Intimateconversationspodcast's Podcast



Intimacy Expert Allana Pratt inspires open hearted living, with delicious sass that awakens the best in a man. Featured on CBS, TLC & FOX, this cum laude graduate of Columbia University is the Author of 3 books. She’s a coach to celebrities is and the Host of the sexy empowering show “Intimate Conversations LIVE”. After working with thousands of men who struggle with fear of rejection in the aftermath of a harsh breakup, Allana helps them learn how to date again and find lasting love. She heals men’s emasculated hearts, cures their ‘nice guy’, and awakens their ‘noble badass’ so they can create hot, healthy intimate relationships.Allana’s passionate devotion to helping men reclaim their freedom and personal power is rooted in her own experience. Allana grew up insecure, ashamed of her body and afraid of men. She endured a brutal custody battle that threatened to compromise her joy, softness and feminine power. Yet Allana sat in the fire embracing the experience as a spiritual teacher. She emerged more courageously vulnerable and radiantly loving than ever before.Allana’s joy for life is contagious. She savors being a mother and pole dances for pleasure. She challenges and inspires her clients to be unapologetically true to themselves, and to bow in reverence to their exquisite spiritual and sexual nature.


  • Katy Zvolerin, Sex is Fun

    24/08/2018 Duration: 32min

    OK, this was WAY fun. We talked about all sorts of sex positive subjects! We spoke of our journeys as women, as mothers and dating! We spoke of how to literally bring up the use of toys with your partner... or with your teenagers! Katy is phenomenal with reminding us that sex is FUN and that pleasure is our birthright!  We really got down to the details of some vibrators she sent me (did I say I love my job? xox), as well as couple's rings, lubricants, bondage items, strap ons and she taught me the term "pegging." She spoke of still after being in the adult toy industry with Adam and Eve for 25 yrs... she still gets letters from women who at 50 or 60 yrs old, had their first orgasm. That gave me shivers. So much is possible. Listen now AND receive an incredible CODE for 50% and free shipping when you listen to the Podcast! Seriously, enjoy xoxoxo p.s. Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your "How To Be A Noble Badass" Complementary Training at Ladies…Be irresistible. Fee

  • Rhoberta Shaler,PhD, How to Handle Hijackals®

    17/08/2018 Duration: 34min

    Wow. Dr. Shaler is PHENOMENAL. A lot came up for me during this interview for had I KNOWN all this 15 yrs ago, I wouldn't have had to go through that hellish court battle. AND YET it was through that uncomfy cocoon that the butterfly emerged- it was through it all that I have learned what I know to share with my clients and community. Nonetheless, Dr. Shaler is spot on with her teachings on how to handle 'Hijackals®' relentlessly difficult toxic people and regain your sanity. She also is an inspiration that a healthy love relationship is possible AFTER healing and growing from a Hijackal®. She provides many proven tools that have even worked supporting the US Marines! You definitely want to hear this podcast if you are going nuts dealing with a toxic person...and to learn the tools to find your center, your assertiveness and your self worth. It was not your fault. And there is a way out. Listen now ;-)  p.s. Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your "How To Be A Noble Badass" Complementary Trai

  • Morgana Rae, Money Monster to Money Honey

    10/08/2018 Duration: 35min

    OMG I love this woman!!!!!! We have known each other for years, perhaps decades. She keeps getting more and more magnificent in her understanding and capacity to heal money blocks and open you to your birthright of property and LOVE.  In this SENSATIONAL interview you will learn not only why every money issue is a love issue, but also a process to heal and shift it. Morgana and I both agree that change happens at the speed of safety... why my conversations about Little You are so richly required to find love... and how Morgana shares that shifting your Money Monster to your Money Honey is the path to prosperity. You will LOVE and be opened WIDE by this interview. I bet you will listen to it over and over again. Enjoy! p.s. Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your "How To Be A Noble Badass" Complementary Training at Ladies…Be irresistible. Feel sacred. Attract him now.Enjoy your "Vulnerability is the New Sexy" Complementary Training at

  • Bruce Langford, Mindfullness Mode

    03/08/2018 Duration: 34min

    I had NO idea Bruce and I would go so deep so quick. His stories and life journey and current situation all weaved into a glorious lesson of mindfulness, respect, divine action and open hearted living. While a huge Podcaster with his Mindfulness Mode in over 140 countries I believe, he started as a young man with high pitched voice, anxious and confused.  Now the way in which he's supportive of his Mindfulness community, supporting corporations with mindfulness, being a great father, lover and friend... is breathtaking. He literally told me things he's never told anyone else. It's riveting. Heart opening. Your mind will be blown into total presence, love and possibility for your life. Promise. Listen and enjoy ;-) p.s. Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your "How To Be A Noble Badass" Complementary Training at Ladies…Be irresistible. Feel sacred. Attract him now.Enjoy your "Vulnerability is the New Sexy" Complementary Training at

