Visionary Souls With Sydney Campos



VISIONARY SOULS is a multi-dimensional experience unlike anything you've ever tuned into before. It's a storytelling platform and immersive, energetic activation that showcases the leading edge of visionary entrepreneurs, conscious creators and heart-centered leaders sharing their most intimate, authentic journeys of transformation and manifestation. Welcome to the new paradigm, co-created by visionary souls offering constant invitations to re-imagine the world as we've always dreamed of experiencing it, in its fullest expression of truly infinite possibility. Tune in to connect to your global visionary family and learn how to activate your life to embody your next-level happiness, joy, abundance, fulfillment and creativity. Plus, learn about how the world's leading visionaries alchemize their biggest obstacles, fears and shortcomings into their greatest gifts.


  • Ignite Your Purpose: Embody Your Soul, Live Your Vision

    21/08/2018 Duration: 01h05min

    "Making the unconscious as conscious as possible” speaks to me! I love how tangible that is.   Sydney Campos went from having no boundaries and finding herself in unconscious interactions, to becoming a leader, teaching and coaching many people who want to move forward in their lives. She grew fast in her field because she learned to ask for help and she learned to invest in herself.      In this interview you will learn:  What it takes to change your course and move in a new direction How to better care for and love yourself What to do when you are faced with unprocessed emotions Why cultivating rituals and imagination are important Why no one really is a victim

  • Ep. 32: Connor Beaton | Real (Man) Talk, Relationship Goals + Cultivating Pure Presence

    14/08/2018 Duration: 50min

    Connor Beaton is the founder of ManTalks, an international organization focused on men’s health, wellness, success, and fulfillment. Connor is also a speaker, podcast host, facilitator, and coach working with men and women from all over the world. Before founding ManTalks, Connor had a brief career as an opera singer and worked at Apple, leading high-performance sales and operations teams. Since founding ManTalks, Connor has spoken on stage at TEDx, taken ManTalks to over a dozen cities internationally and has been featured on platforms like Forbes, Influencive, HeForShe, The Good Men Project, UN Women, CBC, CBS, and the National Post.

  • Ep. 31: Nichole Sylvester | Oh Shift: Wake Up To Who You Really Are

    07/08/2018 Duration: 50min

    Nichole Sylvester is International Bestselling Author of OH SHIFT: A Journey from Chaos to Consciousness. She is also a Spiritual Success Coach and transformational speaker on a mission to guide people home, to themselves, to discover their innate power. Supporting thousands of people per year through her online programs, private coaching and retreats. Nichole resides in Los Angeles, California where she resides with her beloved daughter and their dog.

  • Ep. 30: Domanique Luna Blackwolf | Reclaim Your Divinity: Galactic Consciousness, Grid Work + Sacred Sex

    17/07/2018 Duration: 01h08min

    REvolutionary SistAR goddess jam for Visionary Souls Podcast with visionary AF medicine woman - sacred sensuality activator - grid worker - crystal magic maker - Domanique Luna Blackwolf, touching on SOUL much nourishing goodness: ** Womb healing and releasing body armor programmed from generational inheritance ** Healing the sacred feminine and masculine energies individually and collectively ** Cleansing and commitment to self-care, self-love, and truth ** Restoring sacred sexuality - unlocking life force creativity + true power ** How to work with crystalline grids and activate your body with crystal healing ** Reclaiming your body's sovereignty to access divine wisdom ** Sacred heart and divine union activations/alignment with SOUL - source ** Creating the modern temple within, so without AND SO MUCH MORE phew this was an EPIC much gratitude for this cosmic transmission!

  • Ep. 29: Kute Blackson | You.Are.The.One.: It's Time To Fly

    10/07/2018 Duration: 55min

    Kute Blackson is author of the national bestselling book You.Are.The.One. and is widely considered the next generation leader in the field of personal development by everyone ranging from Larry King, Jack Canfield, Marianne Williamson and more. He has been featured on Larry King Now, Fox and Friends, Dr. Drew and more. A charismatic visionary and transformational teacher, Kute Blackson offers a fresh, bold look at spiritual awareness for a whole new generation. Born in Ghana, West Africa, Kute's multicultural upbringing as the child of a Japanese mother and a Ghanaian father has spanned four different continents. His unique lineage lay the foundation for his approach to breaking down barriers and unlocking an individual's true gifts and greatness.  Kute quickly learned that the "outside-in" approach favored by so many in the personal development space had to become an inside-out approach. So he decided to create his own method—a process that liberates the individual and the true self at the core and then push

  • Ep. 28: Dijon Bowden | How To Be A Motherfucking Legend (By Being Yourself)

    05/07/2018 Duration: 51min

    Visionary Souls Podcast LIVE with Musician, Teacher, Storyteller, LIGHT LEADER Dijon Bowden on LIVING A LEGENDARY LIFE

