Intimateconversationspodcast's Podcast



Intimacy Expert Allana Pratt inspires open hearted living, with delicious sass that awakens the best in a man. Featured on CBS, TLC & FOX, this cum laude graduate of Columbia University is the Author of 3 books. She’s a coach to celebrities is and the Host of the sexy empowering show “Intimate Conversations LIVE”. After working with thousands of men who struggle with fear of rejection in the aftermath of a harsh breakup, Allana helps them learn how to date again and find lasting love. She heals men’s emasculated hearts, cures their ‘nice guy’, and awakens their ‘noble badass’ so they can create hot, healthy intimate relationships.Allana’s passionate devotion to helping men reclaim their freedom and personal power is rooted in her own experience. Allana grew up insecure, ashamed of her body and afraid of men. She endured a brutal custody battle that threatened to compromise her joy, softness and feminine power. Yet Allana sat in the fire embracing the experience as a spiritual teacher. She emerged more courageously vulnerable and radiantly loving than ever before.Allana’s joy for life is contagious. She savors being a mother and pole dances for pleasure. She challenges and inspires her clients to be unapologetically true to themselves, and to bow in reverence to their exquisite spiritual and sexual nature.


  • John Wineland

    01/01/2016 Duration: 47min

    This week on Intimate Conversations Live, I am so excited to have the wonderful John Wineland! He is a great LA based men groups facilitator. John is known for the great ground breaking work he has done with men. John uses the power of embodiment in his work with men and women. p.s. Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your “How To Be A Noble Badass” Complementary Training at Ladies…Be irresistible. Feel sacred. Attract him now. Enjoy your “Vulnerability is the New Sexy” Complementary Training at   You can learn more about John in his bio below. Known for his groundbreaking work with men, John travels world-wide teaching his vision of embodied men’s work and deep relational practice. In 2014, he founded The New Men’s Work Project, which has attracted men from around the world looking to develop as leaders in their relationships and communities. The Project is committed to the staggering goal of creating 1000 men’s groups world-wide in the next

  • Christine Hassler Evans

    02/01/2015 Duration: 46min

    This week on Intimate Conversations Live, we were gifted with the vulnerability, credibility, truth that is Christine Hassler. Such an amazing and beautiful person with such an inspiring journey, she reminds us to trust ourselves if we want to get where we want to go. Christine taught us how to be our fullest self and how to come home to the thing we truly are, as well as, how to trust ourselves.  You can learn more about Christine in her bio below. Christine Hassler is the author of Expectation Hangover, The 20 Something Manifesto, and 20 Something, 20 Everything. She left her successful job as a Hollywood agent to pursue a life she could be passionate about. For over a decade, as a speaker, retreat facilitator, and life coach, she has been sharing her passion to ease suffering. Christine believes once we get out of our own way, we can show up to make the meaningful impact we are here to make.   p.s. Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your “How To Be A Noble Badass” Complementary Training at www.GetH

  • Amy Smith

    03/01/2014 Duration: 57min

    Your wish is my command! Many of you asked to bring the beautiful and bold, Amy Smith back on the show and we did! And it was badass, as she would say. So Amy did it again… she really BRINGS it every time, and gives you permission to be bold, in the moment and authentic. During the interview we all swam in this pool of authenticity, humor and richness.  Amy gave us yummy real life samples of how she handles conflict and keeps her sex life sizzling in her 17 year marriage.   She shared about her Badass101 program and the transformation and permission to be fully alive she provides her clients. You will laugh your ass off on this one, and your heart will be blasted wide open in joy.Check out Amy’s Badass 101 course right HERE I bet you didn’t know this about Amy…  Take a look at her ‘21 Things You Don’t Know About Me‘ and read her bio below!Owner and Founder of Joy Junkie Enterprises, Amy Smith is a self-proclaimed life enthusiast and love advocate. In her work with individuals, couples, and groups she has been

  • Rhonda Britten

    01/07/2013 Duration: 59min

    Incredible Rhonda Britten from Fearless Living joined me on Intimate Conversations and I have to say:  This woman ROCKS!!! She's real, potent, caring and WISE!!!!!! We laughed so much, opened so deeply, shared our journeys and she provided great tools, insights and inspiration to know there's nothing wrong with you! Its just fear. Wow.  I'm sure you'll agree that life without these communication tools is just one more bandaid on fear... let's shift this permanently, one kind patient beautiful step at a time. And be sure to check out her amazingly generous offer for everyone that listens.  It is one of the most generous offers I've seen for YOU to begin your journey of FEARLESS LIVING. Rhonda Britten - Emmy Award winner, repeat Oprah guest, 4x bestselling author including national hit, "Fearless Living" - has changed lives in over 600 episodes of reality television and is the creator of the number one method ( that helps you unlock any fear holding you back giving you permission to live YOUR