  • Natasha Todorovic, Heart Centered Connection

    27/07/2018 Duration: 38min

    Wow, talk about a heart centered brilliant interview about connection and interconnectivity based in 25 yrs of world wide research... totally applicable to our dating world, being with our kids, connecting to ourselves. Natasha provides some disheartening statistics of the state of the world when it comes to not being seen for our talents AND how to change this from the corporate level to family level to internal level. She was so enlightening, articulate and also vulnerable sharing what she discovered with her soul mate partner teaching us not just the importance but the necessity of slowing down, listening to our bodies, pausing, breathing (AND exhaling! xoxo) and being present with one another... it's honestly enough to change the whole word. Let this interview bathe you in simultaneous stillness and vitality, of pure possibility.  p.s. Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your “How To Be A Noble Badass” Complementary Training at Ladies…Be irresistible. Feel sacred. Attract him

  • Debbie Lynn Grace, Power of Soul Nourishment

    20/07/2018 Duration: 48min

    Sometimes you meet someone where you just dive into such amazing contact, presence, depth, yumminess and connection. This is true with Debbie Lynn. She's such a wise soul, such a present woman, such a gifted intuitive. She understands the challenges of being an empath, highly sensitive in the world of dating and relating. You will  learn some tools and techniques that will help you balance your wellbeing AND shine in your dating adventures such that you can be yourself, grounded, open and thriving in the world of relationships, intimacy and connection. She teaches you how to deeply nourish your soul so that you engage in the world from fullness and overflow. You will LOVE this conversation and feel rejuvenated from it!

  • Toyin Abiola, Overcoming Resentment

    13/07/2018 Duration: 34min

    What a sensational interview that bridged cultures. Toyin lives in Nigeria and yet the same core fundamental issues of feminine power (or lack there of) live in both our cultures. Her strong faith has created not only her own solid marriage, she’s a huge inspiration to her community and sisterhood. I had some tears, we shared some heartfelt laughter and overall this woman lifted my spirits of what’s possible for thriving marriages. Enjoy.   p.s. Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your "How To Be A Noble Badass" Complementary Training at Ladies…Be irresistible. Feel sacred. Attract him now.Enjoy your "Vulnerability is the New Sexy" Complementary Training at

  • Marla Frees, American Psychic

    06/07/2018 Duration: 36min

    OMG. Like OMG. Marla's book is a MUST read. American Psychic. I read it in like two sittings. Marla capacity to not only speak with our loved ones who have crossed over... but also our pets, to the health of our bodies, to the energy of your business... is profound. She FEEEELS the love they have for us on the other side. She SEES images that provide those of us left behind with peace to support our grieving. She KNOWS there's life after death and is able to speak with authority not to sweat the small stuff WHILE having deep compassion for how bloody courageous it is to live a life of Love and Faith and Forgiveness. Marla is fascinating, vulnerable and inspiring as is her book. Read about her spiritual journey of a small-town girl who develops her psychic gifts and relationship with God on a synchronistic path that weaves through the trauma of her childhood, the drama of her acting career, and adventures in healing and transformation.  Along the way, she learns to trust the voice of Spirit, which never fails

  • Amy Schuber, Living Authentically

    29/06/2018 Duration: 40min

    Amy is a creative, a dreamer... always wanted to be a ballerina. As happens to many of us she went through a 'rule follower' stage and had various corporate America jobs yet was miserable. Gratefully she had entrepreneurial parents who encouraged her to take the leap. Without knowing how it would all work out, she just started showing up.  13 yrs later she's a successful Life and Business Coach with the popular Podcast Inspired Conversations diving deep into authenticity and knowing what you know! As she keeps growing in confidence, like many of us when we take on a new frontier... moment of wobbly arise so she has this AWESOME way of talking to her Little Me inside... you'll have to listen to the podcast to find out while being SUPER inspired by her uplifting points of view. You will feel more certain to live your dreams by listening to Amy's wisdom, joy and grounded energy. Enjoy!  p.s. Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your "How To Be A Noble Badass" Complementary Training at