  • Ep. 27: Sofia Sundari | Visionary Tantra + Liberation Into Orgasm

    26/06/2018 Duration: 48min

    Sofia Sundari is an international tantra teacher, bestselling author of the book Liberation into Orgasm, founder of the Priestess School, world leading authority in the Yoni Egg practice, and facilitator of courses on tantric & taoist sexuality. She helps people rediscover the innocence and sacredness of their sexuality, and start experiencing their open, unashamed eroticism as a portal to internal freedom. After leaving her law career, Sofia spent 5 years in Asia studying the secrets of Tantra and Taoism, and over a decade training in healing and spiritual modalities. She’s held over 20 worldwide trainings, developed three online courses on the subject of sacred sexuality and garners a strong online following of over 35,000 people. Sofia has been featured in Elephant Journal, Yoga Journal and on a number of Conscious Sexuality and Femininity summits and podcasts. Russian born, she can be found all over the globe, anywhere between Bali and Portugal. For press and media related inquiries, please contact i

  • The Empath Experience NYC Book Launch LIVE

    21/06/2018 Duration: 01h38min

    I'm so excited to share with you all today my 

  • Ep 26: Sarah Chappell | Waking Up To Heal Yourself

    20/06/2018 Duration: 48min

    Sarah M. Chappell is an intuitive counselor, herbalist, and teacher based in Asheville, North Carolina. Sarah's experiences with alcoholism, depression, and anxiety have led her to specialize in addiction and mental health. She draws on her study of tarot, flower and stone essences, herbal medicine, spiritwork, and reiki to help clients unravel their stories, create lasting shifts, and heal themselves. Sarah is the host of the podcast So You Wanna Be A Witch where she invites soul-centered entrepreneurs to explore the intersection of spirituality and business. Her work has appeared on Brit & Co, Unwritten, Daydreaming Wolves, and The Art of Living, and she has collaborated with Maha Rose, Space by Mama Medicine, apexart, Villagers, East Fork Pottery, and Everyday Magic, amongst others.

  • Ep 25: Kundan Chhabra | Decolonize + Decentralize Yourself To Remember Who You Are

    13/06/2018 Duration: 49min

    Kundan helps you simplify your business as a vehicle for creating that more beautiful free world that you had a glimpse of in your Awakening, mystical, psychedelic and flow experiences. He does this by helping you discover your Greatest Gift (your Unique Super Power) and Deepest Why that had been created out of your Greatest Longing. Your Greatest Longing that had been born and grown out of your Greatest Struggle the way diamonds and pearls are created. He then helps you embody your Remarkable Legacy in communion with exactly and only the people with whom you can create the optimum collaboration. Out of this service to the exact people whom you were born to serve, you experience the Deepest Spacious Fulfilling Intimacy with yourself, others and the world.

  • Ep 24: Naomi Ashcroft | Giving Yourself the Permission to Dream

    06/06/2018 Duration: 51min

    Naomi is empowered by and loves the healing power of authentic storytelling. Beginning her journey as Founder of Noir Media an award-winning film + TV production and PR media company producing award-winning films, TV, sold out coffee table book – Celebrating Every Woman, and doing PR for one Emmy award TV series.

  • Ep 23: Melissa Ambrosini | Mastering Your Mean Girl

    24/04/2018 Duration: 42min

    Melissa Ambrosini is the bestselling author of Mastering Your Mean Girl and Open Wide, host of the number one podcast The Melissa Ambrosini Show, a speaker and self-love teacher. In her signature straight-talking style, Melissa teaches women how to unlock their full potential, master their inner Mean Girl, smash through limiting beliefs, and ditch the self-doubt so that they can start living the life of their dreams. Named a 'self-help guru' by Elle Magazine her mission is to inspire women to create a heart-centred life one that’s wildly wealthy, fabulously healthy and bursting with love.

  • Ep 22: Brandilyn Tebo | Sourcing Love and Validation from Within

    17/04/2018 Duration: 44min

    Brandilyn Tebo is an acclaimed transformational coach, healing retreat host, author and inspirational speaker. Once a type-A perfectionist who struggled with anorexia, she knows firsthand how destructive we can be to ourselves when we are disconnected from our true purpose. Through years of inner work and deep meditation, coach trainings, and the study of eastern and western philosophies and mystical traditions, she learned how amazing life can be once you wipe away all false identification. She has traveled the world to teach empowering workshops in high schools, prisons, Fortune 500 companies and colleges. Today, she coaches clients on how to remove internal barriers to following their hearts, changing the world and being the fullest expression of themselves!