  • Nicole Moore

    01/07/2013 Duration: 51min

    Yesterday's conversation with my Intimate Conversations guest Nicole Moore was so delightful and refreshing!  Nicole had so many tips and tools and practices and such wonderful insight about the delicious world of love.  It was juicy!!  And Nicole was just so beautifully vulnerable-- it touched my heart to hear her say how she was nervous about hearing the preview video before the show.  I love her courage and strength!   Nicole Moore, Love & Relationship Coach and founder of Love Works, helps women unlock their hearts and create lasting love.  Nicole coaches women to break free from their romantic fears so they can love with an open heart. She teaches women the art of self-care, feminine communication and simple mindset shifts so they can finally create the love and life they desire. Nicole received her Life Coaching Certification from NYU.

  • Jeneth Blackert

    01/06/2013 Duration: 01h06min

    Oh my loves I am still in awe of beautiful Jeneth Blackert from our time together on Intimate Conversations yesterday!  What a delicious and inspirational gift the world has because of her.  Jeneth really gets it.  She understands the beauty and importance of holding space for YOURSELF and being kind, present and empowered when we are embodied and let ourselves trust our knowing---just like she shares with her Naked 2.0 program---dedicated to helping you change, communicate and connect with your body and being for Joy, Bliss and Flow. "Freefall--- knowing that consciousness has your back".  Wow!!!!  Powerful and authentic!  After our interview I literally went out in my backyard to shake, breathe, release and invite the fire of change into my life as the sun set.  Conscious Nutritionist, Jeneth Blackert has fast become regarded as The Change Agent for health, wellness and bodies. She invites people around the globe to open to greater energy, consciousness and possibility. With a background in nutritional and

  • Karen Brody

    01/06/2013 Duration: 46min

    Talking with Karen Brody on Intimate Conversations was truly a gift that fit completely with where I am in my life right now.  From her choice to live her adventure in Mexico to the journey she has traveled, Karen knows what it means to surrender to the universe and drop in to her femininity. (And I was fascinated to hear about her relationship with a Latin man------ oooh baby!) Karen has some fabulous insights in to men and their seven masculine powers.  She works with men to help them understand women and connect on the level we women yearn for with a man.  Her work has shown her that many men are deeply wounded and lack the confidence in their own masculine power, or sadly, some have never even ever been shown their masculine power. She helps men see their beauty and their power and opens their eyes to how it can be so helpful in how they relate to women and find the relationship they're looking for with a woman who loves and adores them. This is a call for men who are ready to embrace the gifts the univer

  • Karen Abrams

    01/05/2013 Duration: 01h13min

    My interview with Karen Abrams was SO good! She is hysterical and so connected... We did the most incredible Theta Healing to clear anything that might be triggered by the Holidays, stress, body issues, relationships.  Even Muffin (my cat) could feel it, he sat on my lap the whole time!  I just felt this warm, tingly, AHHH feeling!!!  It was sensational, you're going to love this!  I'm so grateful she was on the show! How did we get so lucky? Make sure you check out Karen's bio below! For over ten years, Karen Abrams has been a practicing Theta Healer.  Theta healing is a unique form of meditation where practitioners enter the “theta state.” There, they are able to shift their thoughts away from negative, limiting beliefs to more positive perspectives; a process of healing that can free them from longstanding emotional burdens and even chronic or unhealthy physical conditions. Karen first came to Theta Healing after watching a friend transform her life with it.  Curious, Karen began to study Theta techniqu

  • Dr. Dain Heer

    01/05/2013 Duration: 53min

    He's amazing. He's insightful. He is the man to teach you how to get full on with yourself and change the world with your intensity and purpose. Dr. Dain Heer is a magnificent person in this world and if you are lucky enough to be in his presence and feel his momentum, you are fully opened to embracing it all.  Dr. Dain Heer travels all over the world facilitating advanced classes on Access Consciousness Within Access, Dr. Heer has developed a unique energy process for change for individuals and groups, called The Energetic Synthesis of Being. He invites and inspires people to more consciousness from total allowance, caring, humor and a phenomenal knowing. Dr. Heer has a completely different approach to healing. He teaches people to tap into and recognize their own abilities and knowing. The energetic transformation possible is fast --- and truly dynamic. Dr. Heer hosts a regular radio show entitled Conversations in Consciousness, has been a guest of multiple radio shows, and has appeared on the Good Morning

