Left-right Radio With Chuck Morse



The American political Left and right have become so polarized since the election of Donald Trump that each seems to exist in its own separate universe. Veteran award-winning conservative radio host and author Chuck Morse has interviewed liberal thinkers and luminaries of the left including Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Gloria Steinum and Barney Frank who he ran against for Congress in 2004.By means of vigorous and respectful debate with a regular roster of liberal guests and co-hosts, Chuck bridges the gap that threatens the social fabric of America.


  • America's War on God

    06/06/2016 Duration: 30min

    America is in big trouble for its growing acceptance of things that are contrary to God’s word, the Bible. It is no mystery that America’s problems have increased in direct proportion to its steady abandonment of the Judeo-Christian God, the Bible, and Biblical principles. America’s War on God goes to the heart of the issue of what’s wrong with today’s America and ignores political correctness to tell what the solution is. It gives compelling reasons for the reader to turn to the Bible’s God, the same God and Bible that American’s have looked to for generations and has led to America becoming the greatest nation on earth.  America is now metaphorically standing at a precipice, if its people don’t wake up and act soon, our once great nation will surely fall into the abyss of history where other Godless nations have gone before.

  • Why Hillary will suspend her campaign

    03/06/2016 Duration: 30min

    Chuck Morse, author of the new book "Communism is not dead - The communist conspiracy in the 21st Century, talks about why he thinks Hillary Clinton will have to suspend her campaign or what is in store in a Clinton presidency if she goes on to win. Scheduled guest Gaurav Bhalla is a no-show. Chuck Morse Book:  http://awhigmanifesto.blogspot.com/2016/05/new-book-communism-is-not-dead.html   

  • Philosophy of Wealth Inequality

    01/06/2016 Duration: 43min

    Chuck Morse, author of the newly released book "Communism is not dead - The communist conspiracy in the 21st Century" is joined by James J. Brusseau, Pace University professor and host of a documentary on the philosophy and ethics of wealth inequality. The Wealth Inequality Workshop investigates the philosophy and ethics of wealth’s distribution.  Link: wealthinequalityworkshop.org   /   eportfolio.pace.edu/view/view.php?id=111964 Communism is not dead - The Communist conspiracy in the 21st Century  Link: http://awhigmanifesto.blogspot.com/2016/05/new-book-communism-is-not-dead.html   

  • Obama's desegregated women's bathrooms and showers

    23/05/2016 Duration: 28min

    In "Gender Fluidity: Shagging the Dog" author and columnist with WND and the Instigator News Network Erik Rush calls out President Obama's timing on his issuance of an exectuive order withholding federal funds from states that refuse to desegrate bathrooms, locker rooms and showers to allow access to Transgendered people.   Erik Rush is a New York-born columnist, author and speaker who writes sociopolitical commentary for WorldNetDaily and other publications. He is also the founder and Chief Editor of Instigator News Network. In February of 2007, Erik was the first to break the story of Barack Obama's ties to militant Chicago preacher Rev. Jeremiah Wright on a national level. His book, "Negrophilia: From Slave Block to Pedestal ~ America's Racial Obsession," has been called "the definitive book on race politics in America."

  • The Nazi Titanic

    16/05/2016 Duration: 30min

    Robert Watson, Ph.D., Professor of American Studies College of Arts and Sciences at Lynn University, in his book "The Nazi Titanic" exposes a little known event, the deliberate scuttling by the Nazis of a ship filled with prisoners in order to hide evidence of the Holocaust and forced labor at the end of World War II.   

  • Feminism, Women, Donald Trump

    10/05/2016 Duration: 29min

    In her new book "Tied Up in Knots: How Getting What We Wanted Made Women Miserable" Fox News commentator and author Andrea Tantaros notes that fifty years after Betty Friedan unveiled The Feminine Mystique, relations between men and women in America have never been more dysfunctional. If women are more liberated than ever before, why aren't they happier? In this shocking, funny, and bluntly honest tour of today’s gender discontents, Andrea Tantaros, one of Fox News' most popular and outspoken stars, exposes how the rightful feminist pursuit of equality went too far, and how the unintended pitfalls of that power trade have made women (and men!) miserable.

  • Utopian Road to Hell

    09/05/2016 Duration: 30min

    In Utopian Road to Hell William J. Murray, son of atheist apologist Madelyn Murray O Hair, describes the totalitarians throughout history and the current utopians who are determined to engage in social engineering to control the lives of every person on earth. From Marx to Hitler, Murray explains the progression of socialist engineering from its occultist roots to the extreme madness of the Nazis nationalistic racism. From Margaret Sanger s Planned Parenthood and Saul Alinsky s Rules for Radicals, the rebellious desire to be free from morality drives the at-any-cost campaigns such as abortion on demand, no-fault divorce, same-sex marriage, and overreaching government provisions. From Woodrow Wilson s living document distortion of the Constitution and his income tax to FDR s New Deal to Obama s executive orders, those who seek centralized power typically do so by proclaiming some utopian scheme that they claim will perfect mankind and eliminate competition, greed, poverty, and war.

  • Do Palestinian Christians support Israel?

    06/05/2016 Duration: 30min

    Michael Onifer directs the Bethlehem Project, a leadership development and job creation program for Palestinian Christians. In addition to preaching and teaching Onifer has lived in Israel on multiple occasions and travels to Israel and the West Bank regularly, training young leaders and cooperating with Palestinian Christians to develop Jewish-Christian relations. Michael directed the Israel Experience College Scholarship Program for ten years and is a contributing author to the acclaimed Watchmen on the Wall Training Manual. 