  • Ep21: Daniel Scranton | Becoming a Channel and Empowering Multi-Dimensionality

    11/04/2018 Duration: 59min

    Daniel has been a verbal channel since 2010. He has hundreds of live and online group events and private sessions with people all over the globe. The Creators, The Hathors, The Founders, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Ophelia the Faerie, Quan Yin, Yeshua, The Buddha, The Arcturian Council, The Zetas, The 9D Arcturian Council, are some of the entities who have contracted to work with Daniel in guiding us through the exciting and turbulent experiences we are having as a collective at this time of The Shift.

  • Ep20: Jason Digges | Consciousness Awakening and Intimacy

    04/04/2018 Duration: 57min

    Jason is a modern renaissance man: Equal parts artist, philosopher, teacher, and video producer. From 2003-2012 he worked for Ken Wilber and other clients to create thousands of hours of educational media on the topics of transpersonal psychology, spirituality, productivity, and personal growth. For the past 4 years he has been a trainer and facilitator for groups teaching conscious communication and authentic relating. He is the host of 'This Authentic Life Podcast" and is obsessed with how humans can live and relate optimally.

  • Ep19: Candace van Dell | Wake Up World: It's Time To Rise

    27/03/2018 Duration: 50min

    Candace is quickly becoming one of youtube’s most sought after thought leaders. Candace works as a Spiritual Coach offering her soul centered approach to healing. Candace believes that many of the negative symptoms and unwanted patterns we experience in our lives whether it be sabotage, illness, addiction, codependency, depression, anxiety are signs that we are OUT OF ALIGNMENT with who we truly are. Our society teaches us to align with external authorities, parental ideals, societal ideals and perfectionistic standards. When we do this we disconnect from our own wise guide inside. The key to living an abundant healthy life is to come back into our wholeness and reclaim our inner truth. Her philosophy is that we don't need to be fixed we just need to be healed. We do this by getting REAL about how we FEEL so that we can finally HEAL.  

  • Ep18: Emily Gallagher | 10x'ing, Conscious Boss-ing + Vulnerability

    20/03/2018 Duration: 50min

    Emily is the Creator & Founder of Conscious Boss, a conscious business that has worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs privately, through Emily’s group coaching programmes, and events. She is deeply committed to creating a Conscious Community for collaboration, connection, and empowerment.

  • Ep17: Jason Goldberg | Vaporizing the Victim + Playing Prosperously

    13/03/2018 Duration: 01h04min

    What does an award-winning entrepreneur, a TEDx Speaker, a bacon-atarian (thats a vegetarian who still eats bacon),a funky sock lover, a former rapper (who opened for the Wu-Tang Clan -YES, really!) and a previously 332lb man (who has since lost over 130lbs despite his affinity for bacon)have in common? They are all the same guy!Jason Goldberg (JG for short) is the King of Playful Sales, Success and Self-Leadership. He is a geek, turned entrepreneur, international speaker, Edu-tainer, creator of the 8-week, life-changing, joy-creating, business-transforming “Playful Prosperity”Program and author of the #1 International Best-Seller on SELF-Leadership: “Prison Break: Vanquish the Victim, Own Your Obstacles, and Lead Your Life." JG brings the Aha’s and the Haha’s to thousands of aspiring and inspiring leaders, entrepreneurs and groups every year to create the mindset and the skill set to become powerful Self-Leaders, be more prosperous, have more fun and create a bigger impact in the world!He has shared t

  • Ep16: Oren Harris | 5D Flow, Activating Trust + Creating Heaven On Earth

    08/03/2018 Duration: 54min

    Oren Harris is a Transformational coach, spiritual teacher, and a pioneer on the leading edge of human consciousness. His primary mission in life is creating Heaven on Earth, a place where people wake up to their true selves and live a limitless life of contribution and fulfillment. Oren is one of the worlds leading experts on "flow" the highly sought after, peak performance state of consciousness known for its inherent ease, power, grace, and next level performance. Oren helps high performing leaders, entrepreneurs, and creatives tap into the incredible power of flow and intuition to have a profound impact on the planet through the full expression of their souls gifts. Despite his impressive accolades and abilities, Oren's real super power is simply his love and presence which reminds people of who they really are and effortlessly draws the best out of them.

  • Ep15: Akara Sophia | Sacred Wealth, Mystery Schools + 5D Divinity

    06/03/2018 Duration: 01h08min

    Akara is a Magdalene Priestess, Tantric Wisdom Teacher and the creator of Sacred Wealth: a Mystery School, Healing modality, and spiritual path for noble leaders of the New paradigm.  After witnessing violent fraternity hazing rituals at an Ivy League college early in her adult life, Akara committed herself to healing the wounds of "Dominator Cultures" & re-awakening the archetype of the Noble Leader who honors the Feminine and All Life as Sacred.

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