  • Jen Sincero

    01/04/2013 Duration: 42min

    Jen Sincero... is SOO inspiring for my life right now, having traveled the world, having followed her gut, having gone against the grain, yet in alignment with her deepest truth! Jen Sincero is a Bestselling author, success coach and motivational cattle prod who gave up her home in California in early 2011 to travel the world indefinitely and encourage as many people as possible to live lives of unbridled awesomeness. Over the years Jen has helped countless people transform their personal and professional lives via her seminars, private sessions, public appearances, newsletters, products and, most recently, her new book, You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life. She’s spoken on stages all over the world and has coached full-on super heroes, helping her clients build their dream businesses, become NY Times Bestselling authors, navigate million dollar business deals, find their soul mates and forgive their bitchy mothers who they now realize were doing the best the

  • Christine Arylo

    01/04/2013 Duration: 01h03min

    This week, Christine Arylo joined Intimate Conversations and totally moved and inspired me.  I absolutely want MORE of Christine in my life.  She is a total rock star!!  We had a conversation that left me completely splayed wide open in LOVE as she opened up about some recent events that she hasn't even shared with her own community yet. OMG what a glorious conversation about loving ME before WE and choosing love no matter what the circumstance. You will be changed by her story. I promise. Christine Arylo is a transformational teacher, internationally recognized speaker and best-selling author of the official self-love guidebook, Madly in Love with ME, the Daring Adventure to Becoming Your Own Best Friend. After earning her MBA from Kellogg and climbing the corporate ladder for fifteen years, she chose to devote her life to creating a new reality for women and girls, one based on self-love and true feminine power instead of the relentless pursuit of having to do, be and have it all. A recovering achievement j

  • Christina Dunbar

    01/03/2013 Duration: 55min

    Christina Dunbar joined Intimate Conversations and the sultry, poetic and badassery combination of this woman is such a gift to the planet.  It had been a day with challenges and Christina held the space for ME to be vulnerable and raw and work through those challenges.  One of the great blessings available to all of us is to find the sisterhood that can exist between us and in doing so find the parts of ourselves yet to be uncovered. I can't wait to have some more girl time with Christina!  She is a true poetess and has an amazing softness, sultriness and totally hot edge to her way of communicating. And be sure to check out her very generous offer that she brought for the audience: Visibility Vixen Breakthrough. There are only 25 of the offers available and it's a password protected page so be sure to listen to the replay and find out how YOU can have access to the exquisite Christina Dunbar. Christina Dunbar is a Performing Speaker and Artistpreneur that deeply values the gift of self-expression. She is

  • Cherry Norris

    01/03/2013 Duration: 01h03min

    Awesome, grounded, and gorgeous! That's Cherry Norris, I met her at a local dating expert holiday party. I invited her to the show and the rest... was SO FUN! Listen to the show, we totally disagreed on some points but kept honoring one another and in the flow. Too funny! It showed me a lot about how far I've come hearing my truth; listening to my intuition. Life is scary when you can't hear it. We should all stop and hear our truths. Cherry is authentic, honest, brilliant and living what she teaches. You will love her as much as I do!  Cherry Norris, former dating disaster, currently in a hot happy marriage is here to help you meet and marry your man. Since 2002, Cherry has been coaching smart, savvy, single women and giving fun, fail-proof tips and practical advice to help them have better romantic relationships with men. Having experienced everything she teaches, Cherry has been there, done it, botched it, learned it and now she’s here to help you! She even made a full-length feature called DUTY DATING, a

  • Adam Gilad

    01/02/2013 Duration: 41min

    My friend Adam Gilad was on the show LIVE from a cab in San Francisco, how super COOL was that! We talked a lot about online dating, our favorite restaurant in SF, what a delicious talk indeed. He also shared with me his thoughts about consciousness, our passion, and yes, even conflict resolution. I just have a deeper respect for Adam's eloquence, his heart and understanding of what really works in communicating one's truth. Just talking to him inspired me to try online dating, I am posting my profile again! Adam's enthusiasm for life, mixed with my luscious deliciousness is a sizzling combination! This show is packed!  Author, Teacher, Lovemeister, Emmy-Nominated Executive Producer, Stanford Humanities Center Graduate Fellow, Lady Davis Research Fellow at Hebrew University, father, reveler, kneeler in awe and aspiring sage... Adam is the author of multiple books and programs on attraction, connection and mutual inspiration for both genders. His goal for everyone in this community is to live more passionately

  • Aurora Winter

    01/02/2013 Duration: 01h10min

    Aurora Winter has been my confidante, coach, colleague and dear friend for many years so it was such a pleasure to have her as a guest on Intimate Conversations LIVE.   I am so grateful for the opportunities the universe brings me during the interviews to  allow me to honor my guests so deeply that we can really be vulnerable together and go all the way down to the absolute truth of ourselves. Aurora shared her pain and grief of her personal loss and helped me do some clean up of my own hurts and grief.  She took me through a "quickie" version of her P.E.A.C.E Method and in about five minutes had my level 1 of pain transformed to a 9-10 of feeling free and laughing!  Her processes work!! She also brought an incredible offer to all of you, my beloved audience.  This offer is for a limited time only and it's got some ridiculously generous bonus offerings; Generous, Supportive and Helpful bonuses that will be a fabulous gift to anyone who's interested in moving forward with her Grief Coach Academy.   Formerly a

