Life As P....



Life as P , better known as Phoenix, is a show about how P navigates the world around her. From family, to life, to what you should be doing on social media. So sit back and get ready for some belly laughs. Because you literally feel like your catching up with an old friend while you listen along to Life as P...


  • Hindsight is 20-20

    06/09/2023 Duration: 32min

    Phoenix takes us on a journey through her life's pivotal moments, sharing her experiences of pursuing dreams fervently only to face disappointment and self-doubt when they didn't materialize. As she reflects on these past aspirations, it is easy to see the profound power of hindsight in her life. The unforeseen challenges that could have emerged had her dreams come true all become strikingly clear. Let go of past regrets and embrace the wisdom that hindsight offers. For show notes, resources, and more, visit:

  • Setting the Atmosphere

    30/08/2023 Duration: 41min

    Can your words mold your reality? There is a potent interplay of intentional living and vocal manifestation. Phoenix shares her journey of harmonizing life's direction with aspirations, revealing how deliberate choices can create an atmosphere primed for success. For show notes, resources, and more, visit:

  • Trauma & All Its Crumbs

    17/08/2023 Duration: 31min

    In this episode, Phoenix reveals a powerful perspective on relationships and emotional healing, asserting that waiting for total healing before diving into connections is unnecessary, as none of us are completely healed. Delving into the intricacies of trauma's impact on even the most hidden aspects of our lives, Phoenix candidly recounts her personal journey, unveiling the fragments left behind by trauma and her ongoing journey to navigate its aftermath.For show notes, resources, and more, visit:

  • But Did You Do The Work?

    19/07/2023 Duration: 32min

    In this episode, Phoenix delves into the notion of personal accountability, questioning whether she has put in the necessary work to achieve her goals. Exploring the delicate balance between fate and free will, she encourages listeners to find solace in the uncertainty of life. Join her as she navigates the intricacies of personal agency, perseverance, and the beauty of embracing the unknown.For show notes, resources, and more, visit:

  • But Is It Your Storm?

    12/07/2023 Duration: 28min

    When a rainstorm recently hit the town Phoenix was staying in during her vacation, she reflected on how easy it is to get caught up in other people's problems. She realizes that storms serve a purpose beyond our immediate experiences and that they can bring blessings to someone else's life. In this episode, Phoenix shares her personal journey of breaking free from the entanglement of other people's storms. Through introspection and self-reflection, she reveals the strategies she employs to maintain her emotional well-being and avoid getting overly invested in situations that don't directly concern her. For show notes, resources, and more, visit:

  • Neck & Chest

    28/06/2023 Duration: 33min

    It’s time to confidently express your desires and align your actions with your aspirations. Join Phoenix as she shares relatable stories and insights, inspiring you to banish doubt and embrace the blessings that await. Tune in for a transformative reminder to say it with your chest and claim what you truly deserve.For show notes, resources, and more, visit:

  • The Relationship Manager

    21/06/2023 Duration: 25min

    Phoenix delves into the intricacies of managing relationships, particularly in the context of romance. Acknowledging the inherent stress and complexity that often accompanies such situations, Phoenix explores the importance of thoughtful planning and intentionality in navigating these emotional landscapes. However, through her personal journey, Phoenix discovers a powerful revelation—sometimes, things have a way of working themselves out organically. Amidst the dating world's uncertainty, Phoenix shares her newfound perspective on embracing the ebb and flow of relationships, recognizing that people naturally walk in and out of our lives. She encourages listeners to trust their intuition and discern which connections are truly worth the effort and investment.

  • Hey Value, Is That You?

    07/06/2023 Duration: 26min

    Exploring the common experience of feeling undervalued and underrecognized, particularly in the realm of dating, we delve into the emotional toll it takes. However, Phoenix challenges us to consider if we are the ones undervaluing ourselves. Discover the importance of recognizing our own worth and embracing our inherent value, breaking free from the cycle of feeling unappreciated. Prepare for a thought-provoking journey of self-discovery and empowerment.For show notes, resources, and more, visit:

  • Why We Gotta Wish?

    31/05/2023 Duration: 29min

    In a world where financial success often feels elusive, we are about to uncover a powerful secret: we don't need to chase money; we can attract it. But here's the twist: it's not really the money itself that we desire; it's the profound freedom it represents—the freedom to live life on our own terms without constraints. Join us as Phoenix poses a thought-provoking question: why do we settle for merely wishing we had wealth when we have the ability to manifest it? This episode invites you to step into a life that effortlessly welcomes abundant opportunities and invites you to break free from the confines of chasing money.For show notes, resources, and more, visit:

  • I Might Sound Crazy

    24/05/2023 Duration: 31min

    Despite the judgment and misconceptions she faces, Phoenix sets boundaries that may seem unconventional to others. As she navigates the delicate balance between self-preservation and healing from past traumas, Phoenix sheds light on the reasons behind her walls and the importance of avoiding further harm while on the path to healing. Prepare to be inspired as Phoenix dismantles stereotypes and embraces her own unique path of growth, resilience, and finding balance in a world that sometimes fails to understand.For show notes, resources, and more, visit:

  • Am I The Only One Who Needs Healing?