  • Iain Grae, Ushering In Heaven on Earth

    22/06/2018 Duration: 47min

    I ADORE THIS MAN!!!! Holy crap what an amazing conversation not only of what he shared of his life journey, finding his Twin Flame Gabby but on how he allowed me to direct his emotions, his thoughts, his awarenesses.... like HOW he found his potential greatness in errors... like HOW he rides the wave of anger into transmutation and possibility... this dude is human AND awake AND an inspiration. Talk about not just defining but LIVING what it means to be responsible... his intimate relationship with ALL his emotions is exquisite. I think you'll be listening to this one OVER and OVER... Heaven on Earth indeed. ENJOY!   p.s. Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your "How To Be A Noble Badass" Complementary Training at Ladies…Be irresistible. Feel sacred. Attract him now.Enjoy your "Vulnerability is the New Sexy" Complementary Training at

  • Bryan Reeves, Shift the Dynamic

    15/06/2018 Duration: 37min

    How I adore this man! He's ALWAYS such an inspiration as he shows up for men and women and thriving relationships. AND since we began to know Bryan on Intimate Conversations years ago, he's IN a thriving relationship with his Beloved... and they even teach couples relationship courses together! We connected when Bryan was on a men's weekend with his best friend from childhood... a time of listening, reflection, brotherhood and creation.  Bryan is a master at explaining how to connect, communicate and bring out the best in his beloved Silvy... and how she is amazing to awaken the best in him. The stories he shares in the podcast will let you know you're not alone AND teach you how to shift the dynamic from conflict to connection in your partnership. We also explored healthy boundaries and masculine feminine energies... truly a moving interview that will lift you to higher ground. Enjoy!    p.s. Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your "How To Be A Noble Badass" Complementary Training at www.GetHerToSayY

  • Tammy Lee Schumacher, Wild Soulful Ride

    08/06/2018 Duration: 39min

    WOW!!! Talk about a connected wild soulful ride! Tammy's story is profound. The way she shares about her journey from pregnant at 17... 5 kids... 11 grandkids... then after doing everything she could to make it work, leaving her marriage and discovering she actually had her own back. Amazing!   Tammy shared ways to KNOW the Universe has your back and FEEL the support in your life. She shared profound yet simple tools to know thyself... and to be true to thyself... ME TIME is not just playing on FB!! xox This interview was a hoot! And there were tears. And poignant Divinely centered moments. You will be lifted. Enjoy.    p.s. Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your "How To Be A Noble Badass" Complementary Training at Ladies…Be irresistible. Feel sacred. Attract him now.Enjoy your "Vulnerability is the New Sexy" Complementary Training at

  • Treva Brandon Scharf, Done Being Single

    01/06/2018 Duration: 36min

    Wow, this woman GETS the process and has LIVED the process of what it takes to being DONE being single! She understands what we put into our inner growth is what we get out of the relationship we manifest. She gets that holding on with a death grip is the surest way to push love away. She gets that it's NEVER too late for love and that the most important person to love is always ourselves. I had the pleasure of being on their Podcast Done Being Single so having Treva on so vulnerably and prolifically was such a treat. She's earned her wisdom, she earned her amazing man Robby... not 'earned' like worked her ass off... 'earned' like through courageous surrender, to letting go of needing marriage to be enough, by keeping to her own truth and standards of her heart, by basically marrying herSELF and then VOILA! Mr. Robby appeared! You will LOVE this inspiring conversation especially if you're over 50 and single... this could be a game changer.  p.s. Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your "How To

  • Giovanna Capozza, Fill Your Thirsty Soul

    18/05/2018 Duration: 29min

    WOW!!!I I adore this woman! She GETS it! She's powerful and vulnerable and is willing to take radical responsibility for her life and not be the victim of circumstances. You are going to LOVE this conversation that shares about how many successful women are still seeking from an unhealthy place of emptiness to find worth in accomplishments... trying to fill the bottomless cup from the outside which is a complete illusion. Fullness comes from the inside. What would fill your thirsty soul? (Perhaps her retreat to Bali?) Our wholeness, our sacred sovereignty comes from filling up the cup on the inside. What do you hunger for in the depths of your body and soul? Do you have sacred sisterhood in your life? What new choices could you make that would be an expression that YOU'RE OK, in fact you're delicious? You are going to LOVE this conversation... don't worry, we'll invite her back ;-)  Thirsty Soul Retreats: p.s. Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your "How To Be A Noble Bad

  • Terry Fox, Deeper Emotional Issues

    11/05/2018 Duration: 38min

    I am shocked that Terry said this was his first? or one of his first Podcasts BEING interviewed given he's interviewed so many on HIS Podcast. What an honor! I loved what we learned about acupuncture for making us look younger WITH the added benefit of understanding the deeper emotional issues triggering our wrinkles, or our pain.  I especially liked how Terry guided us to take a holistic approach to honoring our sacred feminine nature... all he learned from trying to support his mom growing up, all he's learning with surrender with his son's well being, all he's navigating in empowering his clients to release pain and look younger with acupuncture. He even guided us perfectly to find a great acupuncturist in our neck of the woods. This man HONORS the sacred feminine, listen now! p.s. Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your "How To Be A Noble Badass" Complementary Training at Ladies…Be irresistible. Feel sacred. Attract him now.Enjoy your "Vulnerability is the New Sexy" Compleme

