Blessed Hope Church



A podcast of Blessed Hope Community Church


  • Exceedingly. Abundantly. More. – Oneness


    Paul addresses the make-up of the church – specifically, how it is made up of people from different backgrounds. Those different backgrounds used to keep us isolated and divided…but now we are all brought together by the blood of Jesus. That means that we are united in Christ and part of the same body.

  • Exceedingly. Abundantly. More. – New Life


    Hands down…the most dramatic rescue in the history of the world happened on the cross of Christ. That was where the wrath of God met the grace of God and He made a way for all people to be saved. The abundant life that Christ offers must begin at the foot of the cross.

  • Exceedingly. Abundantly. More. – Week 2


    BHCC Elder Loel Fink is our guest speaker today.

  • Exceedingly. Abundantly. More. – Spiritual Blessings


    You have been chosen for the life of abundance in Jesus and together we will journey to not only know this truth but to live in it!

  • The Hard Sayings of Jesus – Do Not Judge


    Jesus clearly did teach that we are not to judge but did He really mean what many have come to conclude from that teaching? Many have used it to assume nobody has the right to point out right and wrong especially when it comes to addressing sin in someone’s life.

  • The Hard Sayings of Jesus – Just Believe


    We have probably all heard it at some point and some of us have possibly even said it…you just need to have more faith. This is usually said with sincerity, but it can be a frustrating thing to hear. But while we know of the necessity of faith there are times that we can still […]

  • The Hard Sayings of Jesus – You have heard that it was said…


    In this series we will process through a series of statements by Jesus where He challenges us to go deeper in what it means to be disciples.

  • The Temptation of Jesus – Defeating Temptation


    As we wrap up this series, we look specifically at how we have been empowered to overcome every temptation that is sent against us.

  • The Temptation of Jesus – Disarming Temptation


    Our enemy is crafty and it is important to know that he is also predictable…and through the interaction of tempting Jesus, we can learn the schemes that he attempts to use against us.

  • The Temptation of Jesus – Unmasking Temptation


    Today we begin working through the temptation of Jesus by first unmasking the reality of temptation and the victory Jesus gives us.

  • How to Hear God’s Voice – Promptings & Dreams


    One of the most common ways that He speaks to us is through promptings. Promptings are urges to do something extra, generous, or different – often times outside of your normal – and often times they come from God.

  • How to Hear God’s Voice – People


    Depending on your church background, the idea of someone speaking to you on behalf of God may feel a little out there. But the truth is that God uses other people to speak into our lives all of the time. It could be to confirm something…possibly to confront something…and oftentimes it’s to give perspective.

  • How to Hear God’s Voice – Doors


    Last week’s message was simple and lays the foundational framework for the rest of the series. If you want to hear the voice of God – then you need to spend dedicated, consistent time in the Bible. There is no substitute. However, when we are actively pursuing our relationship with God through His Word, we […]

  • B-Side Ep 84 – Read your Bible


    In today’s episode we wrap up and do some reflecting on our six month sermon series through 1 Corinthians. We also spend some time discussing our new series, How to Hear God’s Voice, and why the Bible is at the foundation.

  • How to Hear God’s Voice – The Bible


    God speaks to us in many potential ways – from signs and desires to people and even our dreams. But first and foremost – He speaks to us through the Bible – His Word! The same Spirit who inspired the ancient writers of the Bible is the same Spirit who inspires us as we read […]

  • Prodigal Church – God’s Work…God’s Way


    As we get to the end of Paul’s letter to the church in Corinth – he pulls back the curtain on his travel plans and gives final instructions to the church. He encourages them to receive and submit to their spiritual leaders, to be strong in the faith, to stand firm and to do all […]

  • Prodigal Church – Collection for God’s People


    As Paul gets ready to wrap up his letter to the church in Corinth – he shifts from readiness and hope for eternity to practically living a life of faith here on earth. Because of our hope in the resurrection and the future – Paul encourages us to live faithfully. And part of that is […]

  • Faith in Action – No Hiding


    All too often Christians are unrecognizable from everyone else in the community they live. It’s like they’re hiding. Their faith may be real and they may believe some different things in their hearts…but they tend to keep it private. But that isn’t God’s intention. His plan is for His followers to be known and to […]

  • B-Side Ep 83 – The Resurrection of the Dead


    In today’s episode, we continue our discussion on the resurrection, as we wrap up chapter 15 of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. We also look ahead expectantly to our 5th annual Faith in Action event this weekend.

  • Prodigal Church – Victory Through the Resurrection


    Raised from perishable to imperishable. That is the promise of the resurrection. The bodily resurrection of believers is more than just a detail to be considered. It is the clearest indicator of Jesus’ final and total victory over sin and death.

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