Blessed Hope Church



A podcast of Blessed Hope Community Church


  • B-Side Ep 49 – Immigration, Refugees & Gun Control


    In this episode the staff digs deeper into our politcal sermon series, “Divided” and answers some questions from the congregation.

  • Divided – Citizenship


    As Americans, we are blessed to live in a country full of freedom and privilege. We experience a level of freedom, protection, security, safety and comfort that most of the world can only dream of. And it’s awesome! But as Christians, we must remember that our true citizenship is not from the United States, but […]

  • Divided – God & Government


    In this politically charged climate that we live in – it becomes increasingly necessary for Christians to understand our role in the political process. What does the Bible say about the government? Did God really ordain it? What does that mean when we disagree?

  • B-Side Ep 48 – 2019 Staff Resource Picks


    In this episode, BHCC staff shares their favorite books, podcasts, & studies of 2019. Matt’s picks: Podcasts: Rainer on Leadership, The Excellent Pastor, The CareyNieuwhof Leadership Podcast,  Ask Me Anything – JD Greear Books: Gospel Reset – Ken Ham, Letters to the Church – Francis Chan, The Unsaved Christian – Dean Inserra, The Power of a […]

  • Committed or Content?


    When Jesus sends out the disciples in Luke 9, he told them they “must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me”. As followers of Christ, we are called to the same. We need to go out in the world daily, spreading the love of Christ and the gospel to people who […]

  • Advent: Understanding Your Role in the Rescue Mission


    There are 59 “one another” statements in the New Testament. Through these God has given us clear instructions on how we are to do life together as people that have been rescued by Jesus. As we live out the rescued life by following these “one anothers” we become a community of faith that God desires […]

  • Advent: Relationship


    Retired pastor Loel Fink opens God’s word for us and brings fresh teaching to our hearts!

  • Advent: Understand the Terms


    Part of the core value of being on a rescue mission is understanding that people need to be saved…and that they are worth everything it costs to save them. That’s why Paul said so much clarity in 1 Corinthians 9 that he becomes all things to all people so that he might save some. It’s […]

  • Advent: The Challenge


    “The Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.” In Luke 19, Jesus makes clear his mission…he has come for those who are lost. His goal is to glorify his Father by bringing salvation to those in need. In short – he was on a “rescue mission” – that’s what Christmas […]

  • Stewardship


    The word “stewardship” isn’t common for us today. Here’s what it means – it’s the job of supervising or taking care of something. In short – being a steward is to serve as a caretaker for something that was never really yours in the first place. It’s an important definition for us to understand because […]

  • Hijacked – Consumerism


    Back when I was in graduate school for my counseling degree – I was taught a counseling philosophy called “responsible hedonism.” This perspective basically says that a person’s ultimate joy (and therefore the goal of their life) is to do what brings them the most pleasure…as long as it doesn’t hurt somebody else. It sounds […]

  • B-Side Ep 47 – The Discipline of Giving


    In this episode we talk about tithing and tackle some common questions (do we tithe our gross income or net?!) and offer some practical ways to grow in our generosity.

  • Hijacked – The Word in the Beginning


    At the beginning of this series, we were told that as Christians, it is important that we understand the world around us in a way that aligns us with God…but that is much easier said than done because our culture has worked to hijack the way we process the world around us. Why is that? […]

  • Hijacked – Spiritualism


    “I am not religious, but I am spiritual”. We’ve probably all heard this statement in some way and some of us might have even said it ourselves. Anymore many see religion as a negative thing that needs to be rejected. Many are rejecting the idea of organized religion and even many professing Christians are moving […]

  • B-Side Ep 46 – We Love our Pastors


    In this episode we wrap up Pastor Appreciation month by learning a little more about Pastor Matt & Pastor David. They talk about their family, how they met their spouses, who helped shape their faith, & when they knew they were being called to vocational ministry. We end our time with a game, The Last […]

  • Hijacked – Universalism


    Universalism teaches that there are many ways to get to Heaven. And it makes sense – because sincerity matters. If people disagree on who God is…but are sincere in that belief…then they will ultimately be OK. BUT as appealing as that is – if the Bible is true – then we simply cannot believe that […]

  • Hijacked – Humanism


    For Christians, it is important that we understand the world around us in a way that aligns us with God…but that is much easier said than done because our culture has worked to hijack the way we process the world around us.

  • B-Side Ep 45 – Worldview Buffet


    In episode 45, BHCC staff sets up our next sermon series, “Hijacked” where we will tackle popular, culturally driven worldviews.

  • Unspoken – Self-Care that Works


    The conclusion of this series is not the end but it is the beginning. Part of this journey is to address ways that we can care for ourselves when it comes to mental health. We are beautiful masterpieces created by God and He has provided for us important ways that we can take care of […]

  • Unspoken – Anxiety & Panic


    We live in a country and a time when we have so many advantages…so many blessings…so much going for us. But it’s weird – while those advantages seem like they should bring us confidence and joy…more often than not we end up feeling anxious and panicked. In fact, some form of anxiety seems to be […]

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