  • Shana James

    01/01/2013 Duration: 01h01min

    It was such a pleasure to have Shana James, from Authentic Woman Experience, on this week's Intimate Conversations show!  I have found a new soul sister and I am so grateful!!  She is amazing!  It was a crazy day with some unexpected challenges and Shana was such a blessing with how she worked with me to get through the challenges and join me for some last minute show changes. We had such a great talk and covered so many areas!  Love, Sexuality, Motherhood, Intimacy, Relationship, Radiance and much much more.  Love this woman!! And Shana generously brought a very special offer for the women---- For a limited time, all of you glorious women can get $100 off  her 3 CD Authentic Woman Experience home course series.  Whoop!!! AND she brought a great gift for the men too----a free download to give you the inside scoop on how to bring out The Man She Wants.  Oh Yes!! That's what it's all about right?  Men and women joining together and seeing the steps each other can take to bring out their best authentic self!  Yo

  • Marci Shimoff

    01/01/2013 Duration: 56min

    Marci Shimoff is such a beautiful Goddess full of insight and love.  I think all of us want to give AND RECEIVE unconditional love and Marci has luscious and divine advice.  Marci Shimoff is a #1 New York Times bestselling author and a world-renowned transformational teacher. As an expert on happiness, success, and unconditional love, Marci has inspired millions of people around the globe, sharing her breakthrough methods for personal fulfillment and professional success. Marci’s newest book Love for No Reason: 7 Steps to Creating a Life of Unconditional Love offers a revolutionary program for living in a state of deep and lasting love that doesn’t depend on another person, situation, or romantic partner. Her other books include the runaway bestseller, Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out  and six titles in the phenomenally successful Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul  series.  Her books have sold more than 15 million copies worldwide in 33 languages, have topped all of the major be

  • Luke Reichle

    01/12/2012 Duration: 54min

    Luke Reichle is style from the inside out. This man knows how to make us present, one with the world, and one with ourselves. He is just a genius and he is pure gold at understanding the secrets of ourselves. If you have a chance, I implore you to go forward and experience Luke and his passion for yourself. Luke Reichle is a renowned designer, speaker and recognized expert in the fields of costume design, fashion and personal style. Each week, between prime time and syndication, over 20 million viewers are treated to his costume designs for hit shows Castle, Without a Trace and CSI Miami. His designs for the large and small screen encompass every major film studio and television network, including Disney, Warner Brothers, Universal, Paramount, Twentieth Century Fox, MGM, United Artists, ABC, NBC, CBS, BBC and HBO. While attending Pacific Fashion Institute in San Francisco, his women’s evening pieces were being carried by Henri Bendel and Saks Fifth Avenue. Upon moving to New York he took his first 7th Ave. jo

  • Christy Whitman

    01/12/2012 Duration: 59min

    Christy Whitman is nothing short of inspirational and brilliant.  She once again was put into my life to share her with you all at just the right time.  Not only is she an amazing person, she is an amazing human being who helps people bring their truth to light and embrace it. This week on Intimate Conversations, Christy asked me 3 questions that I needed to hear and answer out loud.  Go on and listen to the interview to hear these questions and so much more. You can learn more about Christy in her bio below. Christy Whitman is a New York Times bestselling author, transformational leader, and author of the forthcoming book The Art of Having It All. She has appeared on The Today Show and The Morning Show, and her work has been featured in People Magazine, Seventeen, Woman’s Day, Hollywood Life, and Teen Vogue, among others.  Christy is the CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Coaching Academy, a 12- month Law of Attraction coaching certification program. Christy has helped thousands of people worldwide to ac

  • Destin Gerek

    01/11/2012 Duration: 59min

    Destin just takes my breath right away. How sensual and exquisite he is, and so delicious and fun! He is heartfelt, masterful, and he knows his message inside and out. On this call we did this amazing breathing technique that..well if you weren't there to experience, you should go right now and listen in! This was a conversation for the books! Destin Gerek, the original Erotic Rockstar™, is a man living his life as art. An erotic film-maker and celebrated performer, Destin has gracefully carved out an enduring position for himself as an esteemed figure in the worlds of neo-Tantra and sexuality education. As a sought-after erotic and transformational life coach, lecturer, blogger, and educator on all aspects of sex, sacred sexuality, Tantra, and erotic empowerment, the Erotic Rockstar™ is shaking up society and helping people create transformational change in their lives in the process. A recognized authority in the areas of sexuality, personal transformation, and spirituality Destin is a California State Cer

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