  • ADL Political Hit on Donald Trump

    04/05/2016 Duration: 09min

    America First generally describes the anti-War sentiment that existed in the years before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The America First organization included a cross section of Americans both left and right including such liberal luminaries as Nation Magazine editor Oswald Garrison Villard. One of the leaders of America First, aviator Charles Lindburgh, had pro-Nazi leanings and embraced the same anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that was originally popularized by Karl Marx in the 19th Century, a theory that made up a core belief of the Nazis. The ADL, ignoring real anti-Semitism today including a leftist movement to boycott Israel and a recent New York Times headline implying that Israel is killing Palestinian children, has sent out a press release implying that Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump is an anti-Semite for using the slogan 'America First' since Linburgh was a leader of that group. This smear against Trump is an attempt at a political hit, one that will most likely backfire.

  • Communist Morals and Ethics

    20/04/2016 Duration: 30min

    What are the morals and ethics of Communism? How do those morals and ethics affect the beliefs, the personalities and the mannerisms of people on the political left? Chuck Morse examines the left-wing personality by drawing from 2 historic political controversies that became great moral causes for the left, the Hitler-Stalin Pact and the Rosenberg Trial. 

  • COMMIES: A discussion about the leftist personality

    14/04/2016 Duration: 30min

    Author Chuck Morse discusses what he views as the personality and character traits of those who embrace the politicsof the left and their influence on American politics and culture. 

  • The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed

    04/04/2016 Duration: 31min

    In a tactic that was introduced by Karl Marx in "THe Communist Manifesto" the left, as a routine matter of strategy, sizes up its opponent and launches its destructive campaign of agit-prop in order to neutralize the threat to their power and collectivist agenda. Donald Trump in only the latest target and the weapon of choice is to falselyclaim that he has something against black men and women as well as other groups. The lie must be challenged and the tables turned in the interest of genuine societal progress and individual freedom. 

  • The Trump Phenomenon

    23/03/2016 Duration: 30min

    What are the forces that propel the public to support the unconventional presidential candadacy of Donald Trump? WND Columnist Cheryl Chumley discusses this question with author and host Chuck Morse. 

  • Paycheck Protection Podcast Business Series

    18/09/2015 Duration: 29min

    Chuck Morse is joined by Adam Pertman, CEO of the National Center of Adoption and Permancy and the new start-up, Myriad Strategic Partners which specializes in management and consulting for non-profit companies.

  • Health, Life, Podcasts

    14/08/2015 Duration: 13min

    Chuck Morse discusses his new venture as a registered health and life insurance agent in Massachusetts, how cash plans offered by Aflac make an end-run around Obamacare, and why he is on a mission to enroll every young professional into a whole life policy. Chuck also discusses his offering of live interviews and podcasts and why his many years as a radio talk show host and author uniquely positions him as an informal advisor on health and financial planning. For information, please feel freetocontact me at (617) 271-5044 or at chuckmorse4@gmail.com

  • Eugenics in America Part 1.

    11/08/2015 Duration: 13min

    70 years after the defeat of Hitler and Nazi Germany, the American left is launching a new Euggenics experiment. Perhaps they figure that 70 years is long enough for the true nature of the Nazi socialist experiment to be remembered. We will discuss one aspect of that agenda today and how is is manifesting itself.

  • Was the Civil Rights movement left-wing or right-wing?

    05/08/2015 Duration: 10min

    Last night I watched a documentary on PBS about Kennedy, Johnson, and the Civil Rights movement. A friend sarcastically observed that I probably think the civil rights movement was conservative and the white supremecists were on the left and that this would probably be the subject of my next book. I thought about it and, here goes!

  • Was Walt Disney an anti-Semite?

    04/08/2015 Duration: 09min

    It's "absolutely preposterous to call him anti-Semitic," says Disney composer Richard Sherman', who is Jewishand who composed, along withhis brother Robert, the score to Disney's Mary Poppins. Sherman was commenting on a new PBS American Experience documentary about Disney that will air in September.  We will speculate, during "Chuck Morse Speraks" a 15 minute broadcast-podcast hosted by veteran radio host Chuck Morse, on who started circulating this vicious lie and why.  

  • Selling Body Parts?

    01/08/2015 Duration: 14min

    Planned Parenthood has been exposed as a seller of the body parts of aborted fetuses, a practice they have apparantly been engaging in for decades and, according to the most recent revelations, has included entire fetuses intact. This raises the even more sinister question of whether Planned Parenthood has been trading in borm babies that were murdered after a botched abortion. Former Planned Parenthood employees have reported that killing the born baby has been standard practice at Planned Parenthood. Another practice has been to prevent the mother from seeing the ultra-sound, required to figure out the position of the fetus to as to carry out a more efficiant abortion, in case the mother bonds with her baby.

  • What would Reagan have done about Iran?

    29/07/2015 Duration: 15min

    President Obama is moving with break-neck speed to give a green light to Iran to build an Islamic nuclear bomb. Obama has even hinted that he plans to go forward with the treaty even if it is rejected by Congress which would be an unprecidented breach in the Constitution. But what would Ronald Reagan have done under the circumstances? We will explore this question in a fifteen minute radio broadcast. Past broadcasts: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/chuckmorse

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