    10/05/2023 Duration: 30min

    Trauma can shape our perspectives and leave us feeling stuck in old patterns, but what happens when we let go of the narrative and open ourselves up to new possibilities? In this episode, Phoenix challenges the notion that trust issues should be used as an excuse to avoid taking accountability for our actions. While healing from past traumas is important, Phoenix reminds us that we all have a responsibility to own our behavior and work towards personal growth. Drawing from her own experiences, Phoenix offers valuable insights on how to move beyond the limitations of "trust issues"... because trust is something that should be earned.For show notes, resources, and more, visit:

  • Letting The Outside In

    03/05/2023 Duration: 31min

    As an individual, our past experiences shape who we are and influence our patterns of thinking. But sometimes, we get so stuck in our ways that we become unwilling to learn or grow. In this episode, Phoenix shares her thoughts on the importance of being open to new perspectives and experiences. She'll discuss how the information we receive can be a gift, and it's up to us to decide how we use it. So, if you're feeling stuck in your ways, don't miss this episode where we'll explore the benefits of self-reflection and learning from the outside world.For show notes, resources, and more, visit:

  • The Bigness of You

    19/04/2023 Duration: 30min

    Today Phoenix explores the idea of showing up as our authentic selves and embracing all aspects of who we are, including our flaws and assets. She challenges the notion of being afraid of our own greatness and encourages listeners to step into their bigness. She also explains how our flaws can be transformed into strengths when used properly, and how our assets can also become liabilities if not utilized effectively. Let go of your fears and be confident in your uniqueness. By embracing our whole selves, we can unlock our full potential and lead a more fulfilling life.For show notes, resources, and more, visit:

  • Fear & Prepare

    12/04/2023 Duration: 25min

    In this episode, we explore the idea that things do come together when we are intentional and put in the work, but fear can often hold us back from pursuing our goals. Phoenix shares her recent realization that fear can actually be a useful tool to prepare us for the hard work ahead, rather than letting it stop us from even trying. By reframing our perspective and embracing the purpose of fear, we can push past our limitations and achieve great things. Join us as we delve into the power of intention, hard work, and overcoming fear to make things happen in our lives.

  • Atrractive vs Attracted To

    05/04/2023 Duration: 25min

    When thinking about your future it isn’t uncommon to feel overwhelmed by the multitude of options available. This is something Phoenix knows too well. However, as she explores her interests and curiosities, she has learned a valuable lesson: not everything is for her. Just because she may have a skill or enjoy something doesn't mean it's the right fit for her life and goals. Phoenix has come to understand that she can do many things, and do them well, but she cannot do everything. Through her journey of self-discovery, she has discovered the importance of choosing wisely and finding the path that aligns with her values and passions.

  • Back On Your Process

    29/03/2023 Duration: 23min

    Join Phoenix in this episode as she explores the reasons why she is hard on herself and how it affects her personal growth. Are you someone who constantly beats themselves up for not achieving their goals? Do you feel like you can't get on top of your to-do list? Phoenix understands exactly how you feel, but she also knows that it's crucial to give yourself room to breathe and time to fend for yourself. Tune in to discover how to do your process and get to where you need to be.

  • Who’s Really Pausing Your Growth?

    22/03/2023 Duration: 31min

    In this episode, Phoenix urges us to take charge of our lives and march toward the life we truly desire. Often, we procrastinate and put off our goals, telling ourselves that "one day" we'll achieve them. But why wait when we can take action now? It's essential to reflect on who or what is hindering our progress and growth. If it's external factors, like negative influences or unsupportive individuals, it may be time to cut them out of our lives. However, sometimes, we are our own worst enemy, and we hold ourselves back. It's time to break free from our self-imposed limitations and take bold steps toward our dreams.

  • Cards Fall As They May

    15/03/2023 Duration: 25min

    In this episode, Phoenix talks about her journey of learning to let go of control and allowing things to happen naturally. As a self-proclaimed control freak, Phoenix shares her struggles with micromanaging every situation in her life and the toll it takes on her mental health. Through her experiences, Phoenix learns that she cannot control everything and must learn to trust in the universe to guide her path. She speaks about the challenges she faces while surrendering control and the inner strength she gains as a result.

  • Play Our Hand

    01/03/2023 Duration: 25min

    Phoenix knows the feeling of overplaying or underplaying my hand all too well. It can be difficult to admit when you've made a mistake, but it's essential to acknowledge when you've misjudged a situation or gone too far in one direction. In this episode, she'll be sharing her personal experiences and insights on the importance of recognizing when you've played your hand wrong. Whether it's in your personal or professional life, learning from your mistakes and making necessary adjustments can lead to growth and success. Join Phoenix as she dives into this topic and offers advice on how to handle those moments when you realize you haven't quite played your cards right.

  • Fabricated Struggle

    22/02/2023 Duration: 26min

    Do you know what you truly want? In this episode, Phoenix explores the secrets of your subconscious and how it speaks louder than you think. Discover the power of building a system that works for you to help you achieve all your goals, without fear of failure. But what if your true calling is the path of least resistance, and you've been fabricating your struggle? Tune in as she unravels the truth about pursuing your desires and how to overcome the fear that holds you back. You won't want to miss this eye-opening episode!

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