  • Morgan Sheets, Empower Yourself

    04/05/2018 Duration: 36min

    Morgan has a unique ability to blend boldness with vulnerability. Her story of what she survived is riveting. Her inner healing journey to find her self worth, power and choice is inspiring. She gets it! Her specific technique she shared on the podcast can be instantly applicable to your life situation right now. Listen up! Enjoy!  Claim your free gift and amplify your peace and presence p.s. Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your "How To Be A Noble Badass" Complementary Training at Ladies…Be irresistible. Feel sacred. Attract him now.Enjoy your "Vulnerability is the New Sexy" Complementary Training at

  • Shana James, Touch & Affection for Men

    27/04/2018 Duration: 38min

    How is it that I am so blessed to call these incredible experts my friends? sister? Shana is such a heart open vulnerable authentic spirit. She's willing to show up, be real, open wide and give fully. Her insights into how men and women can relate more powerfully dating and sexually is profound.  Our conversation was like a spiral going deeper and deeper to what it really takes to show up and have your needs for touch, appreciation and affection met through dating, relating and marriage. And of course we committed for the 3rd? year in a row to get out our prom dresses and cowboy boots and dance around the fire! Somebody please hold us to this as I know it will be a blast of delicious energy for all! Ha! Dive deep with us.. Find out what 15 years of coaching men has revealed p.s. Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your "How To Be A Noble Badass" Complementary Training at Ladies…Be irresistible. Feel sacred. Attract him now.Enjoy your "Vulnerab

  • Wendy Hutchinson, Intuitive Life Coach

    20/04/2018 Duration: 33min

    Aren't Light Workers magical? Those drawn to be the 'pluggers in' of Light Workers like Wendy are especially magical. Her story of how her life was her greatest teacher to surrender, to take responsibility for what she had created, to connect with her highest selves and trust her path is totally inspiring. AND that her marriage after 30+ yrs is still amazing? And getting better?  I've had the pleasure of both remote sessions and in person sessions with Wendy in Houston. I unequivocally can say I am better for it. I was a little 'out of it' for a few weeks when things were recalibrating and it showed me how hard I normally push! I had time to reassess, rejuvenated, really look at my priorities... and be invited to make changes to align with my vision and purpose. I am forever grateful and totally recommend Wendy! You are going to just FEEL the possibility on the podcast!  p.s. Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your "How To Be A Noble Badass" Complementary Training at Ladies…Be i

  • Dana Malstaff, Sexy Bossmom

    13/04/2018 Duration: 38min

    This sexy BossMom is always on the move! Talk about effective multitasking as our first interview when I had the blessings on being on her Podcast was in her car... and for my Podcast she found a cute coffee shop! Nothing stops this woman from living her truth and empowering her community... even if it means vulnerably sharing about her divorce. Dana was blessed with a 'good picker' and even though her marriage didn't last, her solid parenting partnership is still thriving. She walks her talk with self care and shared with us that she even shaves her legs EVERYDAY as an honoring of her sexy badass awesome self! (Lord thank you that the video Youtube Portion only showed my upper half as MY legs weren't shaved... yet my toes were polished... does that count? xoxo) She is the walking embodiment of when mama's happy, everybody's happy... so we're two peas in a pod in this regard empowering working moms to insist upon self care, balance and showing their kids what it looks like to live our dreams the best we can. 

  • Thom Singer, Mastered Mindset

    06/04/2018 Duration: 36min

    Talk about a man who's mastered mindset and gratitude while still being humble for his imperfections. Thom is also a master storyteller, no wonder he spends 120 days a year on the road as a Master of Ceremonies. His stories of what keeps his relationships with his daughters thriving (and mentorship to young men) will inspire you.  While I hope I didn't make him too uncomfortable with my intimacy questions, his wisdom about what it takes to thrive in a marriage over time is exquisite and practical. He's had such a unique upbringing, life, marriage and parenthood, that he even revealed to us a period where he had a wake up call to live more fully. You're going to want to hear what he did to shift things making age 50-75yrs the best years of his life. He's alive, it's contagious and watch how you'll leave this interview aware of your next action to enhance your personal relationships or entrepreneurial spirit.  p.s. Gentlemen…End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your "How To Be A Noble Badass" Complementary Training

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