as well as many different environmental factors that make you the you that you are today (there are a lot of you's in that sentence). When we look at both your genes as well as what is called epigenetics (your environment, diet and lifestyle choices) we are able to determine the perfect diet, exercise and lifestyle for you to live a healthy and happy life. Everyone falls into 1 of 6 body types, each of which i describe in this podcast and from there using a system called ph360 I am able to determine exactly where your health is on a 360degree circle (it is easier than it sounds). Your specific health type will determine exactly the foods you should be eating, when you should be eating, the type of exercise that works best for you, w

  • What do your thoughts have to do with the way you feel?

    22/11/2019 Duration: 52min

    In this week's episode of Wise Women Conversations we go on a bit of a journey to discover the role that your mind plays in the way you are feeling. My guest on this episode is Shan Withnell, a dear friend of mine, she is an intuitive massage therapist and hypnotherapist. Shan has always had a special gift of understanding how the body works and more importantly how it heals. Shan shares a story about when she was training how she had to be able to feel a single strand of hair through the London Telephone Directory. That is how sensitive Shan is to what is happening within the body of her clients and now with the addition of Rapid Transformation Therapy to her skillset she is also able to help her clients change their thoughts and beliefs systems. This leads to greater and quicker healing within the body. This is a fascinating conversation that goes in many directions I hope that you enjoy it. Shan has worked with people to clear their fear of flying, to clear their fear of enclosed spaces and she he

  • Managing Stress through Connection

    15/11/2019 Duration: 51min

    This week's episode of Wise Women Conversations is a recording of an interview that I did with Bianca De Reus of Connected Beings for her summit last year. This conversation goes in many different directions as we discuss stress and how it impacts your body and your life and how by being connected to our body and our inner wisdom we can create the life we have dreamed of.

  • Breaking the cycle of period poverty

    07/11/2019 Duration: 42min

    This week's Wise Women Conversations is one that I wish we didn't have to have but it is a very important topic. I am speaking to Rochelle Courtney from Share the Dignity about a very real problem in this country - Period Poverty!! To be honest until I came across the work that Rochelle was doing a few years ago I never realised that there were women who were unable to purchase the menstrual products that they needed each month. Because of period poverty there are girls who can't go to school when they have their period (yes this happens in Australia), there are women who have to choose between feeding their children and buying pads or tampons and they use old clothing or rolled up toilet paper to get them through. The work that Share the Dignity do is amazing and it has been through Rochelle's determination and hard work that the Australian Government finally dropped the GST on menstrual products. This is a very important conversation that every woman (and man) needs to listen to. We need to be more

  • What happens to your hormones after 40

    01/11/2019 Duration: 01h02min

    This week's episode is a recording of a live video that I did with Jodee Monckton from Enhance Your Healing. I share what happens to your hormones as you move through your 40s and beyond. We talk about how you can tell if you have a hormonal imbalance and what you can do to re-balance your hormones. I spend some time explaining what personalised health is all about and why there is not a single dietary and lifestyle solution that suits everyone. This conversation goes in many different directions from weight gain and using HRT and everything in between, hopefully I managed to answer many of the questions that women have about what is happening to their body during their per-menopause and menopause transition.

  • Ageing is an Attitude with Lynda Dyer

    21/10/2019 Duration: 38min

    In this week's Wise Women Conversations I chat with Lynda Dyer (Coach, Speaker, Author of 11 best selling books and NLP Master Trainer) about the mindset around ageing. I have often said that we live in an ageist society where youth is idolised and older women often find themselves feeling invisible and unworthy. But is it just society that has this type of beliefs, what about our personal and family beliefs around growing older? Lynda has written a book called Age is an Attitude and she shares how we can change our own experience of growing older by changing our attitude to ageing. Lynda also shares some of the research that has been done by Mario Martinez, a clinical neuropsychologist who lectures worldwide on how cultural beliefs affect health and longevity. Lynda's key message which she shares at the end of the podcast is to let go of everything that doesn't serve you. To learn more about the work that Lynda does or to check out her books visit - http://mindpowerglobal.com.au/ Please share on Ins

  • Balance your Hormones by Loving Your Liver

    18/10/2019 Duration: 47min

    Wise Women Conversations is back after a short break with a solo episode from Angela. In this weeks episode Angela shares with you the importance of a healthy liver when it comes to balancing your hormones. Many of the common symptoms associated with peri-menopause are related to an under functioning liver. Angela shares: •the role the liver plays in hormone regulation and feeling great •the common signs of a sluggish liver •the causes of a sluggish liver •what you can do to support your liver and feel great.

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