Christ Covenant Church In Mesquite

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 123:17:01
  • More information



Redemptive-Historical preaching that points to and centers on the person and work of Jesus Christ from the Old and New Testaments.


  • Jesus the Eye-Opener - Mark 8:22-26

    31/12/1969 Duration: 45min

    A blind man cannot open his eyes and make them see no matter how much he wishes or how hard he tries or how much he works. Sight does not depend on the desire or effort of man, but on God who shows mercy. Only God can open the eyes of a blind man; and that is by divine grace not human works so that no one may boast.

  • Jesus the Christ - Mark 8:27-9:1

    31/12/1969 Duration: 47min

    Jesus began to teach them that it is necessary for the Son of Man to suffer much and to be rejected by the elders and the high priests and the scribes and to be killed and with three days to be raised up.

  • Jesus the Majestic Son - Mark 9:2-8

    31/12/1969 Duration: 37min

    Jesus is the Majestic Son of Man and the Beloved Son of God. When the dust settles and the clouds disappear and the stars fall from the sky Jesus will remain. Christ alone is all we will see—and that will be enough for us.

  • Jesus the Great Servant - Mark 9:33-41

    31/12/1969 Duration: 42min

    In this story we learn two gospel-shaped truths:(1) True greatness is found in serving others in Jesus’ name. (2) True graciousness is found in the truth and love of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Jesus the Watchman - Mark 9:42-48

    31/12/1969 Duration: 47min

    Like a watchman, Jesus stands at the crossroads of eternity, the intersection of our life and the life to come, and he warns us of the consequences of sin and the realities of Hell. From this text we can surmise five truths about Hell. Hell is a Place. Hell is for Punishment. Hell is Painful. Hell is Permanent. Hell is Personal.

  • Jesus on Divorce and Marriage - Mark 10:1-12

    31/12/1969 Duration: 55min

    Jesus encourages marriage and discourages divorce. Instead of looking for ways to help people get out of marriage, Jesus looks for ways to help them get in and stay in marriage.

  • Jesus Loves the Little Children - Mark 10:13-16

    31/12/1969 Duration: 49min

    Jesus loves our children even more than we do; and he knows what is right and good for them much better than we do. So let them come, and do not stop them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.

  • Jesus the True Rich Man - Mark 10:17-31

    31/12/1969 Duration: 49min

    Entering the kingdom is not just difficult for wealthy people, it is difficult for everyone. Entering the kingdom is not just difficult for man, it is impossible for man.

  • Jesus the Ransom - Mark 10:32-45

    31/12/1969 Duration: 37min

    Jesus went to the cross deliberately in order to serve God and give his life a ransom for many. What is the intent of the ransom? To release many sinners from exile. What is the extent of the ransom? To redeem the many.

  • Jesus the Son of David - Mark 10:46-52

    31/12/1969 Duration: 35min

    Jesus the Nazaren is the Son of David. What do you want him to do for you?

  • Jesus the Sovereign Lord - Mark 11:27-33

    31/12/1969 Duration: 32min

    This is a story about authority and the power struggle between Jesus and the Religious Leaders. Who has authority over the community, synagogue, and the temple? [Reformation Sunday]

  • Jesus the Cornerstone - Mark 12:1-12

    31/12/1969 Duration: 38min

    "The stone that the builders rejectedhas become the cornerstone;this was the Lord’s doing,and it is marvelous in our eyes."

  • Jesus the Taxman - Mark 12:13-17

    31/12/1969 Duration: 41min

    Give to Caesar whatever bears his image and inscription. Give to God whatever bears his image and inscription.

  • Jesus the Theologian / Life-Giver - Mark 12:18-27

    31/12/1969 Duration: 48min

    Our life circumstances seem to contradict the promise of resurrection. It’s enough to make us wonder if resurrection is even true and real? Maybe Sadducees are right. But if there is no resurrection, then what?

  • Jesus the Teacher - Mark 12:28-34

    31/12/1969 Duration: 52min

    Which commandment is first of all? Jesus answered him, “The first is: Hear Israel—the Lord is our God, the Lord only. And you shall love the Lord your God from you whole heart and from your whole soul and from your whole understanding and from your whole strength. The second: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” - Jesus

  • Jesus the Defender - Mark 12:38-44

    31/12/1969 Duration: 47min

    For super-religious folks (like the scribes) Jesus is a relentless prosecutor. But for cross-shaped folks (like the poor widow) Jesus is a compassionate defender.

  • Jesus the Revelator - Mark 13

    31/12/1969 Duration: 41min

    The language used here is super-apocalyptic. It is strange to our ears, but not as hard to understand as some might think. It’s really just a matter of getting your bearings straight and your compass pointed the right direction. That means centering on Christ.

  • Jesus the Anointed One - Mark 14:1-11

    31/12/1969 Duration: 47min

    "And while he was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he was reclining at table, a woman came with an alabaster flask of ointment of pure nard, very costly, and she broke the flask and poured it over his head." The question for us in this story is not, How can we be like that woman and give more? Rather, it is What does this story have to do with the gospel of Jesus Christ?

  • Communion: Jesus the Paschal Lamb

    31/12/1969 Duration: 07min

    Merry Christmas! The Lord Jesus Christ invites us to come eat and drink at his table. We do not come to make an offering to Christ, but to receive a gift from Christ. We do not come to hold a memorial for a dead man, but to celebrate the life of the God-man.

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